[Main thread 03/29] Co-op Commanders Level set to 5

I am having this issue as well. All stuck at lvl 5 when my mastery is 50. I have done a “repair”, and rebooted machine but no dice. Affecting free Co-OP (Raynor, Kerrigan, Artanis), but paid characters are OK. This happens to my account every other month or so

The logic path in reporting an issue for level 5 commanders steers us to report a bug > report it in the forums.

This is a recurring bug. I’ve had it 4-5 times in the last year. It’s always the first 3 free ones up top - raynor, artanis, kerrigan. It happened again on 6/25/24 and is not resolved.

Question: When we get this issue, are we supposed to come here and report it, or is it something that will be fixed automatically and it’s best to just wait it out?

I am on P2 leveling for Raynor, trying to get his P3 done…so normally not a huge deal to me.

Thanks - GenghisAdun

Yep, this is the place to report it when it comes up.

It’s a problem on the server side, so there’s nothing the players can do. We just have to wait for it to be fixed. Historically it’s taken 7 to 14 days to fix.

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Stuck here at capped level 5 with Raynor, Kerrigan, and Artanis as well. Sucks to not be able to random my character select. Just throwing my hat in for the report.

can someone pls fix my coop commanders stuck at level 5

My starter free commanders is also stuck at 5

Question: Will there be an announcement if bug was fixed?

Not typically.

It just shows up as fixed in the game. Usually a few people stop by the threads thar they posted in to say it’s fixed. But that’s about all.

Thank you for the reply and the clarification. It is good to know it’s not abandoned. I am sort of disappointed that it keeps happening though. This is the 4th time for me. each time usually takes a few weeks to resolve.

Issue popped up on my account a couple days ago. Not sure how to resolve.

Purchased SC remastered and cartoon and bought the whole SC2 to be able to play, but now Raynor Co-op is capped at 5 when I had him at lvl15 already. please fix, scan and repair did not fix anything so this is from blizzard it self.

The problem is on the server side. So there’s nothing the players can do to resolve it.

My starter commanders are also stuck at level 5 and it has been months…

any way to fix this bug? I’m yesterday get at lvl 15 and I got reset at level 5 and I can’t level up, they say I need make a purchase or something.

Se my reply two posts above, Apolo.

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