Is anyone concerned about the APM requirements of SC2?

Someone once entered WCS with my alias and was curb stomped!

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Okokok to get this right:

Im protoss Main but if i offrace zerg i get higher apm than my toss. Which in batz crazy eyes means im more skilled when i Play zerg.

This Experiment can be repeated with any other Player. If any Player picks zerg he got higher apm than with Terran or toss. Magical. Simply picking zerg grants You so much skill…

I mean is that Kind of zerg entitlement really a thing ? Thinking they are so much better than everyone else because they got higher apm ?

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:


Feel free to post 100+ replays of both Zerg and Protoss play so we can confirm.

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Not if the averages for apm per league are to believed, a terran that offraces will have very similar apm, a protoss will have higher than they usually have because they will have more to do, but still less when compared to t/z.

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Which means they are capable of doing more actions which means apm doesnt Show skill, thank You for saying that.

Thank you for admitting protoss has lower mechanical requirements! :smiley:

*In your purely hypothetical example where you assume they have higher APM (which is a circular argument).

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Which doesnt mean anything ?
As Said by many on this Forum that there is a very huge gap between like injecting and spreading creep (takes many actions but no brain) compared to something like where to Build which buildings or forcefield placements. The game is much much more than apm. You need to actually value Your actions. And zerg got a bunch of useless but neccessary actions. Be proud of that if You want i dont care :smiley:


The entire game flows through apm. You can not do anything in the game without utilizing apm.


You only get the luxury to “value your actions” when less actions are expected of you than your opponent.


Means i can Beat serral if hes allowed to only use 100 apm? LOL give me a break.

No one is buying into Your apm discussion.

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Not many people understand gravity. Yet you don’t fly off into space. Just look at the quality of arguments you have to resort to after literally 5 minutes of attempting to debate. You’re already out of arguments because your arguments were completely empty to begin with.

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“Serral is only Good at the game because he got the highest apm”

Lol look at that clown

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Correction: Serral could not be good at the game without highest APM.

These are two very different statements. You can have GOD-tier game knowledge but if you have 3 apm you will never reach even bronze league.


This troll in real military terms would argue that the military power of a state is proportional with the …amount of money thrown to them…
We have:

  1. USA
  2. China
  3. Saudi Arabis
  4. India
  5. France
  6. Russia

From this table the troll will argue that France, India and S.Arabis have more powerful military forces than …Russia.

Mr. Troll are you familiar with the term “bang for the buck”?
Read carefuly Cobra’s posts (and the post of other good posters that tried to educate you free of charge) and think.
Maybe instead of polluting those forums with your stupidities you can subscribe to his channel and be schooled how to play proper starcrft.
I guess Cobra will be happy to have a subscriber like you.


Still waiting on those replays of him beating gm skytosses with 120 “bang for the buck” zerg apm :smiley:


Jebus Crisp could bow down from the heavens, knowing literally every thing there is to know about the game, but if you make him play on a trackball mouse with 1 hand he will still be bronze league.

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OMG OMG OMG this is the killer blow!
It’s a pity i had not this idea myself.
Sentry FF-ed BatZ in a choke and BatZ Kaput!

Sentry 10 BatZ 0.


Remember: this troll “Goba” was just arguing that AlphaStar beating Serral wasn’t fair because Serral didn’t have his own keyboard/hotkey setup to use.

Now the situations are reversed and he’s flipped his conclusion.

If you forced Serral to play with a trackball mouse and 1 hand, yes, he’d probably be gold league.

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Are we inventing things and attributing them to others now? FF-ed BatZ tries to research “burrow” in order to bypass FF!
Keep diging.
Sentry’s hit was dead-center. The simplest argument is also the most powerful.