Why would spam be higher for Z and T than P? Explanation for lower apm cannot be spam unless one has proof Z/T players spam more than P. Obviously anyone can spam 2 hotkeys and average 400 apm, but there is no reason why the # of players that do this would be so much higher for Z/T than P to create such sizeable differences in average apm.
If you want to make an argument excusing P low apm it is better to use higher supply production argument, but even that gets diluted because while Z/T produce more, they also have more units to manage, which could also explain apm difference. Either way logic follows that a race with lower avg apm means it has lower mechanical requirements.
Kid you peaked in masters and I’ve been to GM with all three races. You’re the one saying EPM doesn’t correspond to skill which is so blatantly detached from reality it’s a wonder if you’ve played the game at all.
The outcome of the game is 95% EPM because a player with more EPM can perform more actions, which equates to more micro, more multitasking, more production, more infrastructure management, etc etc. Literally the entire game is played through EPM.
Yeah it’s obviously a special pleading fallacy (zerg spams but protoss doesn’t) based purely on an assumption (APM is inflated by spam). The assumption is also false since EPM (which filters out spam) shows the same result as APM.
I pointed this out and my opponent starting attacking my rank / game knowledge and even started insulting an entire server of players. Lmao.
BatZ is still not aware that he is speaking with…KingCobra or Сергей Кондауров…
The troll’s ego is such that the fear of making a fool of himself does not deter him taking to people much much much better than him.
It goes to show how little you can understand of the game and yet get to 6.4k mmr. It’s hilarious how Protoss will say APM doesn’t matter (for Protoss, APM doesn’t matter) thus proving the point. For Terran and Zerg, APM absolutely does matter and that’s the exact problem we’re talking about.
Protoss are relaxed, have lower APMs, and think low APM is no big deal. T/Z are melting their keyboards with APM.
SC2 needs to equalize the APM requirements for each race. Either make Protoss as hard as T/Z or make T/Z significantly easier.
When was last time that you played at DreamHack and faced the likes of Reynor/Showtime and Klem?
Compared with Cobra you are a nullity, why make your position more ridiculous than it is?