IEM Katowice 2024

If this zerg dominance continues there is no point in even watching pro tournaments. You can blindly bet zerg will win another tournament. The question remains which one ? Serral, Reynor, Dark, Rogue after returning from military ? Maybe some fresh blood SHIN ? Who knows ?

Now about your opinion regarding protoss players. This race is in shambles. I agree with you that they did not deserve to finish higher that group stage but in the past when protoss had actually strong players Zest, Stats in his best shape, Trap, Zoun, Parting they still struggled to win premier tournaments. So the fact that toss players suck these days is not the only reason why protoss performs so poorly.

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That’s Ragnarok, he just name-changed.

I didn’t say it was, but it is absolutely a factor, especially considering how inconsistent every single one of those players you named could be - other than Stats in his prime.

I do think Protoss need help. What they really need though is a straight redesign from the ground up and you simply can’t do that at this stage of the game.

The reality is that there’s so much that goes into balance that needs to be considered. Maps (which I’ve been learning about recently as I’ve been getting into map making and how certain units effect map design), individual unit interractions and unit stats, strategies that are popular, racial traits such as warp gate, who’s facing who in matches, strong and weak points for each race, defensive and offensive capabilities, and much, much more - It’s likely you can never really achieve true equilibrium between the 3 races such that each race has a consistently equal chance of winning every tournament.

I know but by saying “fresh blood” i meant i guy who never really performed at a level of Serral or Dark and is hungry for victories so he has motivation to improve.

I figured. But there’s no reason that such “fresh blood” couldn’t be from another race other than Zerg though either.

I will add though that Zerg has consistently had the most “top tier” players. Serral. Dark. Reynor. Rogue. Even Solar is arguably capable of it now, more than he’s ever been in the past.

I edited my previous post to add some more context btw.

Korean pro scene has been RIP for some time. I noticed the steep decline in talent around 2017 when innovations mmr fell from 7000 to 6600. We are 7 years past that point and boy are koreans bad. Dark legit could’ve right clicked on serrals third hatch and collected a win but he played terrible. Sorry, calling it what it is. Serral is the only player with the practice and structure to have a talent peak similar to what kespa team houses used to produce.



Good question m8. Might need to consider taking an introductory course on statistics as it would help you sort through these confusing times. I’ll give you a hint: outliers of outliers have nothing to do with z/t/p game design. Protoss in the same tournament were using 1 army hotkey and notorious for afking from their keyboard and losing 4 oracles in a row. This outcome has nothing to do with balance and everything to do with how schools haven’t taught students useful life skills (like statistics). If you take your question to a 6th grade teacher they could tell you about the IQR test and how that’s sufficient to know that peak pro play will have zero correlation with game balance. They legitimately teach the IQR test in 6th grade.

There are about 5 million people who play SC2. Serral is the best in that group. Judging game balance by serral is like judging whether airplanes can fly by the one in a million that crashes. This is very basic logic. It’s called the hasty generalization fallacy. If you are interested, you can learn more about it here:

But Serral is not an outlier !!!. Every zerg is an “outlier”. Serral however is exceptional even amongst zergs. But other zergs are winning too. This is an argument that you repeatedly, consistently and conveniently ignore just so you can give “proofs” to your narrative. Zerg has been busted since LOTV came out.
Better players have proven that zerg is the race that benefits most from 6 → 12 worker start increase.

In HOTS zerg was absolutely beatable and you didn’t need Maru or Clem to beat best zergs. Guess what ? I’ll tell you something:
in HOTS Polt was beating Nerchio all the time - 3-0, 3-1 etc. When they met first time in LOTV Nerchio crushed Polt 3-0 and it wasn’t even close - at this point i knew balance was seriously screwed.

Apart from all this statistics how can you beat zerg if:

  • zerg has near-invincible/tanky base management unit, the queen which generates so much larva, provide creep and early defence impossible to break with any early aggression.
  • zerg sees 70 % of the map, even if you constantly clear creep
  • zerg is EONS ahead in economy (oftentimes we see absurd scenario where T/P has less than 1.k minerals in the bank while zerg 5-7k minerals. How is that fair ?
  • zerg maxes out and remaxes much faster than the other two races - like: zerg 200 supply, toss 120-130 supply - is this a joke ???

I could give you trillions of other arguments (tech switch for example) why zerg is overpowered at pro level and requires serious nerfs if pro scene is supposed to be healthy, but just like always you will deflect that with your retarded pseudo-statistical/mathematical arguments. No amount of talent can justify zerg dominance at pro level. KAPPA

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  • Wins the fewest tournaments.
  • Is accused of being OP.


My arguments were so overwhelming Batzy had no clue how to respond to them so he made a meme. We are all impressed.

Truly your legacy as forum clown has been cemented this day.

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That’s just a blatant lie. Zerg can’t be overpowered while also winning the fewest tournaments – it’s mathematically impossible. At this point it’s clear the conversation has run its course. Too big of an IQ gap here unfortunately. ZeRg Is OvErPoWeReD. Oh boy have I heard that one before. Yawn.

I was just checking in on my old forums rivals. Hunta, former 6k player, has lower mmr than I do. Lmao. Same for riddler. I can see his account right there on the grandmaster page. He doesn’t even try to be subtle. His names are too easy to spot.

That’s my winrate inside grandmaster. It’s so frustrating because it’s boring. I am like watching a youtube video and forget to build a hatch at my natural and still win vs the masters 1 player.

Is that the reason why you’re stuck at 4.9 k MMR and 4.5 -4.6k MMR with SLAMMER account ? Also is this the reason why you’re such talented and perspective future pro-gamer ?

TEHBATZ - the hope of North America

Frankly I put in the bare minimum effort to be GM but for some reason bare minimum effort is netting 75% zvt winrates.

You forgot to give me “like” in my previous post.

The map is really Protoss favored, then Zerg favored…

But for Terran, if there was a place to go Mech, it was this map …

No. Mech hates maps like Radhuset because they’re far to open, far to easy to get flanked and blind-sided, and to easily run over. Mech likes maps that have choke points to force units through their AOE, and that limit where units can push into you. They like maps where it’s easy to hold ground for slow, immobile units, and Radhuset is the exact opposite of that.

But still Radhuset is perfect for camping. Maybe at pro level it doesn’t matter but in diamond this map is CANCER in TvT. Every terran camps and goes into mass BC on this map. I hope this garbage map is deleted with next season.

Not if you have to go past 3 bases, and on a map that large, you really struggle to do that as a mech player. TvT is a different story to TvP, TvZ and PvZ because you’re working with the same tools as your opponent, but even then going past 3 bases is pretty difficult as it is.

Veto it. The map is a must veto if you’re Terran; it shouldn’t ever be played, frankly, and it’s arguably the worst of the worst in the pool, and not even by a close margin.

It is not final but I know that the SC2 graphics currently look more detailed and better, particularly the terrain.

And I can’t see why delusional SC fanboys still think someone will make them a SC3. What more will happen because it goes with a story? Also never get tired of storm spam, zerg spam etc? For me that concept is enough with so many years of SC2.

I have never been a SC fanboy, SC2 was just a transition. I started as WC3 player (my best moments are with WC3. 4 races, so 4 matchups and still more interesting than SC2). I continued with SC2, because why not next big game but with LotV and many years, everybody knows how tiresome is to ladder against some broken designs of protoss, SH and I know some feel the same when facing such things of Terran.

And so when SC2 clearly besides watchable, Katowice btw was really nice, I enjoyed Dark vs Serral and Maru vs Serral, has no future besides for spectating.

The players who earn money from SC2 will likely stay with SC2. Same happened to SC players that never switched to SC2.

I have no reason to play SC2. Stormgate offers more interesting interaction of units at least is something new to explore and try, I do not see such design problems with units.

ZeroSpace… OK I saw what this game is, graphically looks a bit better but it is an exact copy paste of Starcraft, Well with some other mixtures.

Seeing again the ‘lings’ . Also it has some capture the flag element like CoH which is a bit different from the standard RTS that we know with WC3, SC2 and now Stormgate. For me the makers of WC3, SC2 know what they are doing, it has some mix with westwood and I like that as well as that Stormgate is more warcrafty without having also heroes that are too strong where in wc3 they could be 1 hero an army. There is what to expect more but pointless to compare an incomplete game with a 14 year old game like SC2.

I hope they even make a 4th and even 5th race for SG, it will be hard to balance I know (but like then make more symmetrical like WC3), but there is no bigger diversity than when you can play more than just the usual 3.