[Main thread 03/29] Co-op Commanders Level set to 5

Hi, i have the same problem, Artanis in co-op cap at level 5.

+1 Same issue.

Reviewing the forums it looks like this first popped up 2 years ago and then was ‘fixed’. Now its back.

ive seen a guy having this problem since a year…so assume it that game is over

Here is the same bug. Three free commanders are capped at level 5.
At 04/18/2024 there will be a maintenance as announced. Will that fix this also?

Been playing Raynor, Kerrigan and Artanis at prestige 3 for a few years, since last week my commanders have all of a sudden become capped at level 5, I think this is a common problem and I have tried clearing the cache but no luck.

My free chars are stuck at level 5, how do we fix it




It happened to me previously and got fixed, but now it happened again w the same free commanders affected

same problem with everyone here it seems. I know it’s not life and death but it’s been going on for a week now and it’s so annoying. As a game dev myself, what are yall devs doing…

There are no SC2 developers. The game was retired over three years ago.

In order to fix issues when they appear, staff must be pulled from other franchise(s). However, those other devs have to work SC2 into their own set of priorities, which naturally is going to increase the time it takes to address any issue.

Historically, it’s taken 7 to 14 days to fix.

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Thanks for continuing to update us Levianthan. I’ve seen you help in communication from the previous time this had happened, so appreciate your commitment in doing so.

I can’t help but wonder then why this issue keeps coming back… Is there a global update that isn’t targeted for sc2 but that inevitably affect sc2?
Hope Blizzard can allocate some resources to fix the cause of this issue rather than patch it so in turn they can stop wasting other teams’ dev times on this when it recurs (unless this is like a 10 minute work for a dev person and the turnaround time is just lack of free dev personnel).

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I agree. Just fixing it at its root would be more economical in the long run.

There was a time when Bliz thought they figured it out,.which would allow them to fix it quickly when it popped up. But when it happened the next time, their fix didn’t work as expected, so they had to start investigating it again.

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Hey Leviathan, I have a question… If there are no SC2 Developers anymore, who is it that occasionally is doing these Balance Patches and such?

+1 Same issue, the same bug.

There is a group called the Balance Council that is doing the periodic balance updates. It’s comprised of pros and other pro-level players.

If I had to guess, there might be at least one or more old SC2 Bliz staff on it as well serving as reps, but I don’t know for sure.


My Raynor, Kerrigan, and Artanis are capped on level 5, but they were all on level 15 on the EU server. My EU account has Mastery = 85.

Me too, facing the same problem. Any fix can be done from our end or only bliz can fix?

thanks for being chill, hope ya have a good day :slight_smile: