Harstem beats Maru 3-1

Handy link to a thread where batz tries to pretend that the barcode account that he is actively posting on and identifying himself as batz on is not batz

Visualizing balance in the simplest way possible - General Discussion - SC2 Forums (blizzard.com)

Just in case there was any doubt that he does this all the time.


It’s funny seeing him talking about himself, and people thought I was lying when I said I saw him replying to himself.

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The likes I receive from alleged batz accounts are pretty decently randomized, so I can believe they’re different people. Of course, I could randomize the likes in a similar way without much difficulty. The main thing to take away here is to pretend you’re on an imageboard and treat every account like a different person instead of acting like a schizo.

If it talks like a batz, walks like a batz, uses strange vocabulary like a batz, and posts exclusively to mindlessly agree with batz, its probably batz. The community isnt that big here, and he’s been caught at it in the past. Theres basically no reason to give him the benefit of the doubt at this point.


He probably does that too, I’m sure in the past has made some of those short lived accounts used to troll.Never understimate a bored person with no life.

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I don’t talk like batz, right? So I’ve had him go from admitting an account I trashed on ladder was him to being gaslit that it wasn’t him. However, I’ve known people on discord that are different people being indistinguishable from each other. You will never know what the truth is, so give them the benefit of the doubt.

Wouldn’t he then be bothered to randomize his typing patterns then? Unless he’s a lot less thorough then me he would.

Yes, but keep in mid he probably made more than two or three accounts, so it is easy to talk like batz with at least two accounts while only liking,doing some random short comment randomly, not continuous posting,would be strange some account posting a lot from nowhere.

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You do actually, but you dont match any of his other patterns of behavior, not the least of which is that i can actually see your profile.

He tried that for a while when he was pretending he didnt run the barcode account he currently uses, but he didnt have the dedication to keep it up. The longer he went, the more he ended up accidentally posting like he normally does.


I guess Blizz can take some precautions against delusional scumbags like our Resident Troll Batz:
If the same IP upvotes itself it stops it. Now our resident troll can upvote himself using Thor but for the majority that does not know it will work…

Now for highly intelligent people it’s possible to create 2 accounts and display 2 different personalities with 2 different way of expressing, 2 different vocabularies and 2 different agendas (one is a Whineterran the other a Protoss Supremacist).
But if one tries with 4-5 accounts then it gets exponentially more difficult because the first clone forgets what the second, third and fourth clone said.
Once our clown and scumbag BatZ even got into a fight with a barcode account (that was none other than himself).
The clown had lost count of his accounts and having the spirit of contradiction on Chronoboost attacked the barcode without pity.
It was hilarious.

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IDK, I get bored and stop posting for a couple of weeks or months depending on how I’m feeling. Sometimes I can only ever be bothered to lurk.

What, because he copied some of my insults like schizo? He got that from me BTW, never let that copycat live that down.

That’s fairly persuasive and very damning for him. Imagine having the attention span of a 5 year old lmao.

Lol. Aside from the difficulty that’s my point. The only issue ever is the tedium of it, but you should be able to manage to tedium by posting less or being more aggressive.

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Yeah, this isnt the first time he’s been caught at it. This is just the latest account in a long chain of accounts.


I can only imagine batzy sitting somewhere in Utah having a big giggle. This is exactly the response he wants from the good old battlenet forums.

Shut up batz alt >:(

you are having a psychotic breakdown. Imagining everyone is a batz alt. You are rambling crazy hobo level of crazy right now.


Frankly, i think the most offensive part of this is how completely lazy it is. You arent even bothering to really pretend you arent who you are. Youve put on the equivalent of a fake mustache and a really fake mexican accent and are expecting everybody to not recognize you.


Gotta love the trolls having a hard time deciding between “batz has infinite time in the world to troll from multiple accounts” and “batz has so little time he can’t bother to use different personalities on his different accounts.”

Pick a lane, sweetheart. Also, talk to a doctor and get some crazy pills.


People are out here going ballistic arguing about if I have the ability to use multiple personalities. I am sitting here thinking how absurdly easy it would be to run an AI over battle.net and have it automatically stylize your text for different personalities for you. These people are living in the stone age mentally - APEs with enough IQ to bang a keyboard on a wall.


There’s trolling, and there’s psychological issues. I don’t think Batz is a typical troll at all. I think his bizarre behavior of liking his own posts, talking to himself on multiple accounts, and so on is precedent to a much larger psychological issue.


Have you hear (or read) Metro 2033 of Dmitry Glukhovsky?
He can be considered a modern Cassandra considering what would pass on USA after 2015.