Known Issues List - 5.0.3 - 8/24/2020

I can attest to the bugginess of the Kerrigan Walking Dead achievement.

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just imagine if this patch was in the middle of the GSL and maru tried to drop lol! blizzard will go poof!

Evamed no funciona para unidades de batalla, ¥Blizzard arréglalo, se pierde un juego por eso!

Forgetting Zagara’s 3rd Prestige Perk with her Frenzy not affecting her?

Several long-standing graphical issues:
— The Covert Banshee’s glowmap texture has been egregiously misaligned since the introduction of the first warchest. The blue rings around the rotors have vanished, and the glowing bars from the exhaust ports appear superimposed on adjacent sections of plating (not inside the exhaust where they belong). This issue also affects the warchest skin, not just the coop and campaign model.
— Swann’s laser drill uses the wrong model. Instead of using the correct Laser Drill model that was created for him, he uses an alternate version with red lights and red sparks that was created for Amon’s mutator Laser Drill. Somehow, the model got changed when the mutator was introduced. The mutator Laser Drill model doesn’t have the correct animations that go with Swann’s top bar abilities, so it either does not play them properly or they appear strange.
— Zagara’s coop wireframe is her unit icon, which looks low-resolution. There is already a wireframe for her model from HotS campaign, which is called “Swarm Queen level 2” or something like that; this should be used instead.
— Nova’s coop portrait is missing the lighting that goes with her portrait in the Covert Ops missions, causing her 3D portrait to appear flat and dull in coop.
— The Tal’darim Probe portrait has used an incorrect lighting since the introduction of the first war chest. The incorrect lighting is far darker than the old lighting (the appearance of which is preserved in the static portrait); the Probe’s red lights are also far more dim and dull with this incorrect lighting. This issue affects both versus and co-op missions, and possibly the campaign as well. I was able to switch it back in the editor. In the editor, the incorrect lighting has a deceptively similar name to the correct lighting. The correct lighting still exists; it’s just unused.
— Since the introduction of the first warchest, Nova’s Battlecruisers in covert ops have used the textures of the Special Forces skin, which are different than the original textures. They have been overwritten completely, and no longer exist in the editor in any dependency. This results in the plating appearing far darker than with the previous textures, but the most egregious issue is that the textures now appear hard white, whereas before they were blue. This is because the Special Forces skin model is set to show the white glowmap as team color, whereas the campaign model for Nova’s Battlecruisers originally used a blue glowmap that it was set to show as RGB.

[EDIT] Three more graphical issues:
— The basic Warp Prism portrait has also been broken for many updates because it’s an older model that doesn’t use newer texture masking, which the Warp Prism portrait skins do use. Because the new models still use some of the old textures, those old textures were updated to a state that the old model wasn’t built to handle. So now the plating of the basic Warp Prism portrait looks egregiously gleaming and shiny, like a beach ball, because the reflective textures aren’t being masked correctly. Compare it to the Tal’darim and Purifier Warp Prism portraits, and its own static portrait, and the difference becomes plain.
— The basic Marine portrait has also been broken for many updates; the holographic visual projected on his face looks solid pink. I’m not sure for how long this has been the case, but you can see the proper version in old Wings of Liberty videos. The static portrait also shows what the effect is supposed to look like. It’s been broken at least since Legacy of the Void, maybe even Heart of the Swarm. All the campaign Marine portraits are similarly affected.
— LotV Tempests in the campaign are missing their portrait lighting. A lighting for the portrait exists, but it is not correctly assigned.

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Seriously? What on earth are they doing?

When you have a large, complicated system like the SC2 asset base, with a lot of different people working within it, things can easily be broken. There was one time a red glow texture got removed by accident and caused a whole bunch of red parts of models to show up pink; I remember it affecting Void Rifts and the Blood Hunter’s blades, but it probably affected a lot more than that. Naturally for an issue so noticeable, it got fixed, but a lot more similar issues have fallen through the cracks.

I originally mentioned two more issues in this response, but I’ve instead added them to the above post.

After researching warpgate, Alarak’s gateway will automatically transform to warpgate even when a unit is currently being built. Default shortcut for warpgates “w” will select only the mothership when it is on the battlefield.


But if an individual player can highlight these problems just from mucking around in the Editor? It’s like they aren’t even trying any more.

They’ve broken Zagara. She’s my favourite. I didn’t spend months earning Mastery Points and a whole week unlocking her Prestige Perks only for everything to be broken and instead of focus on fixes, double down on breaking the game further. Medevacs not even able to pick up anything other than SCVs!?! Even in the Campaign!?!

Hi Blizzard. That’s a Bug between Alarak’s Death Fleet and Mastery Power Set 1 too, Alarak’s death fleet cannot gain any attack speed bonus from the Mastery Power Set 1,neither activate the Shadow of Death Prestige or not

Most of these are easy fixes too. Took me a few minutes in the editor to resolve most of them. Nova needed her portrait lighting ported over from the Covert Ops dependencies (it was never transferred). I edited the Covert Banshee glowmap texture to properly align with the other textures, which fixed it on all models. I probably could have fixed the Warp Prism portrait model if I was dedicated enough. The only ones I couldn’t fix were the Covert Ops Battlecruiser (no original textures anymore), and the Marine portrait (I have no idea what happened to it). Everything else was easily fixed just by changing some connections in the editor.

