MrMonk please talk to us

Are you suggesting dead or dying people cannot be childish?


Imagine shooting the messenger.

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Guys, seriously. 63 posts in and we are still not talking what persons are most likely to be blizzard employees in disguise?

I have some suspicions and I can’t be the only one…can I?

Also if everyone can stop generalising the entire population that would be awesome.

Furthermore, I would really like a 3 monthly update on what’s happening in the background…
Are they working on a champion? Is the main focus on reworking some lacking commanders? Are we going to see a ton of new mutations? Will they balance out the brutal + mutations?
And I don’t even want to know deadlines, just what the team is focusing on would do wonders. And this also might help prevent heavy backlashes from the community…


Talking = backlash

They say they are working on something. It won’t be ready when people want it and may get scrapped altogether. No good can com from it unless they have something ready to go.

I think it’s @Drow. It’s always the least likely person and definitely and absolutely not the person who starts pointing fingers.


You got me!

(20 characters)

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Hmm… But if it’s you then it’d make so much sense, you’re just stealth testing ideas for a new patch!

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Like we… I mean Blizzard would even release a Karax rework like what I proposed. Although it would explain your natural evasion bonus against my game invites.

What about you, Drow, would you ever wanna play some together? Feels like we’ve been at odds but not really at odds since forever.

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Heh… I’ve been unable to even turn on my computer for the last few weeks.

Is that why your stats thread died? That was one if the best threads on here. Really interesting stuff.

Nah I stopped being able to post pictures. Been playing with forum style charts in my spare time. Might be able to start back up with that (though hoping I get back to trust 3 in the meantime)

How do you advance actually?

It’s in there, but it doesn’t really follow it very well. It’s weird and arcane, I dunno what changed for me for that matter.

I think I should be eligable to trust rank 3 then.

Easy way to tell, can you make a wiki post? It’d be the wrench icon at the bottom of your posts, near the heart.

I had that a while ago but not anymore. At least not on phone.

To be honest, face it, Blizzard barely cares about SC2 now. The stagnant communication and months between patches started long ago, and despite our numerous complaints, polite requests and outright begging, they’ve not changed this. In fact it got worse, no one on the team can be bothered to even talk to us now and they didn’t even bother with feedback before the last patch.

Now you might say “But Yattien, would YOU want to deal with this community when they can be pretty toxic regarding patches?” and my answer to that is no…but if it’s my job to represent the company, a company that survives on its fans, then I’d suck it up and do it.

I’m not saying you have to give up but to be honest, I have.


Does Coop even draw in any money anymore? I have a feeling they’d like it if people bought cosmetics, but many are dead set against anything that doesn’t provide any gameplay content. Otherwise, they’re left with $5 Commanders and $10 CO bundles. It seems like they’re keeping Coop alive b/c it doesn’t cost them that much more time, but anything beyond that (like new missions), those are put on hold for “bigger fish to fry”. AFAIK, any of their other projects seem to be bigger for their earnings… new WoW exp., WoW Classic, WC3 Reforged, Overwatch 2.

“If you build it, he will come.”

StarCraft 2 is by no means a dead end (not quoting you), there is plenty to work with while making a quick buck. It really just boils down to how much they care to put forth that effort.

As someone who is very active in the Co op YouTube community, CtG is right on the money. Blizz and Monk have handled these last couple of patches very poorly. Only a fool would think otherwise.