IEM Katowice 2024

Sins of a solar empire was a small game, and it’s still going strong. When you aren’t a giant megacorp, it’s a lot easier to keep your doors open since operating costs are lower.

My prediction in 1 month it will lose 70 to 90% of playerbase and that will depend from arcade implementation

It has all ingredients to flop
Although slower than sc2 it is still faster than war 3 and many people didn’t play at all 1v1 in war 3 they played dota rts part was still to fast for them and i watched some games that were cast by Artosis amazing micro, apm doing stuff rly fast and 1 guy probably lost cause in early game 1 building is possibly 1 pixel to the side

No casual player likes when it comes home from disappointing day to click rly fast 7 8 9 10 minutes and then lose cause it’s apm is insufficient to opponent or building misplaced 1 or 2 pixels and this is (ex) Blizzard we talk here they simply can’t help themselves it is stronger than them

But game will not die and it will make some money cause most of the developers are rich money is not the problem they don’t have as much ceos (who only want their bonuses) and esport will primarily be 1v1

Who ever doubt in my prediction here’s a bonus
In trailer we have strong and independent female being saved by strong and independent mech female from evil demonic looking male

@Alternate @Adventurer

When you aren’t giant megacorp, you have no means to promote your game. Just because operating costs are significantly lower doesn’t mean the game will do well if it is unknown to online community. How do you want to tell the world you have a product ?

“Look guys we have brand new video game for you to play - you can download it right here !!!”

If i wasn’t fan of RTS genre i wouldn’t know Stormgate even exists. SC2 had such huge advertising campaign that everyone on the planet heard about it, LOL, Dota, counterstrike, minecraft players etc. SC2 release was a big event anticipated by nearly everyone in video game industry. This is the power of marketing Stormgate doesn’t have and will never have.

Sins of a solar Empire 1 sold 300,000 copies at $40 bucks a pop. That’s 12 million in gross revenue. It currently has an average of about 500 players online at any given moment. That means it is roughly as popular as Starcraft II’s 1v1 ladder. Obviously it’s a much smaller game than stormgate. Storm gate is going to be very big and very successful and yes it is absolutely a financial threat to Starcraft 2.

Youre joking right? Starcraft 2 is a 14 year old game that doesnt have any active development. Its made all the money its ever going to make.

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U think Microsoft will ignore a game with 5 million active players in a market that is so lucrative there are 3 new games pulling in tens of millions in revenue each with 1/1000th the manpower of Microsoft studios. What on earth are you smoking.

I think Starcraft isnt making any money to begin with. Its not even in the race. What is Microsoft going to be threatened by? Am I a financial threat to my retired grandfather?

My guess is they were going to start the next expansion and it was paused due to the Microsoft acquisition.

for Starcraft 2? The game that had no development team?

Dude. Chill on the lunatic mode.

Im glad you make it so easy to tell when youve run out of arguments, at least.

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Flippin lil pp mcgee over here.

He is batz trolling you. Chill out.

Sins of solar empire. LMAO

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Kelthar is not batz. Kelthar is a maplez alt.

I have literally never heard of maplez.


Keltar never tells the truth so he’s at least hear of maplze.

2m Blizzard devs multiple times during hots era talked about this game have constantly 2m active userbase since wol but most of them are lurking in arcade “how do we convert them to 1v1” ESPORT!!! and so on… So maybe in your la la land it was 5 but in real world 2m

Average 2.2 and peak 14.5. Typical seasonal peak 5. And yes 1v1 sc2 is extremely unpopular because <3% of sc2 players queue a single 1v1 game in a season. Most play moba in the arcade. Sc2s version of rts really isn’t rts, its eam aka endurance and multitasking. It was a big mistake todesign the game around 5-7 base economy; 99.9% of gamers aren’t interested in that much multitasking. Now the dominant facotr in each games outcome is who has the endurance to spam 400 apm for 20 minutes non stop. It’s purely a mechanical game with near zero strategy. This is also why serral is always dominating no matter how many times they nerf zerg. As long as apm is all that matters, serral will always win.

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Sadly i have to agree with you on this one. I learned the hard way how stupid it is to play terran bio. You literally have to bash your keyboard like a moron just to maintain production alone and babysit terran base. No wonder why most terrans in high dia - master MMR are mech players. Why on earth would you waste time and effort to play composition which dies to few banes and storms if you can turtle long enough to a-move with giant 3-3-3 army nearly impossible to kill.

You conveniently ignore what i said to you that it is not “only Serral”. you forgot some 3-4 other zergs. And by the way the above is not the reason why serral dominates - it’s because zerg through years received all nerfs except the one that matters most: queens

You can nerf all zerg units you want : ultras, broods, lurkers, corruptors - won’t do :poop: as long as zerg has invincible queens and can spam units literally out of their s.

Stormgate art style is absolute trash, i really dont know how delusional people is to think that garbage holds any candle against Starcraft.

Zerospace on the other hand though …