These issues have been around so long that the Wiki images have now been switched to images of the broken models, as if they were deliberate changes. For example, Wiki shows Covert Banshee with no blue bars around the rotors; Covert Ops campaign Battlecruisers are dark with white lights; etc
 I’m afraid that if I can’t get the issues fixed or noticed, eventually nobody will remember that the models ever looked different.

As unpleasant as all this is though, the best thing to do about it is to keep calm and keep bringing the issues up, so that the devs see it. And keep holding out hope the devs will eventually fix the problems. Even though nothing has been done about these graphical issues for years, I’m still holding out hope that these issues will finally be brought to the devs’ attention and they will get fixed.

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I am honestly filled with so much stupid contempt right now
 They won’t though. They do absolute P!$$ all to fix anything. The last updates are proof of that. They just plow ahead with broken, untested patches to fit an automated release schedule
and then ignore all the problems they create? Why? Why can’t they just leave things be instead of breaking $h!t!?!

I understand that you are upset about all this, but sadly things do get broken in the process of change. New things get created, and those things break older things.

The issues with Medivacs and Zagara will probably get fixed within a week or less. It’d be irresponsible to leave it any longer. They’ll be gone by next Tuesday, because numerous people have already pointed out the issues to the devs.

I’ve long been frustrated about the issues I have outlined above, but I have never given up hope that they will eventually get fixed. If a cleanup issue with the Ravager’s cocoons is fair game, then so are these.

I don’t know what else I can tell you, except that I understand how annoying this is, and it really sucks when things get broken.

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Nova’s missions having a game breaking bug hasn’t been dealt with. Blazefire Gunblade being broken by something they have screwed up with some sort of stealth nerf or something. Why would an ability in her mini campaign and nowhere else be broken randomly for no reason other than underhanded [Removed] on their part? It still hasn’t been fixed. That’ll be OVER a month by next week.

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I have personal experience in the editor. I’m not sure exactly if they use the editor interface or xml to make edits to things, but it’s incredibly easy for things to be broken in the editor, even things that seem unrelated to what you’re editing. For example, if you change a validator used by multiple abilities, it could break one of them. I have no clue either what exactly broke the Gunblade, but something I’ve learned in the editor is that it’s surprising how easily things can be inadvertently broken.

Anyway, you’re right that it should have been fixed by now. But at least an important campaign ability has a reasonable guarantee of getting fixed, eventually, even if it takes a long time. I just wish there were more transparency.

I see

Regardless, the fact that there is zero transparency is all the more proof of how little they actually care. I know I am being all doom and gloom, but it hit me at a bad time and I was oblivious at just how bad the recent patches have been as I was only playing Co-Op Commander mode for ages until they broke Zagara and I couldn’t even get a game as anyone else and tried the campaign
and then that happened
 Came to forums to be greeted with an incompetent $h!t$how on Blizzard’s part and a frankly unreasonable amount of problems that they have left ignored.

Sorry. I’m just defeated and tired

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I can certainly attest that it isn’t fun at all to wait a long time for something to be fixed, only for more issues to join it. It has not been much fun for me to see my list above grow and grow.

It really can begin to feel like you’re not being heard, although I don’t know enough about the situation with the devs to presume exactly why these issues have persisted. But it’s been very frustrating for me, knowing that several of these issues would take a matter of seconds to fix.

Somehow I suspect that these issues do get read, but then get filed away with the other “low-priority” issues and forgotten about. That’s why I wish there was more transparency. At the very least I’d like to see a more comprehensive, public list of acknowledged bugs, which would create more of an obligation to fix issues like the ones I‘ve pointed out.

But there are several instances I remember where bugs I reported did get fixed. A long time ago, I reported an issue with Zagara’s Bile Launchers where they weren’t bleeding properly at low health, and they fixed that in a future patch. I also reported that you couldn’t change the player console skin in the editor using triggers (a functionality that is currently broken, but it’s the thought that counts). And they eventually implemented that after many months, although it’d be arrogant for me to think I was solely responsible. Maybe they’d already been planning to add that, or someone on the inside brought it to their attention.

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Supplicants are currently missing the additional warp-in effect introduced with Legacy of the Void. It’s because the actor for the effect isn’t tied to the specialized Supplicant warp-in ability.

Running Tychus with Technical Recruiter:

  • The Cooldown outlaws is not visible from Joey Rays Bar (I think that one is known but wanted to say it anyway
  • Medivac Platforms do not properly have the medivac resting on top of the structure while off cooldown
  • In the top bar, the three lights in the top left which indicate the number of available medivacs work probably 75% of the time. In a few games, they just show all “unavailable” regardless of actual cooldown status.