Let's talk counter play for drilling claw drops

At least this complaint is reasonable though I’ll give you that. You must hate berrycrunch.

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100% agreed. WIdow Mines in TvP are obnoxious. This is party because Protoss detection is expensive and moderately far up a tech tree, part that the Widow Mine has too much health and partly because of that dumbass +shield damage tag they have.

The unit is fine in TvZ but in TvP it’s a cheesy, low skill, nigh free win button. ANd I say that as a random player who can, will and has done widow mine drops while leaving one hidden on the back of a mineral patch, placed perfectly to kill 16 probes as they’re pulled back to mine minerals.

I think that the Widow Mine is one of the last vestiges left by David Kim; the man who nearly ruined StarCraft 2 with bad ideas (HotS SH, HotS Ravens, LotV Tankivacs, etc) and as such it needs a revamp. Keep it for TvZ but find a way to stop it from being blatantly overpowered in TvP.


Terran cannot function without the Viking, especially if Protoss had the Viking instead…


This guy is such a whiner… a 100% avilo as Protoss. Didn’t you say you cant micro, TYPICAL PROTOSS

WM is part of the game, losing probes to it is part of TvP as much as having DTs ruin the game or Zealot warps. It is easier to do but instead of many other things that Protoss does easier.

This is such a low league whine but no wonder… there are just Protoss who did go high with some patch or period of Protoss cheapness and now they are too dumb to solve Platinum level issues.

From what you say you just what make a ball of units surround the mine and POOF! Seriously you are an example of a no brainer protoss who got where he doesnt belong.

Is there anyone in this forum from the 'GM’s that is an actually good player or only good for forum noobs? Batz complains whhy Terran OP in 5 hours a week you complain about Drilling Claws oO Thats not even EARLY game due to which they nerfed Mine to be visible because of Protoss early detection.

I can imagine players like you will lose to M2 terrans because (terran is easier)

Or this whole whine is a Terran whine parody mascarade

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Its fine to argue that widowmine drops are not too overpowered and as such are not a substantial balance issue (which honestly I can understand) but you’re acting like game-ending widowmine drops don’t happen in almost every season of GSL to the best Protoss players in the world. So do Zealot warp-ins and Nydus spamming and many other annoying strats that people face on ladder. Some strats are as good in bronze league as they are in proffesional matches. Pros are not celestial beings.

You know what my takeaway from your post is? That you’re happy to throw shade without actually making a valid argument.

That in itself is a huge indicator that you should not be taken seriously. Each argument should be based on it’s merit, not some dumb knee-jerk preconceived notion.


If the game is going to be for laughs rather than attempting to be balanced, how about giving the scv an “ebola ability?” For 75/75 you could research an upgrade that lets you activate ebola on a scv.

If a Terran dropped a scv in your base, everything in its vicinity would become infected and will die within a minute. Any infected units have to make sure they stay away from units yet to be effected, or the ebola just continues to spread until it kills everything Toss has.

Maybe a dumb idea. I was just trying to think of things more balanced than the current widow mine upgrade, though. But, this is Terran we’re talking about here. The chosen race that god himself plays, thus… probably not a good enough ability for such an expensive unit.

After all, the scv is only 25/25 less than a widow mine. The scv should clearly be more dangerous than the tempest. Some might say it already is. Yeah, probably…

Zerg gets infested Terrans. Terran gets infested scvs. Toss gets to die to infested things. How the game was truly designed to be played.

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God doesn’t play Terran. It’s too mechanically demanding /s


Which is why I said… it is part of the game. I also do WM drops but some just stop it with good scouting, stalkers everywhere or some cannon. There are games where it cant do any damage at all (speaking about early). He talks about Drilling Claws… yes that’s a good idea to drop late games but late game he can do 1 casual cannon just for that?

Valid argument? For a late game WM drop after drilling claws? To Playa? Who is basically avilo in Protoss skin? Do you actually need to make a civil discussion with avilo? The guy proved that he doesn’t actually want to use the brain when he plays, I read completely illogical things to whine about that i won’t see from M or Diam Protoss.

God probably hasn’t answered anyone’s prayers cause he’s too busy trying to master Terran. He’s probably the biggest rager on the forums. Poser calls himself perfect, yet is prob stuck in Silver league 2, simply due to Terran being too hard to play and obv UP.

This game is balanced like they fear god’s wrath, that’s for sure.

