Players like Masa, Soul, Keen, and Special have already proven how much more effective the new ghost is in TvZ
And now it has become a complete monster in TvP
Significantly greater surface area than Psionic Storm
Longer range than Storm
100 burst damage to Protoss units, vs 80 damage over time for Storm
Neuters High Templars, aka the equalizer Protoss has against bio comps.
Ghosts >>> High Templars by a ridiculous margin now.
Hero vs Cure in GSL just proved that a Terran player can “rush” to enhanced shockwaves in the midgame, even when the Protoss player has a stronger economy.
RIP protoss. I guess blizzard wants the race to continue to win a couple of poverty premier tournaments per year. idk why non-pro players play the race tbh. it’s constantly being cucked into oblivion
edit: btw, this highlights why putting tactical jump behind an upgrade will do virtually nothing to balance the BC. a broken ability is a broken ability whether or not it’s an upgrade.
150/150 upgrade for enhanced shockwaves is nothing compared to the reward it yields. Terran players have the luxury of literally throwing away that amount of resources when sacrificing a liberator for 2 drone/probe kills.
Ghosts are the only counter to storms. Storm was OP before the patch when terrans would need as many ghosts as HTs in order to deal with them. its a reason why it was addressed virtually every week for the last 2 years.
Learn to split your HTs, and/or use warp prism to carry them. You can also feedback the ghosts with your HTs.
and you shouldnt compare storm to EMP btw.
Storm lets you kill units in a second, EMP only removes shield and energy, and its literally the only useful spell a ghost have to begin with.
its dumb to compare ghosts and hts. in a normal battlefield, theres always support for either side. if you think about ghosts + bio vs hts + toss units, ghosts are as deadly (if not deadlier) as hts. storm, you can dodge, while emp is an instant cast, so no dodging there. also, if a emp lands, the shields are removed INSTANTLY. so the toss has to react really fast, or his units will get murdered by bio.
all in all, to say that storm is better than emp, is just false. it always depends on the situation. both spells can kill the opponent in seconds.
I feel like we need to see a lot more games with the new EMP before being able to make that judgement.
Protoss with multiple forms of splash has always been a very tricky beast, and I’d prefer to see how things play out before claiming there’s an issue.
Tac Jump needs tweaks though, we’ve seen more than enough of the BS last second escapes and BCs soft-countering their counters with the yamato-jump combo.
Ghosts are meant to, at the very least, be a soft counter to High Templar, although they’re more of a hard counter now that Feedback only deals half damage and won’t kill a Ghost unless it has 200 energy. They’re so-so against Stargate because they can EMP Phoenixes and Oracles, but are vulnerable to Tempests later on. One thing to remember though is that Ghosts are vulnerable to Robo tech, and Disruptors are good for dealing with them if you can spot them with Observers. Failing that, Colossi can help as well, because while they won’t do much damage to Ghosts, you’ll likely be seeing a fair bit of Marine support since Marauder production won’t be as high.
This is the most click-bait title, also OP is a subversive snake. First he tried to appeal to Zergs by claiming that he is a Terran(even when he will never show his profile and lacks so much understanding about Terran it can’t even contain his anti-terran bias), now watch his cozy up to Protoss players with the same tactic.
Also Feedback needs it’s range increased to 10. EMP and Fungal have a cast range of 10.
EMP cannot kill targets.
EMP is a projectile.
Actually putting TJ behind an upgrade completely stops BC rushing in TvZ.
Protoss has Disruptors and Colossus.
Have you not compared the range of EMP and Feedback or Fungal and Feedback?.
Feedback is out ranged and that is the root of the problem.
You could actually see the fundamental difference in skill between Trap and herO in their series. Trap had great Templar control and used warp prisms and positioning to keep them from getting emped. herO, because hes not as good, barely got any storms off do to clumping his templar and keeping them at the front.
Its far too early to make any definitive statements on the balance effects of the change, but personally, its a very real way for the best Protoss players to separate themselves from the B tier Protoss players, and that’s a good thing.
wait wait wait, you mean storm was op, because terrans dont know how to split? thats why its imba? and now you suggest protoss to learn split against instant emp? something what you cant do as “the hardest race” and you want that f2 aclick race split? something what the hardest race cant learn for years throw all leagues? feedback? most terran say that emp is too hard to use with 10 range (its without aoe) against 9 range feedback and you want protoss to use feedback with lower range?
TY had Enhanced Shockwaves for like 2 minutes before he tapped out.
TY lost because he was being severely outplayed the entire game before the last 2 min or so which he had the upgrade but at which point his army was heavily outgunned.
Cure had it against hero for a bigger proportion of the game and steamrolled him.
So now doing shield damage, aka removing shield (LOL), is not considered damage?