IEM Katowice 2024

Not gonna lie, I’m not a fan of the art-style, but the gameplay is actually pretty good.

I legitimately hate it just as much.

That said, both games are in early beta right now; there’s a lot of polish and change that can and will go into the game when it’s much, much further along.

It can have the best gameplay but if i dont like what im looking at … also on big fights i cant tell wtf is going on …

Oh sure, but all of that can be cleaned up. It’s better now, but unit fidelity still needs work. I agree that graphically it’s not my favourite thing either - I’d be surprised if that didn’t get cleaned up further in polish. Closed beta though, so who knows how far it’ll go.

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Sons of a solar Empire 2 came out a few months ago and can be bought in the epic game store. It has a good reviews, and is described as relaxing, meaning it is a very different kind of RTS than Starcraft 2, because Starcraft 2 is known to be extremely stressful.

That was a problem with Alpha/Beta WOL as well. It was eventually fixed.
Edit: I remember there was a “find the SCV” meme before the WOL release. There was an image of a specific battle where it was very hard to identify each unit.


I have Marked Them. But it was obvious whats going to Happen. But we had more protoss representation than i thought because reynor Messed Up His Hairstyle shaking Up His confidence and got ripped apart.

I honestly thought protoss wouldnt make it in the Playoffs again.

Reynor needed to embrace the bowlcut. Feels Bad man for Reynor, spent his time practicing 5 vs 1 archon mode then got put into the group of death and the 1 terran which happened to be the terran that relies on strategy. The Protoss opponents seemed to go back to believing in HT, too.

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Honestly i didn’t think protoss would perform so poorly this year. Only herO and skillous made it to playoffs.

However the reason why i thought toss would win IEM Katowice is because i believed they would “fix” the tournament to give “illusion of balance”.

Yeah true i know what you mean but honestly i think protoss did Well enough for people to say: See? You can win with protoss! Showtime Beat reynor so its all good. Its time for another cyclone buff!

At least thats what i expect from current Balance Patch. And as i Said protoss did better than i expected.

He reminds me of me when i was in university. I played sc2 all day long and prepared like hardcore in the last 2 days before exam and then i was upset when i failed.

Same with reynor. Playing protoss and league all day long and never actually practising he got mad when he finally lost. I get scarlett and lambo vibes. Nathanias was right. Welcome to my ted talk.

“BuT I PlaYeD aRcHoN 5v1” tsk tsk tsk.

After his performance recently he needs to embrace the mullet by heading down to the bar and buying himself a few rounds while a sad country song plays on the radio. Buy that kid a motorcycle and I guarantee he will never touch SC2 again. Gotta get a chick to ride with you and you hit every bar in the western united states.

As many predicted Maru vs Serral.
Was sort of hoping it would be Dark vs Maru, well anyway let’s see how it works out, but these new cyclones are strong in TvT, whoever controls them better wins - Cure smashing HeroMarine 3:0 only to be smashed himself by Maru 3:0. TvT is black magic Nobody understands it.

Unsurprisingly, Serral dominated that series. He really is an incredible player.

Maru made some questionable decisions; specifically around the pick for map 2, and greedy strat on map 3; especially given he likely knew that Serral didn’t want to face him in a macro game on his own map.

Radhuset Station as a map is questionable at best and unfinished at worst (my bet is the latter); and absurdly Zerg favoured that it’s been vetoed literally every game against Zerg. Except for Maru vs Serral. And we saw why it was vetoed; over 20k lost resources more for Serral, and Maru/Serral still took it to the very end game where the map was all but mined out. It was, frankly an unplayable map for any race not Zerg. There’s no real choke points, the map is so open you might as well call it “Space, the Final Frontier”, it has a free third base that basically guarantees the macro game that Zerg wants and forces everyone else to play it… Hell, there isn’t even a reaper entry into the map. Why it’s even in the pool is beyond me.

I really do wish he’d been more aggressive - his macro and Lategame are incredible, but for someone like Serral, he needs to not let him play his own game.

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Clem played to the best of his ability and he is the best TvZ player on the planet currently - got smashed 3-0.

Maru best terran on the planet - gets smashed 4-0. The only reason Serral got to final is because he only played ONE zerg in the entire tournament - Dark who managed to steal one map with lingbane all-in. Zerg is a joke. I’m not saying Serral is bad - he is indeed exceptional even amongst zergs but the magnitude of domination is beyond measure. He makes Maru look like diamond scrub who prays to survive another wave of ling banes rolling into his army. No words.
If there is still anyone delusional enough on this forum to claim that zerg is perfectly balance - please consider some serious therapy.

