Make shield batteries cost gas

It’s called legacy of the void for a reason :sunglasses: get with the program

The forest is cool looking.
It’s even better when they explode.
Protoss structure explosions are epic in sight and in sound.

The Kübler-Ross model, or the five stages of grief, postulates that those experiencing grief go through a series of five emotions:

  1. Denial.
  2. Anger.
  3. Bargaining.
  4. Depression.
  5. Acceptance.

With pleasure we see that those whinners have passes the first, second and third phase and are in full depression mode (combined with an amount of pure spite like the Aeligos post testifies).

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Make them cost gas? Nice try… You wish. I’m here to win games and save esports, like another well reputed person. Thus, hear me out. We make shield batteries cost REAL MONEY. Hard cold USD. None of that phony baloney crypto or currencies not dripping democracy and freedom.

Say, for every dollar you put into your account, you’re allowed to make 1 shield battery. You can’t make no more shield batteries? Sounds like it’s time to get your credit card out son.

That way, we still get to win games, and we get to make Blizz CEO a little happier, as instead of a 50 million check every year, he now gets to add a couple dollars to that, thus… he hates SC 2 a little less than the day before. If we play our cards right (pay for enough shield batteries), we might even get another year added of esports.

The equation is I just saved SC 2 esports, while keeping the game as balanced as ever (near perfect minus Terran being OP). You’re not welcome, but I did it anyways.


I have a 61% win rate against protoss tho. I’m not depressed, I’d just like to play macro games again. I don’t mind taking free cheese MMR until then tho.

What’s your “free cheese MMR” go to build? Always take a chance to scout/gather intel on the enemy. Only reason I’m on the forum. Like Nerffy the maphacker who was straight up with what he was doing. I’m here to pick your brain and decide whether I can beat that or not, thus to dodge you on ladder or not. This is how you become GM kids and stay GM. The truly honest way.

I have no qualms saying you’re well above my level of play and we would never play against each other, I’m only in Diamond 2.

But no, I’m not spilling my cheese and all-in bo’s even on an alt.

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Smart man. Far smarter than I. MMR before educating plebs that are only plebs because they don’t know what you know. Plus… always carry on in life as if Maxpax is watching, as if he were god, cause then your strat isn’t yours… and then everyone else is doing it, then everyone has practice against what was your secret sauce and bread and butter.

You’re only diamond 2 in a fleeting/transitory way, obviously. This man right here is Grandmaster 1 for 5 years running, in due time. It was an honor to hear from someone so much above my level in the future. Good day, smart and honorable sir.

Its funny because you don’t answer me after your first comment because you know you can’t keep up in an heated argument with me. Its like Ben Shapiro against some libs brainwashed

its dumb that 99% of the player base just doesn’t know how to play right? You realize I’m way better than you and I could probably beat you protoss in PvP too. So even if I’m twice as good as you, I still can’t beat it consistently so neither could you. If it affects 99% of the ladder and even pro lose to it, its not a L2P issue. A gold player can execute that build as well as Trap.

You know very well I filter you out after 1 reply. Sorry, but in literally every case so far, I am Ben Shapiro and you’re the brainwashed. You have a huge history of getting emotional when things don’t go your way. I wonder what that resembles? Don’t even try to deny it - everyone around here knows you get emotional when you lose an argument.

Anyway. Regarding your comment. This one?

Just refer back to this comment.

The gas cost scales so much. Do you wonder why Protoss players always go for zealot runbys rather than adepts even though adepts are only 25 gas more? It’s because they are 25 gas more per unit. The gas cost has a huge impact. If you put 25 gas on the shield battery, it will have that much more of an effect in all stages of the game. It’s a restrictive resource. I can’t believe I always have to explain myself like this to you.

Why don’t you learn to read and understand things the first time they come your way? How do you get to your skill level in the game and not understand any theory?

That exactly what I want. I want protoss to be impacted at every stage of the game because they are imba at every stage of the game. I got to my MMR because I have crisp micro and dead eye focus fire and top tier macro.

The main reason why protoss players do zealot run-by’s instead of adepts is because zealots are easier to a-move. When you a-move a bunch of adept into a base, they do nothing. If you a-move zealots into a base, they kill workers and can kill structures too. See? I don’t think you knew that one.

