Im playing coop every day, i visit foruns every day, i understand that it takes time to develop new patchs, news commanders and new stages, but we are walking in the dark for a long time, people get bored, we are waiting for coop news, so please can you or someone from coop team say something about what can be expected in future? i think that if u talk about your plans with us players we will be calmed a bit knowing that good things are coming! communication is all! XD
I fully understand that we’re not getting anything substantial until blizzcon (if that), but us forum folk would appreciate even a “how’s life” from Monk and gang.
It’d be nice, but I don’t know if it’d be possible. They’re likely still under “gag orders” to not say anything. Wouldn’t want someone to get fired due to that, would you?
That said, even if he or someone were to comment, would it mean anything even if he/they came by and said “we have nothing new to report”?.
Eh, at the very least it’d let us know there’s still someone assigned to the mode. Radio silence has been the norm between updates, but as the game gets older the odds that silence will be because there’s no one on the other side gets that little big bigger. So it’s pretty natural people will get that little bit more antsy every time as well.
Granted, especially after the D:I debacle last year, it’s very possible there’s a gag order in place.
They could at least say that something is coming, that would be enough!
Don’t expect anything until BlizzCon which is a bit over 6 weeks away.
But even then, I have my expectations tempered given what happened last year.
Either a commander will happen at Blizzcon that i give 40% chance or nothing will announced , cause the development of COOP since 2018 is almost at a dead point.
The only thing you can be certain of is that Stukov will be even more nerfed and more of the fun and more of the uniqueness of the game will be removed. #MakeStukovGreatAgain
Not sure if anything happened to Monk, but his account in these new forums is called “Cydra” for whatever reason.
Monk isn’t Cydra. Cydra is a community manager who ported over some of Kevin’s (Monk’s) threads from the previous forum.
September through til Blizzcon is the usual quiet period for Blizz because they start prepping for the event around now, so I am not surprised by the silence.
Prior to that I don’t know, they may have had all hands on deck for WoW Classic or they are busy with WC3:R.
Lol true to his name, ye remains silent.
Maybe he’s meditating somewhere, seeking higher coop enlightenment
What are you even talking about? During patches his units were uped over and over again. Power for tanks, diamondbacks now land even bosses, they became cheaper and tougher, banshees got range bonus, libarators became comfortable to use, queens are now very strong and very fast. What are you whining about? Oh wait, I got it! You never ever built UNITS to notice that!
An inconvenient truth vs a comforting lie…
with BlizzCon coming up, my “money’s” on we’ll get news then. That said, if they really don’t have any news other than the same ol same ol, then saying they’ve got something when they don’t will just make things worse
Lol, I was doing brutal mutations with his mechs way before the latest so-called mech buff. While his queens are interesting now (though still illogical for Stukov to have them), his air is a niche comp and not relevant to most games, and his tanks/diamondbacks “buffs” are irrelevant. And the fact that diamondbacks are more exensive than tanks with lower health is also illogical. But at the end of the day, Stukov is supposed to be an infested commander, which means his main power should be the infested. And the bunker nerf, whether you like it or not, was an overkill.
Broodqueens infest terran CCs in SC1.
Opinion of a goldish.
And it is. He has 2 infested ground machines and 2 flying, 3 charges of infestation on top bar and infested calldown.
No it wasn’t. You still have your lazy unit for Simcity lovers.
Agreed on 3 things except for Bunkers.
Bunkers are serious downgrade these days.
Roll it back to 300 but with 5 supplies.
I know the bunker is for defence purposes but There was fun in making “unending wave” of infested army and now its barely there.
Also instead of having Psi Disruptor dictating all set points, Can’t we have all builings have their own set point?
Infested Db’s rule. Worth noting is that is that I-Dbs got a -25 gas reduction, so that puts them at being less of a gas hog vs. Tanks. With the exception of Void Launch* , I can get away with a large number of Dbs, in addition to his usual fare (Bunkerlisks, Turrets, Infested Civvies, and In. Rines from Rax).
Stukov still has infested. His ICC still generates Infested Civvies continuously, while you can always mass up Infested Marines from 2 to 4 Barracks. His Bunkerlist nerf was an overkill that I’m forced to agree with. It became too brainless.
*. Where Shuttles are immune to their Ensnare, and there tends to be a large air force to contend with. OTOH, Setting up Turrets is more viable on this Mission.
You guys need to play with barracks more. I get that it’s not as strong as old mass bunkers (because mass bunker was too strong before) but it’s still more than strong enough to solo brutal missions and it is still the same kind of fun as old mass bunkers or even more so if you ask me since it’s a bit more involved that just placing bunkers everywhere until you are maximum supply.
I’ve been playing Stukov a lot lately and I still don’t like his mech so I play barracks exclusively. You just have to make 4 or 5 bunkers that you can move around to camp spawning points and then 4~6 barracks as your main army.
For the psi disruptor thing remember that you can select a clump of infested and a move them toward a separate position. Repositioning the psi emitter will override that command but it’s not usually a problem since mass infested requires low APM to properly work so you can further micro the infested as much as your skill allows it.
Unending Wave infested army is achieved with ~2 Bunkers per Barracks.
Bunkers are less efficient per supply, Barracks are less efficient per minerals (so build enough Bunkers to use up the supply your Barracks don’t have the minerals to fill.
(and Infested DBs are really good especially with Karax, Kerrigan, or Stettman…and somewhat lesser Swann, Raynor, Abathur, Tychus)