My thing with any type of harass is, once you have to think “hey… am I better off if I just don’t even try to do anything,” then something is wrong. That’s how it is with the widow mine upgrade. It’s like… if I’m screwed either way… may as well not even pay it any mind.

On the other hand, when it comes to the oracle in T vs P, it’s like… why even bother? Seen hallucinations pose bigger threats.

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Playa just makes hyperbole for giggles. Avilo’s IQ is smaller than his belt size. Let’s not compare the 2.

Even without Drilling Claws Widow Mines are broken in TvP. Early on you can’t kill them before they burrow, they force probe pulls (or you nearly auto lose), etc.

Why? Because they have that broken +shield damage tag. I get that it was needed back when Oracles didn’t suck as even 1 Oracle was a major threat to mineral lines…but now? Not needed. Oracles have been nerfed and nerfed and nerfed. Now they’re just not very good at harass.

As for Chargelots? Terran have Liberators, Tanks, Stim Marines, EMP, etc. All of which when comined with a WIdow Mine that doesn’t have +shield damage will still net massive advantage.

So why do Widow Mines still have +shield damage? At best it’s very bad and lazy design…at best.


“If it is capable of beating mass void ray, it is OP.” - Playa, 5.6k mmr GM.

Well, a few patches ago God played Protoss but Blizzard nerfed Protoss so hard that even God couldn’t win games. So now God is a patch Terran. Hence the Silver 2…


They can UNDO faster invisibility after Drilling Claws, I won’t care,. A mover protoss will still whine. Playa will still QQ about the same

Yes if you’re bad player. I’ve had games in which the player clumps the probes and yes he loses a lot. I’ve had players who know what im doing and the drop does very little damage.

Some say 'in pro games WM always does game ending damage? ’ Show me these FREQUENT games. Most of the times have to satisfy with killing 1 to few probes.


This account is 20-2, with top 80 GM MMR and both losses are to Terran. I think one was to a 4.7 guy.

I don’t know what this guy is talking about complaining about late game widow mine drops. No one even mine drops in the late game, as liberators are obviously the preferred ez mode harass option of the mid-late game.

Matchup is just a freaking joke all-around. The other day, I said I thought it was imbalanced/unfair that an oracle can kill 2 or so workers, even when Zerg has a queen and a spore there.

The widow mine upgrade is 1000000x more unfair than that scenario. I thought the oracle was pushing the limits vs Zerg. This Terran thing is just funny.

Gotta play vs harass that always does massive damage, no matter what you do. Gotta play against mass siege tanks on the ground, while mass flying siege tanks fly above them. Gotta watch a flying tank be a way better harass option than anything Toss has, while owning every unit for half the price. Being reactorable just for extra luls.

Gotta watch an entire Toss army, near max, struggle sooooooooooooo hard to even kill a planetary. Lmao. It’s hilarious that some people lose this mu.

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This is exactly what I meant by not addressing points. Your go to argument is “Pros don;t do it often therefore it’s not good” and “A move Protoss blah blah blah”.

Pros don;t do a lot of smart things because a lot of pros are super arrogant and frankly…some of them are a bit dumb.

So tricks like a Widow Mine drop, forcing a probe pull, then loading your Widow Mines up but dropping one again+placing it by the mineral patch EVERYONE including pros rallies probes to after defending is kinda rare despite ending games immediately.

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And you complain that you are 90% instead of 100% or what?

Wait new build? Fast drilling claws for early drops? I’ve never seen it in any pro matches, must be “Terran maxmax” build

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If every game was played vs Terran, I’d be around 0-22. I kid you not. I was even practicing against the computer AI the other day in P vs T, because what difference does it make? Even the Terran comp on easy is probably higher rated on aligulac than Neeb and Stats.

What gets me is, after they nerf the zealot, can you imagine what these guys will think of next to complain about? That’s what I’m waiting for. These guys are all sit down comics of the highest tier.

Yo, how is the cyclone going to kill my main nexus with only 15 range? They need to look into that.

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You are whining about every unit and eveery aspect of TvP… maybe it’s just you. When there’s a common issue it will be recognized by others


Toss hasn’t led a single period in LotV. They only have 1 guy who is ever in top 10. Can’t win a tournament, even when people are probably trying to throw games for gambling.

What problems have they realized? The infestor is good? Yeah, no s. Toss has been the whipping boy race for so long that these guys don’t even understand what fair is anymore. They think being a slave is living the high life.

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