Let's talk counter play for drilling claw drops

Beasty has a game on his channel where he faces drilling claws drops and loses 3 probes. No counterplay Playa?

He has a game on his channel, meaning he won/did well, and he still lost workers? I never kill a single scv when someone knows I have an oracle. If counter play is not being cost effective and losing workers while probably also losing mining time… please don’t delete this thread as it’s as pertinent as ever.

If we want to go that route, though, I have lots of games on my channel where I beat infestor, broodlord. In fact, I rarely lose to it. Hmm…

If beasty can do it with his offrace why can’t you with your main race? Yes you’re gonna lose mining time but would you rather lose your mineral line?

That’s absolutely stupid logic.

  1. Beasty was trying to main Protoss while I wasn’t even playing SC 2.
  2. He’s random now. If a guy who plays both sides of a matchup can’t easily deal with something, who can?
  3. If anytime I make an observer, you can refrain from losing all your scvs by taking them off mining, so you shouldn’t have anything to complain about. That’s what you just said to me. What level is that dumb?

I’m just trying to wind you up for that batz level of saltposting. <3

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You actually made me bring up the irony/crux of the matter, though. If a guy scans, that’s an opportunity cost of what, 225 minerals or so to kill 75 gas and 25 minerals.

The observer was nerfed because, apparently, nothing was more appalling and inexcusable than scanning yet still failing to kill the observer. You know, what observer is worth 500 minerals?

Yet… it’s perfectly cool for my response to need to be to pull all of my workers off mining anytime someone makes a 75/25 unit. So, I have this opportunity cost of who knows how many minerals, as I can no longer mine, and then… the mine still kills all of my probes.

If only it were possible for the widow mine with drilling claws to simply get away. I can’t express how balanced this feels. Totally not frustrating at all. Where did they find this balance team man?

If you lost 12 probes, you lost 600 minerals. If you also had to take probes off mining… you obviously lost a lot more than even that. You’re trying to defend the freaking cost of some observers. It’s insane.

Here’s a neat thing you could try (keep in mind im a noob, theorycrafting!) you’ll have a sentry and you’ll most likely scout that it’s drilling claws coming at you. Why not halluc some probes and trigger the mines with those?

Widow mines with drilling claws instantly freaking burrow. That’s the problem. There’s nothing you can do. If they can get a medivac over your probes, you’re going to lose all of your probes. There’s nothing you can do at that point. It’s bat s crazy.

The drilling claws upgrade is so OP that, honestly, your best defense is to be oblivious and not even bother and just hope the mines go off on probes that just entered an assimilator. Your best defense is getting lucky, which is why it infuriates me to no end.

Like I said before, this interaction has as much counter play as the INVINCIBLE NYDUS had. I’m sure even then, some clowns would say “hey man… just build a pylon prison around the nydus that spawned in your base 2 minutes into the game.” Sometimes… you just gotta say yeah… that’s broken. How about we actually make it less broken. Not much else to say.

Even if you used a hallucination to set off a mine, by the way, if it has drilling claws… it’s still invisible. At the end of the day, you still have to kill it with units and have detection. Personally, I don’t want to make a sentry vs Terran. It’s like gifting 100 gas to my opponent, while also slowing down my tech. It’s like here’s 100 gas and 1 less colossus. Makes me sick to even think about it.

That’s a bold move. Even Stats makes a sentry.
But how do you open if you don’t have detection? Blink everytime? Slap down a stargate and meme on the medivac before it even reaches your base! I believe in you!

I open robo first, even before nexus, and send an obs to guy’s base. That would be why I made this thread, as I’m never surprised by this drop, yet… I’m fully aware of how little of a chance there is to stop it.

Play some games with a stargate. Pheonix imba!

I make every tech… I also have a stargate and a phoenix lol.

Most Toss players have zero minimap awareness and are absolutely oblivious. If these guys weren’t so bad, they would realize how broken it is. Also infuriating.

So you just answered yourself. When it comes to avoiding damage vs widow mines you watch your minimap. You react instantly and the widow mine shot always nearly duds. For all intents and purposes the widow mine simply has
shooting limit (around once per 40s).

No I didn’t. Try reading the thread sometime. The shuttle didn’t have warp drive. There wasn’t a freaking space shuttle delivering the reaver around. The widow mine is as fast as the medivac and it instantly freaking burrows. There is NO COUNTER PLAY. There is only death and funerals to attend. Period.

You probably think you didn’t but you actually did. You just don’t want to admit your own mistakes.

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While that’s probably part of it as Playa makes hyperbole he’s also kinda right here. Widow Mines in general are like the current Protoss chargelot x100.

Eventually, regardless of your execution, you will slip up and that shift click drop is going to kill 16+probes. With Drilling Claws, it gets even more obnoxious.

Widow Mines need a nerf because they’re too easy to use and too high value in TvP. Take away the shield damage for starters. That would make it much more fair in TvP.

Absolutely zero hyperbole in this thread. I play Toss as if I’m still playing Terran in BW, where a single reaver scarab can end the game. I learned to always watch the mini map a long time ago. I use the camera hotkeys. If there’s anything I’m better at than even pro Toss players, it’s simply mini map awareness.

That’s part of why I’ve made this thread. I’m reacting better/faster than every other player, and I’m still getting creamed. Where other players are blaming themselves because they only became aware of the fact a guy dropped a widow mine due to deduction of realizing they had no more workers, I’m reacting as fast as humanly possibly, and it doesn’t matter.

It peeves me off to no end that a guy reacting instantly, me, is no better off than the guy who is busy watching anime as he plays SC 2.

It’s worse than the above, too, though. As I said, I was opening robo before nexus. Fastest possible obs to guys base. Not only do I know when the drop is coming, but I also had phoenixes shooting the medivac before it’s even at my base. Then, to drop on top of a cannon and colossi and still kill nearly every worker?

Then… when you run with every worker the guy just drops a mine on top of them and you lose them all. You can’t have a medivac that can travel 10000x faster than a probe and have a mine that instantly burrows. I’d have to imagine the monkeys are smart enough to realize that’s broken.

It would be as if you could just fly a phoenix over a scv and it would just kill an entire mineral line, and it took 5 mine shots to kill a phoenix. What do you want me to do? Base trade any time someone goes for a widow mine drop?

As I said before, if other Toss players weren’t as bad and were actually “better” at dealing with drops, they would realize how broken it is. Unfortunately, given how bad they are… they will never be able to understand this.

The hyperbole here is only to help those who couldn’t grasp the situation before.

Yeah, I know Widow Mines are basically ez mode for Terran in TvP with Drilling Claws. Specifically with mines burrowing offensively and with constant drops.

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Thank you for the WoL vibes.

Reminds me of all the colossus jokes from sour terrans.

“A Colossus walks into a bar… There is no counter.”

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I see what Playa is whinging about now. Drilling claws enables some very low skill, very imbalanced offensive mine burrows.

Had some Terran scrub abuse drilling claws vs me last game. When a cluster of 8 WM run up and burrow, you have to run and running means dying. Or you can stay and die even worse.

Absolutely absurd upgrade. It shouldn’t make WMs burrow faster. It should just make them invisible.

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