Harstem beats Maru 3-1

Says the guy who’s too afraid to post a picture with an actual face. Can’t see how attractive you are without a face. Can’t happen.

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Trying to find a way to stalk him, you weirdo


It’s the part of your body that determines your looks more than anything too. Anyone can put on or lose weight, but you can’t change (much) how your face looks or what your height is.

The problem is that Batz never posts anything useful. He brags about being good at SC2 but never posts anything above 5k MMR, he brags about being good looking but never posts a selfie. It’s same old same old baseless Batz.

That’s not true, I thought those rock climbing videos were hilarious. Gives me roboroadkill vibes.

Yea idk man, it’s definitely not enough to even brag about a “superior” physique. I think Batz is just trolling.

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Even if that was true, who cares? This is a SC2 forum, not a bodybuilding one. People that brag how fit they are, how good-looking are, how tall or short, strike me as insecure juveniles that have not surpassed the mental and emotional age of 11-12 years.
It’s pathetic.

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This is the best kind of body.


Making a joke out of yourself can hardly be called trolling. Trolling is meant to have the other person come out as the joke, he’s got it backwards if that’s his intent.

Yeah, we should be bragging about what time we can complete the marine control arcade map instead.

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Any body that is toned is pretty good to have. Just by having an average (not overweight) body you’re already more attractive body-wise than 70% of people.


People that are indifferent to what people think don’t make “memes” about how they’re not bothered.

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Bit weird to see my pretentious writing style in a “meme.”

Tbh I see more strange posting nude body pics than posting face pictures.Posting body pictures is…weird.


This is how I know these forums are filled with mental illness. Below is the reaction that I get in the real world when meet people:


That’s how normal, mentally stable, people react. Jot down some notes, TL’s of Bnet. Therapy is in session.


I know we have literal proof that you do, but I have to ask, do you leave the house at all?

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That things weird because you’re under a time limit. I was watching clem struggle because he was focus firing banelings instead of splitting them straight up. Needless to say my run was better than the video he posted.

I think the biggest distinction between real games and marine control is that you can actually win fights in marine control, whereas in real games you just get as much damage as you can and then run away.

The trolls trying to change the topic after gettin’ absolutely styled on. :rofl:

Add the W to the stack!

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