Known Issues List - 5.0.3 - 8/24/2020

I see…

Regardless, the fact that there is zero transparency is all the more proof of how little they actually care. I know I am being all doom and gloom, but it hit me at a bad time and I was oblivious at just how bad the recent patches have been as I was only playing Co-Op Commander mode for ages until they broke Zagara and I couldn’t even get a game as anyone else and tried the campaign…and then that happened… Came to forums to be greeted with an incompetent $h!t$how on Blizzard’s part and a frankly unreasonable amount of problems that they have left ignored.

Sorry. I’m just defeated and tired…

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I can certainly attest that it isn’t fun at all to wait a long time for something to be fixed, only for more issues to join it. It has not been much fun for me to see my list above grow and grow.

It really can begin to feel like you’re not being heard, although I don’t know enough about the situation with the devs to presume exactly why these issues have persisted. But it’s been very frustrating for me, knowing that several of these issues would take a matter of seconds to fix.

Somehow I suspect that these issues do get read, but then get filed away with the other “low-priority” issues and forgotten about. That’s why I wish there was more transparency. At the very least I’d like to see a more comprehensive, public list of acknowledged bugs, which would create more of an obligation to fix issues like the ones I‘ve pointed out.

But there are several instances I remember where bugs I reported did get fixed. A long time ago, I reported an issue with Zagara’s Bile Launchers where they weren’t bleeding properly at low health, and they fixed that in a future patch. I also reported that you couldn’t change the player console skin in the editor using triggers (a functionality that is currently broken, but it’s the thought that counts). And they eventually implemented that after many months, although it’d be arrogant for me to think I was solely responsible. Maybe they’d already been planning to add that, or someone on the inside brought it to their attention.

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Supplicants are currently missing the additional warp-in effect introduced with Legacy of the Void. It’s because the actor for the effect isn’t tied to the specialized Supplicant warp-in ability.

Running Tychus with Technical Recruiter:

  • The Cooldown outlaws is not visible from Joey Rays Bar (I think that one is known but wanted to say it anyway
  • Medivac Platforms do not properly have the medivac resting on top of the structure while off cooldown
  • In the top bar, the three lights in the top left which indicate the number of available medivacs work probably 75% of the time. In a few games, they just show all “unavailable” regardless of actual cooldown status.

Stukov’s inf liberators still can’t attack shards on SoA and pretty sure on RtK either.

Warcraft 3 units (models, sounds and effects) disappear randomly when used often in my TD map.

Number of missing things is increasing with higher unit count and reducing it makes more units visible again. But never fix that problem.

Map is lightweight (mostly edited stats and simple triggers) so there shouldn’t be problem on map maker’s side and it somehow doesn’t happen for doodads or neutral units.

Stetmann’s Adrenal Sytnthetic Pumps upgrade doesn’t work since 5.0 the zerglings never use the energy for it nor receive the bonus.

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Nova’s Elite Marines use the wrong icon for their Super Stimpacks; they should use the icon used for the ability in the Covert Ops campaign, but instead they use the similar equipment tech menu icon – but was never intended to be used as an ability icon. It looks much duller and has no graphical touch-ups whatsoever. The proper ability icon, currently unused in coop, looks much better.

In addition, Nova uses the icons for Snipe and Penetrating Blast as her weapon icons, when both of her weapons have unique icons in the Covert Ops campaign. Her weapons in coop should use the icons that were created for them, not the same icons as the abilities.

Not only with p3. I just bought alarak and from the moment i unlocked the deathfleet (lvl10) I couldn’t select my warpgates while the mothership was alive.

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Han and Horners stronger death chance is supposed to be different from the bonus that chaotic power couple gives and with certain untis like helions it doesn’t seem to give you the bonus on stronger death chance.

edit: after further testing I’ve concluded the stronger death chance mastery just straight up doesn’t work. Reapers do not spawn double the charges upon death. and the helions do not give double the attack and movement speed bonus upon death

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Artanis’ Zealots do not have P1’s increased costs prior to level 4.

H&H Reapers and Crooked Sam do not use their jump animations while jumping up and down cliffs.

Vultures in both coop and campaign only fire out of their right gun, and never fire from their left gun.

The attack beams of all Archon-type enemies, apart from the basic Archon, are failing to clean up when the unit stops attacking.

Alarak’s Probes are completely missing their portrait lighting.

Zagara’s frenzy does not affect zagara when using P3 even though the tooltip specifically says affects zagara and summoned units

I wonder why this thread was unpinned.

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Easy, they dont want it pinned anymore, announcing how many game breaking bugs are still persistent after a month and a half since the patch…

Are they still checking these posts (blizzard/devs/who ever relies information to them) ?

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all protoss commanders - finishing warpgate research interrupts a unit that building in a gateway (doesn’t wait unit production finish, doesn’t refund the cost, warpgate can be manually changed back to gateway to finish the production)

[5.0.4 fixed] Alarak - Select worpgate hotkey selects Mothership instead when it’s deployed.

Stetmann - zergligns doesn’t use energy with attack speed upgrade

various commanders - missing the lock icon for unavalible upgrades for some low lever commanders, for example Stetmann before lvl 9, Infestation pit


regarding Swanns 2. Prestigue

the upgrade fire suppression still has the same text and effect with and without prestigue.
It neither heals double as fast or to 100 %.
People may say it is not a “turret only” upgrade so it shouldt affect it, but the ‘armor’ upgrade affects all buildings (not just turrets) and it did get buffed to +4 instead of the regular +2 on turrets.
Please fix this, so it repairs turrets to full HP.
Also Mensk P3 has different costs for worker and infanterie.

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hey @blizzard, it’s been 3 months since patch 5.0.3. Most of these are fixed, however, could you please fix the various co-op bugs? I’ve highlighted a few in one of my posts:

it’s been 4 months now, since these bugs have been in the game. Will you at least fix bugs, if you aren’t going to be adding new content, please?

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These gamebreaking bugs are still in the game !!!
Can sb from the 3 remaining people please fix them ??