Speed : 3.15
DPS : 18.69 in a small area and damage decreases in a radius around the epicenter —> within .4687 matrices of the target take full damage, units between .4687 and .7812 matrices of the target take 50% damage, and units between .7812 and 1.25 matrices from the target take 25% damage.
Siege speed : 2.89-3.24 s
Unsiege speed : 2.53-2.89 s
Heal Point : 175 HP
Price : 50 mineral / 100 gas + Hydralisk
Supply : 3
Range : 13
Friendly-Fire : Yes
Range close unit restriction : Yes
Armor : 1
Lurker stats :
Speed (off creep) : 4,54 with upgrade, 4.13 without upgrade
DPS : 14 in a line with no reduce damage
Burrow speed : 0.7 sec with upgrade, 2 sec without upgrade
Unburrow speed : 0.5 sec
Heal Point : 200 HP
Price : 150 mineral / 150 gas
Supply : 3
Range : 10 with upgrade, 8 without upgrade
Friendly-Fire : No
Range close unit restriction : No
Armor : 1
So basically : Lurker move faster, burrow and unborrow so much faster, damage more if he fight against a group of unit, are more tanky, tank bodyblock teamate unit when lurker don’t, tank friendly fire when ravager don’t and tank can’t fire on close enemy target but have less range
Do you think it’s ok ? I don’t think so
Looks like you found 2 units that are designed to be used 2 different ways that are utilized differently because of their strengths/weaknesses. Congratulations
My bad i don’t sleep since lot of hours. But, look nation wars Innovation vs Serral. Innovation play mecha and Serral play hydra lurker viper. Hydra and lurker should be counter by mecha but i didn’t see that on my screen.
Yeah you’re right lurker despite they need pool, lair, hydra den, lurker den, infest pit hive, two upgrades, cost more than tanks, are worst than the 13 range tank, that only need a barrack, a factory and a tech lab…
And what should be the counter to mech ? Ah I know, they shouldn’t be any counter…
Yeah we know, every zerg players are so skills it’s why they win last 4 GSL and WCS Worlds and HSC XX and carry nation wars and other pro players from other races are just unskill.
Imagine complaining about zerg’s siege unit that requires 2 hive tech upgrades just to have 3 less range than the tank, less dps, and higher gas cost. lol
Image Zerg had a unit that can grab so their lurker don’t care about have less range than tank. And even with no upgrade : lurker burrow and unburrow so much faster than tank and they have more dps against group unit.
Imagine terran had a unit to drain all the energy off a group of casters.
Imagine being so bad you can’t even comprehend the massive advantage the tank’s instant attack has over a projectile spine that takes 1.25 seconds to reach its max range of being 3 less than the tank, not to mention the fact that it’s entirely dodgeable. Having an instant attack is also why tanks overkill a lot less.