Let's talk counter play for drilling claw drops

i still can’t believe a player as good as yourself does such whining, i could see it out of someone in bronze - diamond but you should be able to figure it out… i mean, all you have to do is make sure you see it before it happens and micro, i would say the fault is yours for not noticing, it’s not like it’s instant or anything, they also have to micro and hope you don’t actually notice…

Honestly this is ridiculous.
A guy complaining about the build that even Protoss in high Platinum know how to counter.

Its very old build actually.
Reaper-CC-Factory-Armory-Starport-Drilling Claws Upgrade-Medivac (ideally 4 WM), then move Factory on Reactor from Barraks, and continue making medivacs from starport and WM from Factory, take third, tech behind and pray that toss won’t kill you with counter attack, or counters your harass by one of the ways I described earlier.

Works especially well in current meta against Platinum Protoss players who forget to scout and turtle on 2 bases expecting your 2 base all in that everybody does.

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I usually agree with this train of thought but I see it so much even in gsl and other premier tournaments and it has such a high success rate. It’s insane. Maru literally won a code s off the back of it in S1.

Widow mine is one of the most BS units in the game imo. It’s cheap af and almost always pays for itself, often times in SPADES. And it requires so little attention paid to it. this is in both tvp and TvZ too

Mid to late game tvz widow mines exert such a high tax on the Zerg players attention and APM compare to Terran borderline set and forget.


Another Playa whine thread, how surprising.

Another thread where BeserkSword is agreeing with him blinding trying to convince everyone that he is a Terran player.


while i do hate the widow mine, it usually only does damage if you’re not paying attention, otherwise it’s very counter able.


Which is why Playa hates it, because he doesn’t pay attention.

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i mean i’ve lost my fair share of games to the widow mine but i’m not gonna make whine threads about it, those losses are my fault.


Drilling claws is 75/75

https:// liquipedia. net/starcraft2/Widow_Mine_(Legacy_of_the_Void)

Which is perfectly priced since all it does is revert the mine reveal nerf they got for early game.

Yes but the effort to reward ratio of widow mines is so insanely high that even stats dear Neeb parting etc get rekt.

Rogue and solar too and they are top 4 zvt players on the planet at worst



i’ve seen it when people are paying attention and the widow mines do almost nothing, there’s a huge difference there. it’s like the difference in having a zealot in your wall and not letting 20 lings in…

the damage can be game ending, or non existent.


Ok but it does damage the vast majority of the time. That’s why they are spammed

It’s effectiveness is not proportionate to its cost (resource cost, opportunity cost, APM/attention cost)

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It does friendly fire too you know.

Ok but how is this relevant lol

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There’s an argument to be made that it either should be not easily repeatable (like making it a bigger investment) or making the response window slightly longer (like 1 second or maybe even less). There are not many things that can lose you the game from just 2 seconds of not noticing something on the minimap. widowmine drops is one of those. I personally preffered to have less of these, and truthfully I say this mainly as a spectator because seeing amazing players lose a game from such a short moment of misdirected attention is really frustrating.


There are a ton of things in SC2 that can.

Who are you really on your main account?

Oh. I mostly seen and followed the Maru/Inno drops, no upgrade. Yes it makes no sense being good because it would cost not having actual units and a protoss who just handles that will A move into your natural

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That gsl dear vs maru game on year zero says it all. Dear was the best PvT player in the world at the time, and had the correct counter to widow mine drops. He completely thwarted several of Marus drops but all maru needed was one success and then he won the game despite wasting so much on failed attempts.

The cost vs effectiveness ratio of widow mines is insanely high. It’s not even funny.

Then you see guys like fantasy winning late game against ultra builds with low tech bio mine because widow mines can get double digit kill counts like nothing.


Why would I give you my main account if all youre gonna do is make fun of me being stuck at diamond and use this as ammunition against anything and everything I have to say. What about your “GM with every race” account on the korean server? Are you going to reveal this account anytime soon?

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I think the drilling claw widowmines are only borderline OP when combined with a boosted medivac. It just happens so fast, you either have to have enough units in place to one-shot the medivac before the mines drop or you move your workers which could also end up with big losses if the Terran micros a bit harder. As I said I think putting the Burrow on a 1 second CD from the moment a mine is unloaded from the medivac would give the additional window which would make this fair imho.


Why would I make fun of you for being in Diamond?.

Where did I say that it was one account on the KR server?. I got GM with each race on 3 separate accounts. SC2 came out in 2010, it took me 2-3 years per race to get GM with each race. I’m not currently GM on any account.