"It doesn't mean you are smart" - Dr. Richard Haier

Kid you’ve never even tried. I once asked you if HDPI reacts with linoleac acid. You gave me a long winded response about how you can’t predict how it will react (literally antithetical to very purpose of chemistry). You then repeatedly violated the definition of “function group” until I linked you to the definition. I realized we were way beyond your understanding so I tried asking you about diluting acetic acid with water, and you, again, spewed a BS answer about how it’s not worth your time to even answer.

It could not be more clear that you have never opened a chemistry book in your life.

That’s exactly what you do. On your Cheezecake account you’re a professor of statistics. On your Mercurial account you’re a meteorologist. On this account you magically become a chemistry grad when you log in.

I know you’re just a roleplayer but what makes you mad is that you roleplay a genius while I actually am one.