Is anyone concerned about the APM requirements of SC2?


Still no data. Also, I already told you why Zerg naturaly have more APM in general, even in pro players games, this is a known fact that is constantly mention even by casters during games, I’m not making that up.

Also, this is how I know you are batz by the way, your lack of brainpower for interpretation of texts, bad writing coherence and too big of an ego.


Cool dude, why do you think that is the case?

(It’s a darn strategy game after all, not a game for finger exercises.)

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  • Is presented data.
  • Says there is no data.

Sorry pal but lying only gets you blocked.

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do u know whats funny?
remember infestors era? protoss need to allin from 2/3 bases or he will lose in late game. and due to queens its impossible to stop zerg from reaching the late game
if u think that in infestors era pvz was balanced - its balanced same way now.


And what is even more funny is that SB don’t attack and don’t move, unlike those Queens that survive even a Disruptor Shot.

Already addressed in my post over here. What’s new? Taking selective data then claiming whatever you want to claim. :slight_smile:

Topic #2 - I need to do so many things more than the opponent to win.


I’m sorry, where did you present that data? I can’t see anywhere.

With the difference that the transition to lategame Carriers is still fragile for the Protoss due to Zerg cost efficiency while Winfestor games were completely unwinnable.

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A decent junk of APM is just inflation from production mechanics.

Terran Bio and Zerg are more likely to make 1-2 supply units or (batches in the case of Zerglings) than Protoss or Terran mech. That produces a significant amount of extra APM such that even if someone playing Protoss or Terran mech did give just as many actual commands to their units they would still have lower APM than the other player.

Other factors such as the number of physical units, their speed, their spells, etc may also limit or increase EPM without necessarily affecting the race’s difficulty.


Which average out to zero with an adequately sized sample, which is what we have.

High APM does not = more skill. I’ve been diamond for a long fricken time and yet I rarely ever go over 100 APM. But all my actions are extremely efficient. I don’t tab needlessly through buildings or units, I don’t spam click move/attack orders etc.


Fact denial isn’t a valid argument.

That doesn’t prove anything. If you’re a masters player you can limit your APM and still smash players that have 2-3x your apm.

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It proves that there is a strong correlation between apm & league which is proof APM is at a bare minimum a good indicator of skill. Sorry kid but the facts are the facts.

Sorry kid but your theory crafting aka “This is a way in which I could imagine you might be wrong” doesn’t refute hard facts that definitely prove this is true. “I imagined I am right, therefore I am” is trash and goes right into the garbage can.

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That claim is patently absurd. One would have to be a “complete fool” to believe it, and a liar to make that claim if they are not a complete fool.

Each faction (also splitting Bio and mech) primarily relies on units within certain supply ranges. This trend creates a solid APM discrepancy between the races that continues to hold as you increase the number of games specifically because “lower supply” units need to be produced in larger numbers to “match” the strength of “higher supply” units.

Bio mostly relies on units in the 1-2 supply range, with limited or occasional support from some 3-supply units and rare support from 6-supply units.

Mech relies entirely on units in the 2-6 supply range and requires a decent amount of 3-supply or 6-supply units in order to function; so its APM inflation is consistently lower than Bio.

Protoss mostly relies on 2-6 supply units with some heavy emphasis on 3/4/6 supply units for splash or specialized roles depending on the match-up.

Zerg mostly consists of 0.5 - 3 supply units until the end-game; where they will still produce 0.5 supply Zerglings for harassment and typically rely on a 2-4 (occasionally with some 6-supply Ultralisks) if they have abandoned Zergling/Baneling.

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No it isn’t. It’s literally a fundamental property of a large sample of random variables. Not understanding basic math != valid argument.

APM spam and other noise will average out to 0 with an adequately large sample. Anything that doesn’t average out & which corresponds with race is a material difference in APM requirements for that race. The facts are the facts kid. The math is 100% crystal clear in this scenario. We aren’t talking about rocket science here. We are talking about very basic math (sums, averages, etc).

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The cost and supply of units like Marines and Zealots randomly change between games, so the effects of APM inflation produced by production do not get canceled out.

Reading comprehension is your friend:


You clearly don’t understand the very topics you are trying to use to make your argument.

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  • Grandmaster.
  • Extensive background in math & computer science.


  • Forum troll who can’t understand basic sums.
  • Platinum league.

Pro tip: only play the authority card if/when you actually are the authority.


Not relevant.

You clearly didn’t pay any attention in class.

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