Harstem beats Maru 3-1

… Yes. That is what i said.

Three hours later and the supposedly super content people are still raging about how guys with big trucks are only trying to compensate. Talk about severe projection. That’s why I drive big trucks. It encapsulates my high testosterone. You won’t catch me crying like these ninnies. Adios amigos.

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i think its pretty funny how the entire literal forum teams up on you and try to find a way to crack you but they just ram their face into a brick wall of superior intellect. Kinda pathetic at the same time. The gap in IQ is so wide and it makes them so insecure. You’ve been running circles around them for years and they still havent learned their lesson.


I am currently having a conversation (on REEEdit) with someone who believes that asserting you know someone’s emotional state based on a tweet is analogous to asserting it’s impossible to know someone’s emotional state based on a tweet and that it’s severe bias to believe otherwise. On one hand, you have someone making a subjective claim based on their interpretation of a tweet which by definition has no supporting evidence. On the other hand, you have clear-cut proof that this person believes these claims since their own posts says they do which is the very definition of the word “biased”. “Biased” means “unfairly prejudiced for or against someone or something” which is obviously the case since they favor a conclusion that they factually could not prove. So we have as a matter of fact that this person is biased as per their own comments, but pointing out those facts is somehow equivalent to believing you can read someone else’s mind / prove things that are fundamentally unprovable.

To put it simply, this guy legitimately has a hard time differentiating between proven facts and beliefs. He also can’t categorize beliefs using inductive reasoning; some beliefs are reasonable because they have ample opportunity to be falsified and other beliefs are not falsifiable so it isn’t reasonable to believe them. Believing you know someone’s emotional state based on a 5 word tweet is not a falsifiable claim, so it is the worst possible kind of “belief” and even then he can’t distinguish between it and a fact.

Like I said before, there are total nitwits everywhere you go, including these forums and Reddit. The average IQ on Earth measured relative to the United States is 89 if I recall correctly. Mind you, the average person in the US is very, very dumb. They once thought a 1/4 pound burger was larger than a 1/3 pound burger. I kid you not the American people are that stupid. That means everywhere you go, 99%+ of the comments you read will not be even remotely intelligent. That’s just the fact of it. There are nitwit Democrats and nitwit Republicans which is why it’s so hilarious when people make sweeping generalizations like “democrats are so dumb”. “Really - ALL democrats are stupid? Sounds like you are pretty dumb, buddy.” You can always tell someone is a ding-dong when they shout catch-phrases and useless generalizations that they heard on the news and incorporated into their beliefs without an ounce of critical thinking.


nice, great to see your amazing consistency like always


To the forum posters here:

When you don’t practice what you preach, you become as likeable as Batz.

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Oh poor thing. He’s throwing a tantrum because I wouldn’t let him doxx me. Whatever will this poor victim do if he can’t doxx people? By the way, I have 1.4k likes on this account alone. In sum, I have over 15k. You have 2.9k. Just sit back and let reality sink in for a minute.

I am not sure what another person’s posts have to do with my consistency nor how generalizations have to do with specific instances. Talk about a train-wreck of a comparison. Let’s hope you didn’t spend too much time and effort on it.

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  1. You don’t have as many likes as me. You like your own accounts. Which is petty by the way.

  2. You preach that posters should admit to being wrong in an argument, but yet you don’t when you lose arguments. An example would be you using SC2replay to statistically prove zerg is UP against terran, while ignoring aligulac. Once it was shown how horrific SC2replay is at being statistically accurate, you never admitted fault.

You simply don’t practice what you preach, which is what is known as a “hypocrite”. When people recognize this, you become massively unlikeable, and rightfully so.

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You are right I have far more. Adios amigo.

Did you quote me twice on a single thing I said? Look, for someone talking about how high T he is, you’re very clearly desperate about how you’re perceived. It’s extremely effeminate, like how women act.

Also when talking to me, just know that I’ve been on the Mongolian cartoon forums where they gave a damn about being masculine long before people like Harstem and Lambo or whoever have been copying it, and my experience there showed me you types are rarely what you claim to be.

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Reality check, when someone is scared of how others perceive them they hide in the corner and make as little noise as possible. Nice try :kissing_heart:

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You’re not scared, you’re craving approval. Trust me, I’ve known a lot of boys who’s daddy’s weren’t around for them, I know an attention seeker when I see one. They’re the furthest thing from masculine too. :wink:


Batz is legit a stud IRL. He has posted body pics several times and you can tell the guy has pretty decent bod. He even went on a 10 days vacation with a girl who reached out to him and scored multiple times. The alpha energy is dripping so hard from his keyboard that you bettas must bend together in hope of trying to stand a chance. Just be happy for the man and his achievements. He’s good looking, smart and successful, good for him! You have so little success in your life you must try to bring others down so protect your ego from the truth. Quite pathetic to be honest. Just get good


The fact that you feel the need to pretend to be somebody else just to agree with yourself really says all anybody needs to know about you and what it is youre after Batz. Youve fooled nobody with this, as per usual.


I think the way people here respond to your supposed alt accounts is really lame and gay, I can take everything you’re saying completely at face value and I’m still unimpressed. I guess nerdy boomer game forums really don’t attract the world’s best, huh?

It’s so alpha to dick some hole a bunch of times? LMAO, you’re still in the beta zone if you think that’s even remotely impressive.

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There’s no other game where the level of pure and sheer imbalane is as scary as TvZ.

For the 100th time, I’m not batz. Me agreeing with him doesn’t make me one of his alt account, it just makes me much smarter than you. You are so wrapped up in your little psycho world.

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Sure, thats why you exclusively post to vaguely agree with batz, never hold your own opinions or appear anywhere else, and only showed up recently when his last alt account got banned.

It doesn’t matter what the truth is, plausible deniability is a great tool. You just come across as schizophrenic especially to new or infrequent posters. Just treat him as a different person, it really doesn’t matter.

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