Btw why am i even wasting my time writing all this…

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Serral is the best player to ever play zerg. That’s about as much as I will say. Balance is the worst I’ve ever seen; thanks in part to this balance clowncil. I remember back when people outraged whenever a match win-rate fell below 40%. PvZ is at 18% win-rate, PvT as 40%, and ZvT at 60%.

In the entire history of StarCraft 2 no terran or protoss player has ever dominated as much as Serral does (and other zergs too).

You can’t beat zerg by being better player. The only way to beat zerg is when zergs massively screws his entire game plan. I’ve seen games at pro level where zerg lost tons of drones and still opponent needed like 10 minutes to finish the game. How can they not see it ? Who cares most for zerg being this imbalanced ? Is it sponsors ? Tournament organisers ? I’m legit curious about this.

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That’s the problem. For as much sh*** we gave David Kim for balancing SC2, looking back he actually did have the game balanced from a statistical perspective. We don’t have any balance team, besides that Balance Clowncil which clearly has no clue how to balance a game.

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What I’m seeing is that The only player who managed to take a single map off Serral this tournament was Dark.

Doesn’t that alone tell you just how good Serral actually is?

Set aside your biases for a moment; truly. Because while I absolutely would have wanted Maru to beat Serral, being a Terran player myself, I can’t not say that Serral is definitely an amazing player, and arguably the best player on the planet regardless of race.

Game 2 was a mistake from Maru as a whole; Radhuset station, 'nuff said. And even despite that he still nearly managed it.

Game 3 was Maru being greedy on a map he had to have known that Serral wouldn’t want to play his game again. He tried to do the same thing as he did in game 1, and got punished for it as he did in game 1.

Serral was never going to play a straight up game against him when he doesn’t want to play Maru’s game on Maru’s map. Especially not after how close game 2 was on his map.

Do I feel that Zerg is strong? Absolutely. I do not think they’re "perfectly balanced. I’m not even sure they are balanced, but they’re certainly more balanced than they’ve been in past years.

Do I think that Serral’s victory is attributed to Zerg? Not really, no, outside of Radhuset Station which as I’ve said previously was inherently a Zerg favoured map by a massive margin.

One tournament, balance does not beget; not only are their not enough matches being played to actually look at balance, but you’re basing your opinion off numbers that swing drastically with even one game difference.

Show me a protoss player who deserved to move on. Skillous? Really?

HerO, who at his best is a match for Reynor, Clem, Maru, Dark - maybe. But at his worst is well and truly below them, and certainly below their worst as well. He’s so flip-floppy that you can’t put him as a contender for anything because it’s entirely dependent on if he will show up for that map, let alone that series.

Who else was there - Astrea (frankly better than Skillous but Map score did him in) ? Showtime (who looked good, but I still wouldn’t have put over other players there, even HeroMarine)? Stats plays part time and was last in his group. Trigger? Absolutely not. Firefly? Cyan? Of all of those players, Showtime would most likely be the closest to HerO in skill and frankly that’s pushing it.

You know who could feasibly have made it? MaxPax. Guy’s beat - or at least consistently takes maps off - Reynor, Clem, Serral, Maru and many others in big online matches and is probably the most consistent Protoss player there is. But guess what - he doesn’t play offline. He qualifies, and then pulls out after qualifying and knocking out other players.

The only other Protoss right now that I’d consider close to HerO - aside from the aforementioned MaxPax - is Classic, and he didn’t qualify, losing to Reynor and then Skillous.

The reality is that there isn’t a single Protoss player that I can think of that has ever really been up there with players like Maru, like Serral, like Clem, like Dark and Reynor. Except MaxPax, who again, doesn’t compete offline.

Protoss does need help. But it’s players also need to get better.

what bothers me most is why pro players do not rebel against this ? Why there is no mutiny ? Are they afraid of getting banned or something ? In any normal game with normal game community these retards responsible for balance would be fired after months of their indolence but in SC2 somehow they can still mess the game and pretend nothing happens.

Would you rather have no balance council at all, and the game be left stagnant for all eternity? Because the balance council right now? They’re mostly pro players and commentators that we know of. There is no balance guys from blizzard - not anymore.

Not that it matters since the Blizzard guys were infinitely worse than the Balance council we have now.