[Main thread 03/29] Co-op Commanders Level set to 5

I am affected as well.
For multiple days already.
i was just getting back into coop.
I guess i will have to just stop playing.
Its probably for the best anyways, to spend less time in front of a screen…

Ah~ So it’s Blizzard that’s useless~ Mah bad~

I guess that’s a way to twist the situation to conveniently fit your narrative.

SC2 was retired over three years ago. Bliz doesn’t have to maintain it at all anymore. Thus, the fact that they do the periodic bandaid fixes are a favor, a favor done by personnel of the other active game franchises who set aside their own jobs and priorities to help SC2 when they can.

So yeah, def “Yah bad”

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they will repair this or not?

I have the same problem. Raynor, Kerrigan and Artanis are on level 5.

I hope so.

They have fixed it each time it’s appeared in the past. For whatever reason, it’s taking longer this time.

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Fixed …for now.

My 3 free commanders are back to level 15 again, and my mastery level = 88 is active and available again, on the EU server.

Who knows for how long it will stay fixed this time, but anyway:

Thank you Blizzard for at least doing something about this problem on my account.

Until next time… cheers !

Did Blizzard announce this ‘retirement’ thing 3 or so years ago? Because if they did, people wouldn’t be complaining that Blizzard should be fixing this. We’d just think ‘Oh~ Something just got busted in SC2 again and there’s nothing we can do about it since Blizzard already retired this game’~

Yes, they did.

And similarly to most big announcements in the game industy, several gaming media reprinted it. Meaning, it’s fairly easy for anyone to find with a web search, including you.

So, no, it’s not that people are complaining because it wasn’t announced, as you are attempting to assert. It’s because the vast majority don’t follow gaming media, many don’t even follow Blizzard.

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I paid for a character and now its reset to level 5, there should not be things for sale if they are not accessible, massive scam. if you retire the game, then retire the MTX, happy to continue to make money from it but not happy to maintain its basic functions.

Which commander, shooter? If it’s Raynor, Kerrigan or Artanis, they are free to play, so there was no sale, thus no scam.

Additionally, the reason MTXs stay active is because the vast, vast majority of them are unaffected by the bug, and those that are aren’t permanent.

My Raynor got capped at level 5. How to fix it or when will it be fixed? Not to beat a dead horse, but it is pretty scummy to sell commanders as MTX when such a crippling bug exists.

Raynor, Kerrigan and Artanis are F2P commanders.

DEHAKA is the commander i bought. what commander is irrelevant though. You cannot sell something that is inaccessible.

It’s absolutely relevant to the argument if the commander is free. That’s why I asked which one it was.

Otherwise, when it’s a paid commander, I agree that the underlying cause should be fixed. But I don’t agree that mTX should be stopped because of intermittent bugs. Never sell another Coop Commander again because some of them bug intermittently? Of course not.

I have this bug, I use to have high level but now they gone back to level 5

My Kerrigan is stuck at five, and I know she was 10 or 11, no prestiges yet. All my other commanders are fine as far as I can tell

hello please help fix my characters stuck at level 5

in my message i said i had paid for a character, that’s why you asking what one was irrelevant. no of course you don’t stop selling commanders ever again, that’s obviously not what I’m saying and I’m sure you know that, but keep twisting the situation i guess. there should attest be a warning that you may level your paid character but at a random point it may revert to level 5 and be locked there. With a warning like that, nobody will buy though.

There have been several players claiming to have paid for commanders, but when stating which, it was one of the free ones. Thus your post was one within several similar erroneous claims. So, clarification was needed, thus yes it was relevant, shooter.

Sorry, shooter, but “if you retire the game, retire the MTX” really can only be interpreted one way. No twisting necessary.

A disclaimer that bugs happen? That’s been a pervasive truth since the beginning of video games. As such, broad disclaimers already exist in the Battlenet EULA. Secondly, it’s not permanent. All levels and progress are restored when it’s fixed. If a commander was permanently locked, or progress permanently lost, you’d have a point, but neither are the case. So there’s no reason to “retire MXT” or place a disclaimer about the purchase.

I get it, your frustrated. But you still need to be rational when speaking publically. Others in the same boat as you who don’t know any better may take your words at truth, and that’s how rumors and misinformation get started.

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