The difference between a Diamond and You is similar with that between You and Cobra.
Some humility won’t damage your figure (of s…) BatZ.
Even Napoleon did not win all his battles…
Your ego is disproportionately big compared with your abilities. Someone would say that it is broken and needs a…nerff.
I just looked him up. He’s 5.5k mmr during ProtossCraft2. I am 5.5k mmr during ProtossCraft2. Difference between Protoss/Zerg alphastar was 600 mmr. That’s 5.2 for him and 5.8 for me (adjusting for balance).
I’d rather listen to a person’s opinion from the person himself. But sure, any reference to the claim?
I still want this. Do you mind the favor?
Also, an interesting observation from the plot your provide. According to this definition of EPM, for protoss, alphastar needs significant more EPM to beat the human players, why do you think that is?
Sorry sir, but i have to disagree with you completely. EPM is just one metric and still it doesn’t reflect someone skill. Yes EPM reflects things like micro, macro, usage of control groups, hotkeys, multitasking (mechanics in general) but it doesn’t reflect things like:
decision making
tactics and strategy
and these factors are key to beat your opponent. It was proved countless times that player with much lower EPM can beat player with higher EPM because of better game understanding and clever tactics. Saying that:
is ridiculous statement because it doesn’t take into account all factors i’ve mentioned above.
While there are other factors to skill like game knowledge and precision, apm is the most important one because sc2 is a game about mechanical prowess more than anything else, and apm is simply a measurement of your mechanical speed. Certain races/playstyles (protoss and mech) require less actions than others, and thus have lower mechanical requirements. You can try to excuse this by claiming those styles require more decision making/precision, but then you’d have to explain why zerg is the only race not allowed to have a low apm style.
While i agree that races may have different mechanical requirements, i still disagree that APM/EPM decides the outcome of the game (as Blowko stated in one of his posts above). According to his logic when i have higher EPM than my opponent but he has better sense of the game, makes right decisions, has better army comp, i should still win the game because i have higher EPM which is false assumption.
The game consists of many, many factors and APM is nothing more than your mechanical speed. Sure, your APM needs to be decent if you want to succeed in the game, but saying that SC2 is 95 % EPM is a HUGE exaggeration.
As always Protoss KingCobra is arguing that Protoss don’t have to do things like camera hotkeys. Makes sense because not only does Protoss have the lowest EPM, they also have the lowest SPM (Something Goba raves on and on about). From the stats(and Zest) Protoss can also get away with the worst spending quotient of the three!
Yes, Russia just waits for the snow when their army fails. It’s worked time and time again when they were losing against countries like France (LOL). Fact of the matter is Russia has had significantly more spending than both France and Saudi arabia year on year for decades… Just like KingCobra you argue against your own stance…
Camera hotkeys are not a mean to themselves to amuse nullities like yourself but instruments to help in managing your bases and helping in map-awareness. Even Playa (not a Cobra-fan has conceded that his Obs placement is stupendous).
As about SQ you are too dumb to understand that having obsolete units just for the sake of having Min/gas down is stupid.
If you need to start 4 Carriers you can’t do it with 100/100 bank.
Now we have this dimwit military-historian…that thinks that can win a war against an entrenched enemy in a 500x500 map.
“Amateurs talk about tactics, but professionals study logistics.”
Yes, Protoss constantly has to be able to produce 4 carriers at the 5 minute mark in professional games. This also doesn’t occur with other races. I can bring up our very last argument about this when you were fangirling about high screens per minute…
OOP here we go!
Goba arguing that unit efficiency is less important than screens per minute LMAO
Goba- Russia is smart with their money bang for their buck!!!
Reality- Literally went broke because of insane military spending and collapses. LMAO
Are we meant to take anything you say seriously?
Strawman anybody? Takes something out of context (that “unit efficiency” was the BS creted by Maguro that had HT/Viper the worst units of the game) and tries to make a point.
That is a discredited metrics as long as not taking into account the attribuition issue.
I stand 100% by that post.
Hey guys may i declare loudly some obvious and simple truth here ?
Above applies with or without pandemic. Seriously people who have interesting, entertaining life do not waste their time arguing on some stupid forum about a game which is slowly but steadily dying…
because it’s hard for Goba to understand that the effeciency given through the use of spellcasters is passed on to the other units. Tell me, what happens to a lurker hydra force when you run in without blinding cloud?
The point is that there are many factors that go into a player’s performance besides EPM, so EPM is not an accurate measure of a person’s skill. You can have higher APM and EPM than another player and still be worse because of other factors–inability to react to the opponent’s unit comp, inability to make good tactical decisions, horrible precision with spells and micro, etc.
You are trying to mischaracterize that point as though it is a claim that someone will win if they are not doing the BARE MINIMUM to play a race. No one is making that claim; you are pushing a complete strawman.