Finally, I never get emotional, if its not a little bit sad seeing how much you guys want easier wins at the cost of the game balance.

So you don’t want balance, you just want to delete the race. Got it. Clown logic as usual. Next thread…

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you literally didn’t dress any of my points. I think they are too strong at every stage of the game so they require nerfs at every stage of the game. YOU ARE SUCH A CLOWN, Jesus sometimes you annoy me. Such little understanding of a beautiful game. Like a monkey throwing manure at a wall and calling it a Picasso.

I actually don’t think I mind this nor really think it’s a bad idea. I actually lean towards liking it a lot. Anything that would cut down on the 1000 shield battery all-in builds that make the game look like a circus/dumb game… has to be a positive… It doesn’t even matter how good the build is honestly – it’s a bad look, regardless.

Worst case scenario, maybe 75 minerals and 25 gas. I feel like requiring gas could make holding cannon rushes harder for some, a build which totally needs to be made easier, not harder, to stop.

That said, I’m not a fan of seeing mass shield batteries. Just like I’m not a big fan of seeing mass spores or mass any static d, really. At a minimum, spamming them is probably too strong to not cost some amount of gas. And if you made them expensive enough… you could even explore giving them mobility. Like one can move a spore around…

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I didn’t apply salad dressing to any of your rotten vegetable points because I have lost interest in getting into another long winded “discussion” with you and all your personalities. You people just cry about how Protoss is broken nonstop - I hear it loud and clear. And I’ll say it again: you guys just want to delete the race. And it looks like you are getting very emotional again, so I’m just not going to respond to you anymore in this thread. Children should be treated as such.

If people want to truly add a gas price to shield battery in a truly balanced sense, they need to add it on all the other static defense as well. Bunkers 25 gas. Turrets 25 gas. Spines 25 gas. Spores 25 gas. Photon cannons 25 gas. This will put a stop to cannon rush, discourage void ray proxy, stop marine proxy builds, stop spine proxies, the list goes on. May as well remove salvage while we’re at it as a nice bonus, maybe even root capabilities as well.

If we are going down this path, we might as well hit everyone in the same way. We are already almost stuck in a one-strategy-per-race game. Might as well inch our way there. Just the same macro game every time for everyone.


I just think that’s how it goes. Kinda the saying of there is a right way and a wrong way to do things. But, when a game is new… no one knows how to play properly and even if they get the gist of how to play a macro game, they’re losing every game to the no talent huks of the world who all-in every game, cause it simply takes longer to figure out how to stop all-ins than it does to figure out how to execute 20 IQ “strategies.”

It’s just a natural progression thing. There’s only been one way to play P vs Z macro games for years. Same with P vs P. It’s just… no one ever tries anything/figures anything out on their own, so they were doing a lot of sub optimal builds and giving rise to the illusion of there ever being a choice.

Like in chess, a computer can tell you what the right move or wrong move was. There’s always going to be some amount of that, but I get what you’re saying with particular strategies reigning supreme.

Just like it’s hard to balance a game, it’s hard to make every strategy equal, thus the cream rises to the top eventually. The more games/years gone by, the more everything has been tried and tested, thus the discarding of what was trash but people were slow to understand, because they didn’t realize the better alternatives and etc.

I thought about your static d suggestion beforehand even if you’re just opening the can of worms/expressing the lunacy or w/e. It is a slippery slope. It’s like… what becomes a double standard/inconsistent and what not, and thus… either irritating or imbalanced or w/e. Where is the rhyme and reason, Playa!!?

It is a tricky one if there is a solution. I do believe there is a problem, though. At a minimum, it just adds to the hate that every Toss player has to endure… just because there’s these BLATANTLY obnoxious clown fiesta looking ways to play the game, which are incredibly popular… It’s almost like creating a drug for druggies. The society goes into ruins but… the druggies get their high. Is that utopia we were aiming for?

I literally couldn’t agree more with your second paragraph. Just add a gas cost so the early stupid cheeses from every race (including terran) aren’t viable and need to be changed for a more mid game version. How am I getting emotional, we literally agree on this.

This clown sounds like BatZ.
BatZ 5 minutes ago impudently declared: I am a Genius!

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Pvp most random pvt pvz predictable