Great Example of Mixing in Viking/Liberator/Ghost

They’re 4.725 when not charging. At ± 0.05 that’s the speed of stimmed marines. Of course that has its perks. Yet when they’re there, or at the 200/200, the opposed forces will last a bit longer.

Anyway, that’s a 1.5 year old tweak I doubt the current team will consider it anytime soon (supposing it would have to be). The question is, will they examine the impact of the last balance changes ? Will they resume balance updates at all ? Until we know, the only good response is to deal with it.

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Zealot speed was already high at 4.13. Giving 4.72 is not a big deal. It’s nor BW when Zealots have to traverse big distances on foot and the speed really mattered. Now they are warped from Prisms and have no need to travel much.
As about chasing MMM, it’s the Charge-Speed that matters (that was not changed) that maybe is 13 or something. Both old Zealots and new ones are able to catch MMM while charging.
Only difference is that Zealot on impact (he will die shortly-after) will cause way less damage.
For people that use extensively Zealots in fighting MMM this nerff is dramatic.
Blabbering of that troll that tries to pass a nerff for a buff is deeply insulting.


As someone who uses Zealots a LOT in PvT, the nerf was so dramatic that it caused all sort of weird crap to happen…and as you point out, the trade off wasn’t that great. Zealots with charge aren’t really microable outside of shift clicking them to different areas before shift A-moving them - or focus firing targets early game and the movement speed buff is kinda offset by warp prisms and proxy gateways.

The only time I find speed is nice is when I’m running away from a battle - and even then I’ve recall if things get serious.


Yes, and i seriously doubt that even the “buffed” Zealot can escape after hit by Concussive of Marauder. Zealot speed is reduced to 2.35 that is similar to a …Templar.

Not really worth engaging anymore with that guy. His tears have blinded his vision and his anger has blinded his reasoning. He sees Protoss and gets angry. No thoughts beyond that.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Like this?


The fact that I have a sub 100% TvP win rate is a crime against Maru and humanity itself.

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It’s more like this, champ. Kylo Ren's Temper tantrums - YouTube

Cool to see Protoss players discussing their alternate fantasy reality where the Zealot was nerfed. ~14% movement speed increase is now a ‘nerf’. I guess you would also say that the Void Ray was ‘nerfed’.

Imagine completely neglecting the fact that they took out the charge damage. You are so delusional


Give me Charge Damage back, and revert the nerf, then.


Insignificant, the speed increase more than makes up for it. If you want to nerf yourself out of extreme ignorance then fine.

The guy who comes on the forum every day to flame and insult more mentally stable people shouldn’t mention the existence of the report system…

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Sure, nerff us by reverting the Speed Increase AND the Damage on Contact.
Such clowns are victims of their own propaganda and delusion.
If the change was a “buff” (as the clowns like to describe) then they should not be contrary to reverting it.
Those manure-people are in a ridiculous position due to their BS.

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If that’s what you want.

Not me, every Protoss player. And i will be generous by not giving the full damage on charge immediately to Zealot but only +2.
After each Forge-Attack upgrade the Zealot will gain +2 damage also.
Only at +3 Upgrade the Zealot would have the 8 damage that he received previously immediately on Charge Research no matter the Forge Upgrades.

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The Zealot moves almost as fast as a speed-upgraded Banshee since the speed buff. Yet some how you think a minor 8 bonus damage is better vs things like… Marines and Siege Tanks… than a flat speed increase that helps them actually get into range to attack. I guess sometimes gifts aren’t appreciated.

No, it’s a calculation on cost/benefit.
We simply disagree on the impact of both the cost and the benefit.
Don’t forget that MMM has marines that if not killed fast they will heal from Medevacs. That +8 damage did just that.
It’s precisely the reason on why Disruptors are better than Storm in killing Marauders. Storm acts slow and the effect is reduced by healing, Nova kills Marauders immediately and that’s is what works for Protoss.

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Do nerf me in this manner. Revert the Charge changes.

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This tells me you don’t understand what you’re talking about.

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Watch out! Babayaga, the guy that called the buffs to void rays a placebo and Danktemplar that wants friendly fire on banelings and lurkers are telling you off…