IEM Katowice 2024

Ok big Tournament coming soon and Zerg is still OP af .
Time to choose your next Zerg IEM winner :mask:

Serral, Soral, Reynor, Dark ?


Ever occurred that race is not op but player is

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Yeah, Zerg is going to win again, like the last time. Oh, wait. The last final was a TvT. XD

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No little zerg ure not better ure just OP
see how many zerg cries just cause Terran got some buffs and now
is almost close to be zerg lvl strong

This situation reminds me of war 3 frozen throne 2 005
OC vs X is heavily OC favored buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut
OC have slightly harder time vs humans (they are still light years stronger but that itsy bitsy harder time = OC crying how Human OP and possibly Night Elf)

You are so delusional that you actually started to believe that your race is underpowered but ure actually super humans i watched
Serral vs Reynor where Reynor lost as Z then switched to P massed stalkers vs LURKERS!!! and what do you know he lost again just this time got roflstomped

to be fair right now Zerg and Terran balance is pretty good, only outlier is Protoss …

They do kind of suck to be honest …

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Yeah, Protoss needs help. Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of factors that are a big part of this - including that arguably the best toss player in the world refuses to play offline, general design issues with the race and a whole host of things - but the reality is that protoss does need help.

ZvT IMO is mostly balanced around the maps.

TvP is generally okay (though the cyclone needs to be reverted) from what I’ve been able to see across past tournaments and current weeklies, but it’s a knife’s edge matchup. One slip from either side and the game is over. And it’s really easy to slip for both sides.

ZvP is a dumpster-fire that Zerg has had an advantage in pretty much since skytoss meta began ending with queen walks, baring a brief blip with HerO’s gateway-man style.


funny most people see the current problem with Toss, in TvP… early-mid game. But it’s good that Miro knows everything.

Look, I’m not going to pretend that I know everything, because I don’t. I’m not omniscient, and obviously the above is my own opinion.

Said opinion is formed from everything I’ve seen as far as data and results, tournament matches, weeklies and the various discussions I’ve had with people, but it’s still just that, an opinion. If you have an opinion that’s different from my own, that’s entirely okay.

As far as TvP goes specifically, which is what you seem intent on mocking, I frankly believe that it’s actually okay as it is currently; with the exception of the cyclone, which I said above.

From what I’ve seen and continue to see, Protoss has generally little issue with any other timings that Terrans have been able to do after the nerf to Ravens delayed pushes, or forced the same timing to be made without interference matrix.

The cyclone makes the early-game specifically a mess IMO for Protoss. Early cyclone pressure is, quite frankly, insanely strong, but the cyclone also drops off a cliff in the same way reapers tend to drop off a cliff against Protoss specifically, albeit somewhat later than reapers do. That doesn’t make the Cyclone okay though.

I’m not sure if it’s simply a wait and see issue to see how Protoss players learn to adapt to it, or if it’s an actual balance issue - but frankly speaking I don’t think that’s the case, I think the cyclone is the problem and it needs to be reverted.

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MaxPax is NOT the best Protoss in the world tho …

He is arguably the best protoss given he’s easily on par with HerO. He wins series against Reynor Dark Clem etc regularly in the online cups and online tournaments, so why couldn’t he be at least up for contention?

Call me crazy and delusional but my sixth sense tells me protoss gonna win this year IEM Katowice (!)

You know why i think so ? Because zergs dominated this tournament from 2017 - 2022. Last year was terran, so now it’s time for protoss. Just to keep illusion of game being balanced.

Mark my words.

That was Tehbatz lvl crazy and delusional

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It doesn’t matter. The game’s dead. The emphasis on apm spam & horrible balance has been driving players off the ladder, but I hope the final nail in the coffin is stormgate / zerospace. For the first time in the game’s history, I am rooting against it.

There are plenty of other fish in the sea. SC2 has been hard to dislodge for awhile now, partly because it’s niche and partly because people don’t like to try and learn new things. Well the game is in a situation where everyone who plays zerg and terran at a high level know protoss is busted. Even people like harstem and pig have been very critical of protoss. The problem is that 1/3rd of the players (aka protoss) are going to rage quit the game if they don’t see a protoss a-move through serral in the finals. If that happens everyone else is going to quit the game (those who haven’t yet already). They are in a tough position. Players are frustrated right as new RTS games are entering the market. That’s a rough spot to be in. Oh, and at the same time as a merger and massive layoffs / internal turbulence. The frost giant guys planned their release date well. They are clearly pretty smart.

I personally won’t be watching IEM. We all know the outcome. SC2 all looks the same. I mean, there hasn’t been a significant change in strategy in least 5 years. Players win games through multitasking, and the first one to look in the wrong spot, at the wrong time, will be the one to lose. Watch for it. You can’t unsee it once you know what you are looking for.

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Zerg wins you still cry and act as person with mental disabilities and blame (together with some terran) that toss is op
But to be fair on twitch you look and sound as normal person

To quote TOOL, forum trolls be like:

:musical_note: Long in tooth and soul
Longing for another win
Lurch into the fray
Weapon out and belly in

To remain

i hope you understood my point: it is obvious that protoss has 0 chance of winning the IEM katowice, but they will fix the tournament so that Hero (MaxPax ?) will win just so that protoss players can shut up and stop asking for buffs.

No they won’t at this point nobody cares all influencers/pro players and whatever they call themselves wait for stormgate to click rly fast and then lose

but im sure comments will be something like
zerg won cause zerg UP but all people playing it are superhumans
toss lost cause toss OP and all people playing it are 5 apm noobs who
used to play turn based games
put here and there some random terran that will be like we need to play 10 times better and only reason zerg won and terran lost again is because toss OP

Harstem will play couple games on ladder and will be like see guys me a failed pro player who won nothing in his life can beat casual players that are in GM that means toss OP and we should carefully watch out what should further be nerfed

They are the final nail. SC2 had its time and was at least a memorable experience not without pain to ladder but memorable with all that. I see some streamers of War3 streaming the game because thats the game they are good at. SC2 still deserves watching like Katowice but Im certainly not seeing a reason to play it, In the past 2 years, Ive been pretty much just watching it without following every single event or winner.

I wonder how many will switch to SG because like the war3 case, most stream what they are good at, will some learn SG. But again that is their money, same happened to SC1 - Koreans who could still earn from SC1 never switched to SC2. If some of the top scene earns money from it, may not switch.

But RTS skill carries over, that is what happened with War3-SC2 I was highest league before GM existed :> but still better than if I never played RTS. And pro players from those games became good at SC2 too. Ofc some didn’t continue with hots and Lotv but it could be also because of how demanding it was to SC2 esp with LotV.

What are you talking about?

I assure you stormgate will die in a nanosecond. Game has almost no marketing, at least nowhere near as much as SC2 had, plus it is trash mix of Warcraft 3 graphics and SC2 design - orbb shooting unit (combination of siege tank and disruptor, kiting, transport micro similar to Warp prism micro etc, though pace is slightly slower than SC2. It will be a niche game - after initial interest it will fade away into oblivion just like zerospace or AOE4.

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