Zerg cry because they don’t have a T1 anti air unit, so ok, don’t nerf aa range of Queens but Zerg have anti-ground T1 unit so decrease range of the anti-ground weapon of the Queen from 5 to 3.
Fantastic idea. That way queens will be outranged by pretty much the entirety of the ground based ranged units so, as the first problem I can come up with, zergs will die to pretty much any cheese that involves a ground ranged unit. Like reapers. What’s more, one reaper might just need a proportionate response like 10 zerglings if the queens cannot help fend it off.
Another fantastic idea. Keep it coming!
(Do you guys actually think before posting these? If it is a troll thread, congrats, I took the bait)
eZerg do not need anti air attack [that early] because their Tier 3-esque zerglings and banelings can wipe out Terran or Protoss completely before a starport/stargate ever gets created.
Queen with 3 range and some zerglings can easily defend mineral line and temporize speedlings. You will just have to do a little more micromanaging unlike now where queens have so much range that they no longer need to be managed.
If you scoot a proxy 2 / 3 raxx reapers, you can just pay roach warren or spine crawler like terran when they saw a all in, they pay bunker.
And your message is so pathetic, it’s like you said : “Oh really, I need to make unit for defend my base ? WTF BLIZZARD it’s unbalance, i wan’t to make only drone and defend everything with my macro unit.”
Your crying is more pathetic. We just had a patch 2 months ago and you are already crying for more nerfs. Whiner. I’m not even going to bother arguing why the fact that queens, being a defensive staple wether you like it or not (and you clearly not, but hey, sucks to be you) and a piece that zerg is designed around, losing 40% (you couldn’t nerf the range by 1 even to try to mask it as reasonable. Pathetic) of its range would causa a balance fallout.
Either way, I’m done with your pathetic excuse of a thread. Goodbye.
There were no nerfs for Zerg. Only change for infestor from one OP spell to other and broodlord bugfix. Lurker was buffed.
Profile Hidden, that means a lot. Go train and go beyond the platinum league before coming to talk about balance and defend your race at all costs
I heard enough.
Somebody who cannot understand that a bugfix can nerf a race does not deserve my time.
Nerf is adding 1s channel to BC. Nerf is removing adept attack speed upgrade.
Nerf isnt fixing Oracle or Brood bugs. It is bugfix.
How is a bug fix nerfing a race? Broodlords had more range than a siege tank and a tempest. You cant just kill everything for free. Now you actually have to trade units like the other races do, the pure horror of it all.
Say that marines are shooting an unintended 3 more range. It gets fixed. That fix decreases the power level of the race. Hence, the race is nerfed. Deserved? I don’t know. But a bugfix can be a nerf, and the bugfix to the broodlords result in a nerf. Broodlords are weaker than they were before. “Cause to be weaker or ineffective”-Definition of nerf. Removing their unintended extra range makes broodlords weaker. Hence, they have been nerfed via that bugfix. You can argue about wether it is deserved or not all you want, but claiming that the broodlords have not been nerf is blatantly wrong.
Edit… I still cannot believe how there are people who cannot (although I suspect it is more of a will not rather than can not) understand that bugfix and nerf are not mutually exclusive. You can fix a bug, in the process cause something to be weaker and hence nerf it via the bug fix. Come on guys, its not that hard.
lets say warp prism had a bug, where they were able to pick up units from 10 range, instead of 5 by now. now this bug gets fixed. its basicly a bugfix, but wouldnt it be a nerf too?
if you would say no - whats your definition of a nerf?
It was a bug people were abusing causing broodlords to counter their counters. It was intended for them to have 10 range not 15. It was a bug fix not a nerf. A nerf would be from its intended target of 10 to say 9. Broodlord now have to trade like every other unit in the game.
What do we have here again. A Teran whine thread that says zergs are crying because of the queen. You guys have like 0 knowledge about the game design what comes to balance. If you played half as hard as you’re whining in this forum many of you might be out of the low leagues?
Just make queens cost gas, start with 50 and adjust as necessary.
This way zergs will need at least 2 gas and won’t be able to drone on 3 bases with half a gas income. Also you delay zergling speed if they want to make more than 3 queens in the early game. They will also thing twice to research ovi speed in the first 2 mins of the game. Case solved.
gz, youve destroyed every zerg opening with that suggestion.
this “make queens require gas to build” suggestion is both, so damn old and so damn dumb…
You mean how they destroyed every protoss opening every 1-2 years so that the youtubers have to make a new protoss guide every year? You will figure out new ones like protoss did.
We should make a “The most stupid balance proposal” award. The competition will be so fierce.
Queen ground attack range is fine.
Queen AA attack range isn’t because of how good it is at completely zoning out all non-BC air harassment of Zerg.
A bug fix can be a nerf. Lets put an example. Imagine that there is currently a bug that makes all terran units shoot twice as fast as intended. The bug gets fixed. Then all terran units would deal half their dps. Would terran be weaker in that case after the change than befre the change? Yes. Then, from the definition of nerf that I quoted before, a change that “Cause to be weaker or ineffective”. Would it be weaker? Yes. Therefore, tis a nerf.
Come on, its not that hard. The change weakens broodlords, hence it is a nerf. It is also a bugfix. It can be both. Fixing a buf can be a nerf or a buff. In htis case, broodlords got nerfed. Trying to deny it is just you jumping through hoops to avoid saying the words “Broodlords got nerfed”. It is completely irrelevant for the definition of nerf what the original intended counters, etc, are. Just the power level. Before, broodlords were stronger than after.
Can you say that then? “Broodlords are a weaker unit after the patch than before the patch.” Do you burn in flames if you utter those words? It sure seems like it.
Come on, deny that after the patch, the overall power level of broodlords is lower than before the patch…
I can’t believe that I am arguing this. This is unbelievable.