Make shield batteries cost gas

25 gas cost should be fine to avoid shield battery forest. That would kill the disgusting proxy void abuses and make for a better game. Thank you blizz :pray:


L2p to deflect that cheese stop crying


Toss (90apm):
Gas -> Tec/ air unitsā€¦
redundant mineral: Worker/ SB/ cannon /next nexus ā€¦
zealot for harass (95 apm toss)


Another whine Tearan game killing thread. Special Type Of Whine, is that you?


No thoughts behind the repercussions of making static defense cost gas, long term and even short term. Just nerf nerf nerf Protoss into the ground. No objective balance, only the deletion of a race. Complete insanity and shortsighted thinking at its finest


Oh no i canĀ“t Proxy sbā€¦ Oh no i canĀ“t Turtle ā€¦
i mean that nerf hit casual toss more than pro lvl.

25 gas not that muchā€¦ remember 25/25 overlord speed or 75/75 and it was built early.

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Overlord speed and static defense are 2 completely different things. Get out of here with your faulty logic


if you think 25gas on sb kill a Tossā€¦ i think your logic is faulty.

so open the door and walk out in front of meā€¦ I follow and close it.


Its just to avoid Protoss spamming them. Or only 1-2 shield battery per pylon. That would work too although I prefer the heavier nerf to Protoss.

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Clowns that complain for SB should not be taken seriously. SB has suffered repeated nerffs during all itā€™s life (used to cost 75 minerals).
Those morons forget that SB over MSC is a huge economic hit the more SB you build. MSC was something that you had only one and by itself was able to deal 2500-2750 worth of active damage.
I am OK with giving a 25 gas upgrades to both SB and Cannons which would increase 50% their capacity (SB maximum energy 150 and Cannon +30% DPS).
But this gas-investment should be an upgrade applied on individual SB/Cannon on full discretion of the protoss player.

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Why are you so biased

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This doesnā€™t really make sense - all though I would love it too. Static defense cant cost gas. Turrets, Bunkers, Cannons Spore Crawlers, all cost gas only. To make SB cost gas messes with the ultra late game as well as the early game.

The way to fix the SB (which I agree is a broken structure) is to have the SB spawn with 0 energy.

In addition: you post a lot of posts begging to get Protoss nerfed, I used to do the same thing. But we have to realize that SCII is over 10 years old and wont get patched anymore.

Yes, Protoss is considerably stronger than the other races, but dont expect that to change. Realize you have a disadvantage when playing against Toss on the ladder and just do your best.

Its just a game after all.


That could be balanced only if was a Karax SB (builds instantly).

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On the updside, there are new ZvP and TvP cheeses every day. Iā€™m building up a diverse collection of cheese boā€™s against toss and seeing a lot more success (especially with Terran because worst case scenario I can force a draw). If Protoss wonā€™t be balanced, then bully them off the ladder with nothing but cheese every game.

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The lift off tearans are the worst. Only terran d-bags can get ties. Please kindly remove all the cancerous whine terrans from the ladder.

Terran whine cancer literally kills the game.


This poster is a bully and he is proud of it.

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ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ Donā€™t play protoss and you wonā€™t get cheesed. Why would I waste time going late game against the race thatā€™s advantaged in every single way in the late game? Get the XvP out of the way and move on to a fun and balanced matchup


The only thing more satisfying than beating a protoss with cheese is watching a Protoss cry in-game about how they lost all their workers and canā€™t kill my flying buildings. I will drink up Protoss anguish like a fine liqueur.

My favorite tie was against a Protoss that started killing their own units to hold-up the tie countdown. Sent me a dissertation on why it was b/s that I could force a tie when I ā€œlostā€. I alt-tabbed and played Factorio for half an hour while they cried.

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You are the only one whining but ur whining about terran whining

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If the game is a protoss fest then death is preferable. You do not leave a vegetable plugged in on life support. You do the harder thing, and pull the plug. Itā€™s a kindness. And with OPToss, thatā€™s all we have. A husk; a shell of a being.

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