[Main thread 03/29] Co-op Commanders Level set to 5

This is also happening to me on the Americas server

any idea when it may get fixed? and if it does get fixed, will we get our characters lvls back or will we be forced to restart the grind?

That’s how it always worked until now.

My free commanders also stuck at lvl 5 -_-

Just starting the game and happened to me too

Chiming in here to say it happened to my Artanis. Hope it gets fixed

happened to my artanis for the 2nd time this year after buying the full game in hopes this would not happen again, so annoyed! i just want to enjoy the game with my favourite commander… please fix this blizzard!!! level 63 back to a capped 5 is Just Not It!

Came here to post this is also affecting my account, free heros all stuck at 5.

How many times does this bug repeatedly appear???
What are your developers doing??? If you can’t do it, resign

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I had Reynor, Artanis and Kerrigan respectively at level (15,14 and 6) and suddenly they have all been lowered to level 5, they have been blocked and it won’t let me level up. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game, logging out and logging in with another region (as indicated in the FAQ) but nothing has worked.

Can you help me please?
Thank you so much

I don’t know when it will be fixed. Historically, it’s taken about a week or two from when reports first start to show up. The previous levels have always been restored once it is fixed.

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Just stopping by to say that I also have the same problem for the Raynor, Kerrigan and Artanis.

also happening to me with my Artanis… p3 stuck at lvl 5…

I am seeing the same issue with Raynor (was level 14, now level 5). Paid/purchased commanders appear OK.

I have the same problems, my commanders kerrigan, raynor and arthanis are level 5 and don’t level up

I have the same problem, my commanders artanis and raynor dont level up

Same issue here. Logged in to my Raynor commander back to level 5.
was 15, didnt activate the prestige.

when trying to play a game, it said raynor its capped at lvl 5.

on the other hand , my stukov, its ok , has its lvl 15, all the prestieges and the mastery lvl too.

Same, several commanders who were maxed are now level 5. Very frustrating. especially because some are purchased commanders.

The same for me, my Ray was in lvl13 and now is stuck at lvl5 and idk why when I play with my commander the game told me I need to pay for play. Someone found a solution for this problem?

J’ai le même problème, Raynor, Kerrigan et Artanis sont bloqués au niveau 5 et l’option d’achat n’est pas accessible non plus.
Les autres commandants que j’ai achetés n’ont pas ce problème.
J’ai essayé de réparer le jeu, sans résultat, je l’ai donc désinstallé puis réinstallé sans résultat non plus