Harstem beats Maru 3-1

You really love the attention that much? There’s no way you date women.

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The way I got my first girlfriend was how I was joking about being gay because I had befriended someone because they were being picked on as gay (he wasn’t gay just kind the strange type). I was cracking all kinds of gay jokes just to piss off the jerks who were harassing him. She was so turned on we banged on the first date after going to an Aaron Rogers concert.

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Many a truth was told in jest. And hey, I’ve had a girlfriend myself, doesn’t really say anything definitive about your sexuality.

No I think it’s absolutely disgusting and the genes will die out in a couple generations. They are likely created by the recently discovered birth deformities that happen to male babies in the womb due to certain additives in plastics. Researchers proved it legit inhibits the development of masculine features including brain development. It’s probably where all the tranni es came from too.

HOWEVER, I will treat them with respect and dignity like every person deserves and if you disagree on that point I will spend an eternity crapping all over you with jokes.

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LMAO, so that’s why you’re in the closet. It’s okay big guy, no reason to fight who you are.

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You make fun of them by thinking I would be upset if you compared me to them, but you are very wrong and your comments only come across as bigoted.

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It’s okay, I’m allowed to be bigotted, I sit at a nice spot in the oppression hierarchy.

Lmao. I am truly a god at getting trolls to admit their true intentions.

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When did I ever hide who I was? It’s like you’re boasting that you can walk upright.

Earlier in the thread you were bragging about how you hide behind tons of accounts and how there is no possible way I could even remember who you are. Pick a lane, sweetheart.

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No, I just get banned a lot. I also don’t frequent the forums as much as you, so I don’t really have the same sort of presence.

:rofl: :clown_face: 20 chars

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I would be flattered if you remembered that thread we had where you broke down pretty hard, though. It’s not like I’m hiding, I just don’t really brand myself.

The more time you spend at the gym, the more compliments you get from men. It’s simple bro-science. Do you think the animals ingest that plastic too? Frogs perhaps?


Frogs don’t rely on testosterone release in the womb to form males and are therefore not affected by chemicals found in plastics which interfere with that process. Testosterone is key for forming masculine attributes including brain development. Masculine features are reduced in the samples that have these chemicals. They literally measure babies and show there is a very high correlation with male birth deformities and these chemicals. Since these chemicals are everywhere, it’s not a matter of if you are affected but by how much. If you are lucky, you will be in the group only affected 1% or less.

My mother was the tomboy type. She hated makeup and painting her nails. She despised plastic clothing. She loved to can food which meant we were eating peaches and apple sauce out of glass jars for years. We had an enormous orchard. She didn’t know what these scientists know now, but I am sure glad she was the way she was because it meant these chemicals had a near 0% effect on me. :kissing_heart:

I have always had a great deal of sympathy for people less fortunate than me. That’s how I got my first girlfriend as I mentioned. Well, I had “girlfriends” before but that was like holding hands or maybe a kiss on the cheek or something like that. I am talking about a real girlfriend. Anyway I was at a party and some people were giving this guy a hard time. I’d seen him around and thought he was odd. He had his shirt half-stuck into his pants. He was a weirdo to them. He liked Judas Priest. He’s the one I learned to like metal from, by the way. Anyway, they were convinced he was gay because Judas Priest’s lead singer was gay. It pissed me off so much I immediately started cracking the gay jokes. I was in ballroom and I’d joke about helping the other guys figure out them waltz moves by doing the ladies part in the dance. One of my friends from ballroom overheard me and I did the moves with him. The guys harassing him legit looked like they were going to throw up ROFL. This chick from my ballroom class, the super liberal type, came over and said hi. She’d been watching me for a long time and she decided to initiate. GIGApecsflex.jpg. I thought these dudes might start throwing punches the way the smiles were wiped off their face like somebody had slapped them. Here is this masculine alpha male with more muscle than they will ever have protecting this poor kid they picking on. I will never forget that look it was one of the most satisfying feelings in the universe.

I’ve stared down bigots before. You gotta make that eye contact and do the face. You know the face I am talking about. The one with resolve. The “come at me, bro, if you dare” face. You lock eyes and eventually they break eye contact and that’s when you’ve won - you’re the alpha now. They know they aren’t in charge anymore and walk away like little sad puppies.

In fact this memory reminds me of a particular Judas Priest song can I get an AMEN:

Are the chemicals also the reason there’s no good metal bands nowadays? Those Norwegians are probably still on that peaches and apple sauce diet.

I see you flaming Crusader even though he’s banned from a dating website for being a les… We need an extra muscular guy to stand up for him.

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:wink: :wink: :wink:

What are you talking about, man?

In the story I told, he reminds me more of the redneck bullies and less of the Judas priest fan. It was that kid who introduced me to SC by the way. We once went to a hotel with his family and sat in a hottub with our laptops massing battlecruisers while Judas Priest blasted on a TV in the background. :wink:

Give lore please.


The les app HER is a cruel mistress.