Known Issues List - 5.0.5 - 12/02/2020

UI and Online


  • Voice Chat - Voice chat is not working when enabled.

Custom Games

  • The premium game variants do not have a distinctive color in the when observed in the Map Info screen and Arcade Lobby.

  • Custom Game search is displaying both the name of the most popular map and mod pair instead of just the map.

GameHeart Mod

  • Protoss: Some upgrades are not visible when using the GameHeart Mod.

  • Terran: GameHeart upgrade notification name is incorrect for certain upgrades.


  • Players cannot join Replays through the Friends List.


  • Briefly disconnecting from a Multiplayer game drops player rather than reconnecting.

  • The Ranked league placement splash screen is not playing when initially placing into a league.

  • Your clan decal will display in-game while you are in a party, even if you have it disabled.

  • Clicking the middle mouse button while moving the mouse simultaneously can cause the mouse cursor to snap to the center of the screen.

Game Content

  • Unearned skin model previews appear translucent on Low graphics settings.

  • Turning off a wireless USB sound device can cause co-op missions to be unable to progress.

  • The minimap icon for Void Rifts changes size depending on Texture Graphics settings.

  • Completing the Void Campaign sometimes does not unlock the Epilogue missions. Some workarounds are available.

  • Co-Op - Abathur: Clean up issue is occurring with the Ravager’s cocoons.


  • It is possible for maps to fail publishing when they are published for the first time.


  • New – The mouse scroll is disabled when attempting to turn the camera

  • The Terrain Change to Player # hotkeys are not working properly on the Mac SC2 Editor. Work around: if you add a Modifier to the “Terrain Change to Player” hotkeys, it will then work on the Mac (PC didn’t have the issue.) You are able to add “option” as a modifier to the 1-0 and the “-” keys, and it will not cause additional conflicts.

  • Performance issues may occur on Macs with OpenGL enabled when loading maps or assets for the first time. This includes longer than expected load times and possibly framerate drops while in-game.

Issues that Should Be Resolved

  • New – Collections: Spray notification text will show a blue placeholder icon
  • New – CO-OP - Zagara - Zargara’s Masteries are not properly retained, when entering a second mission.
  • New – CO-OP Prestige - Prestige dialog remains active after disconnecting.
  • New – Terran - Classic Mech: A typo appears in the description of the enemy composition.
  • New – Terran - Classic Infantry: A typo appears in the description of the enemy composition.
  • New – If you load a saved game, then beat it and replay the mission, you are no longer able to save.
  • New – Co-Op - Party leaders are unable to retry Brutal+ games if they are disconnected during the loading screen.

sweet, thanks Blizz!

Still no acknowledgement of Han’s bugged death mastery?

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… and pertaining to the 10th Anniversary achievements:

1 . The Quick and the Dead - Despite the 5.0.3 patch notes saying the achievement’s wording was changed to make it more clear, it wasn’t.
2. The way of the Nerazim - The German translation of the achievement’s text is missing a key condition: must be done with Dark Templar.
3. The Great Purge - Despite the 5.0.3 patch notes saying the achievement was changed to be awarded during the mission, it is still awarded at the end of the mission.
4. Full Coverage - Despite the 5.0.3 patch notes saying the achievement was changed to be awarded during the mission, it is still awarded at the end of the mission.
5. I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Shoot Up - Creating non-Probe/Colossus units from a warp-converted structure (Warpgate, Warp Robotics Facility, Warp Stargate) doesn’t fail the achievement. It should be failing it.
6. Expert Phase-Smith, Perfect Templar - The achievement only states completing the mission without losing a “unit”. However, losing structures fails achievement.
7. Hidden Victory - Similar to I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Shoot Up (#5 above): Warping in non-probes/non-DT’s from the SoA’s Warp in Reinforcements ability does not fail the achievement. It should be failing it.


Even in the latest 5.0.5 patch the H&H improved death effect bonus mastery is still not working at all.

Huge shame that blizzard has not fixed this bug, it affects all H&H variants (default and all prestiges).

Do you guys mainly focus on Coop, or do you still pay attention to the editor bugs?

Unfortunately, I’m just a regular player (not an employee) so I don’t have much insight into what the QA team/developers are still doing with SC2 in terms of bugs.

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Hey Blizz, You can’t set a rally point with the scourge nest while it’s under construction with Zagara’s Prestige 1 ,Scourge Queen, active.

You should really be able to, since you can do that with the Baneling nest. However, you can set it after it’s completed building.

I prefer to set the rally point while it’s being built, that way I don’t have to remember to do it when it’s done building.

When you select a map, then move the list where you can’t see the selected map, and hit OK, it won’t change. Also, when you go back into the map selection, it’ll act like you did change it, and have the map’s, that you “chose”, description.

I should get these before they’re fixed, lol!

There’s also still an issue with Vorazun’s Withering Siphon: I am using Vorazon Prestige 2, Withering Siphon on Co-Op. On the Oblivion Express Map, I can cast Void Stasis on the trains iff I’m using Shadow Guard. Normal Dark Templar cannot cast Void Stasis on the trains, giving the error message that it cannot target heroic units. However, the prestige description explicitly says that Void Stasis is supposed to be able to target heroic units. (See also [coop] Vorazun p2 Withering Siphon void stasis on heroic units)

Hey Blizz, I finally unlocked Zagara’s P3! However, Zagara doesn’t get frenzied when you use ‘Mass Frenzy’…especially when it explicitly states “Mass frenzy will only effect Zagara and her summoned units” Mass Frenzy does work with her Hunter Killers and Roaches, not herself though…just wanted to put this on this specific thread.

Also, why isn’t there a thread for Known Issues for patch 5.0.6, because it wasn’t really a patch-- no patch notes? …Just curious…

As far as I’ve heard, 5.0.6 was just the code for the 30th Anniversary items.

ohh, thanks for the info.

Known bugs not on this list:

  • Viewing someone’s profile in game does not correctly load achievements. They are blanked out or zeroed.

  • Friend’s list bugs - I have 20-25+ friend list requests. Trying to click the “accept” does not work and it bugs out. If I try to add others, it also bugs out at times.

Can you please fix?