It's over for Protoss in PvT

Yes, that is the point. EMP is different. EMP is OP while storm is not. Protoss units are slow and bulky and cannot dodge. Some protoss units like archons are entirely shields. The damage done by the new emp far exceeds the damage done by storms and emps cannot be dodged like storms can. EMP also hard counters high templar which precludes storms from ever happening.


EMP doesn’t kill things and is a projectile. Storm kills things and is instant cast.

EMP isn’t OP, it actually does it’s just now.

Now Feedback, that spell needs a range increase from 9 to 10.

They can, also you have things like pre splitting and warp prisms. Also shield batteries are so under used in the late game.

They can, because they are projectile.

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-tehbatz: Feedback needs to be nerfed further if spellcaster based play is ever going to be a thing for tvp
-balance team buffs EMP
-Tehbatz: EMP is imbalanced!


Hopefully we can agree that deleting enemy spell casting from the game does not in fact increase spell-casting within the game.

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I said classic and stats are winning a couple of minor premier tournaments and neeb is farming NA

and you respond to that by listing the smaller premier tournaments (super tournaments and ASUS ROG) that they win

Protoss had the fewest runner ups in 2019 as well

so basically

fewest number of premier tournament wins, fewest runner ups, and the premier tournaments that the best protoss players in the world did manage to win are least prestigious/lucrative ones and WCS NA

AAM was nerfed and now you rarely if ever see ravens so you are right.

It does its job. Now when ghosts are on the field Protoss have to tech swap, cant just go storms every game now and walk all over a Terran army. Immortal, HT, Zealot, Archon isnt going to work like it use to. Now the scales are much more even in terms of spellcasting power. Everyone tells Terran to evolve their comp, now it’s time for Protoss to practice what they preach.


Give up. He’s basically a Protoss funkymonk


I’m sorry, I didn’t realise a full eight month time period in which the terran race literally didn’t exist in HotS after the mine nerf wasn’t long enough.


That’s it. It is time for protoss players to improve their skills and better learn the game. Im agree with MyOhMind about range buff Feedback, this spell need some good micro unlike storm to be usefull. So new emp upgrade really is ok.

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I would like you to show us the way you dodge EMPs :smiley:
Can you show us video clip or GIF of you doing that?Hm?Theory crafting again i see.HAHAHAHA


That will have to wait until he shows one replay of his many games going infestor broodlord. I asked first!


Your first statement is just simply false. It came fast, yes, but if terran scouted it, it would be an easy hold if they respond like they do now.

There is no ‘only’ alternative playstyle.

All these terrans qqing about mech, how many different playstyles do other races have? None. We need ALL our units to stand a chance.

EMP is not fine. It blankets the entire army removing shields and energy. Feedback range buff would do nothing. Not since the damage nerf.

Adepts have already been a poor design unit from the getgo, buffing them will only make allinning more populair. Adept shouldnt even be a thing in the game.

Every time stalkers are supposed to be ‘buffed’ they are nerfed. What do you propose even slower attack times and higher damage output? like last time? so you can get your reaper in for free now? Or how stalkers cant even kill a tank fast enough because they cant shoot intime before the second shot? No thanks. the only buff stalkers need is faster attack speed, more HP, or a cost reduction.

Also your point that disruptors and collosi make emp less effective is just false. Emp STILL carpets the army removing ALL energy and shields.

Collosus have been useless ever since the nerf and with ravens out the unit is in the antiquity closet for most protosses out there.

Disruptors really dont do anything legit vs ghost. Seeing they are still incapable to move when shooting. They cant do any dps without there spell. and disruptors being fixed timing when the ball explodes makes it really easy to micro against.

I get it your biased into believing your favourite race terran is fine with the new emp.

But every single game played since the patch has been heavily terran favoured in the lategame.

And as allot of terrans have proved in the GSL going lategame as terran really isnt hard at all. They just PREFFERED to allin cuz they can hit a rediculous strong timing wich increase there winchances.

You have no clue how the game is played.


Are you two done?

Just call each other to meet up somewhere and fight it out.

In this case, Fungal can 100% be dodged, just learn to split right?


Fungal has a radius of 2.25 and is a movement speed debuff.

A wall of emotional text.

TvT and TvZ have both bio and mech, with different styles of each viable. TvP is the only match up where you see nothing but Bio.

It would absolutely do something because guess what?. EMP, Snipe and Fungal cast range is 10. Which means if you make Feedback 10 range the HT’s can actually be effective against those spell casters better.

Not true at all, you can buff the Adept in such a way that it gives it more mid-late usefulness without making All-ins stronger.

The fire rate on the Stalker is abysmal. It should be increased I agree.

Right now it fires at 1.34, it used to fire at 1. So they should increase the fire rate to 1.24 or something. A middle ground range.

The colossus got a rework to be much better vs light, from 12 to 10(+5 vs light). But I wouldn’t mind seeing the Colossus damage model changed from 10(+5 vs light) to 12(+3 vs light) so it’s actually worth getting in ZvP and PvP.

Terran players aren’t building Ravens in there unit compositions against Protoss. They use 1-2 for timings but that is it. No mid-late game usage.

Dirsuptors have no energy requirements and if you are skilled with them you can level huge portions of the Terran ground army.

Because it is fine.

Says who?. EMP wasn’t doing it’s job in the late game previously which is why late game Zerg and Protoss has been so strong.

You mean the only few Terrans in Korea left standing since the rest have retired, went into the military, switched to broodwar or are playing other games?.

Same faces all the time.

Exactly what Protoss has been doing to Zerg with the immortal all-ins.


With has absolutely nothing to do with his point. Despite the mere 0.25 radius difference post-Enhanced Shockwaves, Fungal’s projectile is not only slower than EMP’s, it’s also much more visible, making it much easier to dodge than EMP whose projectile is so fast it’s virtually instant. So if you’re going to go around and tell people to dodge EMPs, you should start dodging Fungals too.


You hit someone with EMP, they can still run away or split against the next ones.

You hit someone with Fungal, you can hit them again with Fungal. 75% slow.

Brood Lord + Infestor + Corruptor.
Those are three Zerg examples, ignoring other compositions involving Lurkers or Ultralisks.

For Protoss, you have your pick of Colossus, HT, or Disruptors for splash damage and a core based around Immortals+Zealots or Blink Stalkers, or air units.

The main difference is that Terran is forced to either go heavy Factory without Bio or Bio with limited support (whichever Factory or Starport units happen to be a threat to something the opponent builds that destroys Bio) for their ground army.

Mixing the two (Bio and heavy factory usage, such as Bio-Bat) tends to just waste extra resources without increasing the strength or mobility of the army–Most of the time, adding Factory units to Bio just cuts mobility or forces you to abandon those Factory units to die if you haven’t weakened the enemy army by killing Colossus/HT or forcing out Disruptor shots first.