Harstem beats Maru 3-1

It’s not surprising if it was well the case. Some psychological traits of this freak tend in that direction. His morbid craving for attention tend to signal insufficient T levels. His obsession with T (testosterone) is another sign.


This freak has invented a novel way of human reproduction technique…
And the way the sexes are differentiated.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

YMCA used to be the place to go,nowadays is the gym,filled with high test men and women.

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Now “high-test” males are a normal thing (within medical boundaries) considering the age, the female “high-test” are an abomination (and a medical drama). Those idiotic females that tried to artificially increase the T level artificially (hormone therapy), were very very very sorry after some time when they had to buy razors to trim the beard and mustaches…
Nature does not care for human stupidity and punishes each transgression without mercy.
Biology just like mathematics and physics is not an opinion.

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