Get rid of Cannon Rush

Or maybe protoss is just op which is why blizzard is talking about some of the heaviest nerfs in recent patch history. It’s pretty telling when the same person who doesn’t know how to block zerglings out of his natural can a-move skytoss to 5.8k mmr. If you aren’t boosted, protoss needs MASSIVE nerfs.

Everyone knows what I’m going to do on NA. I lose to TLO and Jimrising. TLO is just better. And for Jim, vipers are way better than anything… The warp prism literally has zero effect on wins or losses, personally. I mean, I don’t even have warp gate until late game. If they can’t scout that/figure that one out, then they have bigger problems than balance.

It’s just most sub 6k players have no idea how to counter it (it’s not hard, either…). Zerg is the race where you can get GM without being a thinker or having any fundamentals. No hotkeys, no anything. The greatest mystery to man is what separates a low GM Zerg from a Silver Zerg.

If it weren’t for the dumb cannon rush, I’d be 6k MMR on EU, but instead, luckily, don’t have to face sortof and the rest of those guys every game. To face cannon rushes every game or mass infestors every game. Which unwinnable scenario to prefer more. Tough one.


Honestly Playa these guys aren’t even worth your time typing. Everybody with half a brain cell can atest how stupid Cannon Rush is and how many idiots with diamond mechanics making into high masters/GM abusing it.


You benefit from it indirectly as the power of the warp prism restricts enemy options. A good example of it is found in the game you posted. The reason that guy went for a tank was because 9 times out of 10 it would be the right call. Your 1 cannon rush works because the threat of a real cannon rush provokes that response which some protoss actually do commit to.

The warp prism is no different. You benefit from the mere threat of a protoss who can be stupidly aggressive but you play the meta and go stupidly greedy after triggering the terran to go on the defensive. When protoss has a lesser ability to allin terran, their ability to macro will be greater and that means trouble for you and your “1 cannon rush transitioned into skytoss amoves” my friend.

Yep, but it is okay bois, they got recall and the prism to punish people for the Protosses poor positional plays.

While the Recall nerf makes sense and the Prism being questionable one thing remains certain: if there is a single strat that needs to be nerfed since start of LotV it is Cannon Rushing.

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I played a rematch against this Terran GM. He assumed I would “cannon rush” again. His plan was to not even deal with it. Just give up base, asap, and float his cc damn near across the entire map.

It’s like man… you can make ranged units… When a guy can make ranged units from the beginning of the game but would rather go without mining for minutes than trying to deal with stopping a cannon rush, all you can do is laugh.

The infestor demonstrates how broken something can be without being nerfed or receiving a serious nerf. If I could make a cannon in my base and attack your base, from a mile away, you would just be expected to “scout better.” Every day, I have to remind myself that people actually get paid to balance this game. Funniest/saddest thing to me.

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To be completely honest, everytime I get Cannon Rushed and I’m losing to it, I just float all my buildings to places around the map to make the Cannon Rusher waste his precious time for his undeserved win.

The Infestor is another glaring problem right now, his free units gaining the benefits from upgrades and bypassing armor due to a bug, coupled with Fungal which is basically a Storm that also slows the units. That’s the perfect combination for a busted unit.


The infestor is embarrassing. You have these commentators in your pocket and they’re there to hype things up, and all these years later, the commentary equivalent is “well… Zerg has 50 arms and Toss has zero arms and it’s a slapping contest. You do the math. Maybe Toss should try to cannon rush next game…”

Infestor, broodlord was considered the most OP thing in the game in WoL, despite vortex. Everyone and their grandma came to a consensus that it was not only over powered but it was literally killing the game, so it was nerfed. Fast forward… the infestor is better than ever and Toss’ late game is worse than ever.

If these guys can’t even learn from history, and they can’t play the game… then what are they doing? I wish I could just hibernate or something until Deep mind is balancing the game. Humans suck man, you know what I’m saying? If this is the best we can do, we suck. It’s depressing.

Btw, I don’t blame you for giving cannon rushers grief. If I have to play for 10+ minutes to win a game, then they can spend a few minutes chasing buildings. Given most of them have never teched before, you might end up getting a draw, figuring they would be at a loss.


Cannon rushes aren’t used to win 99.9% of games.

Cannon rushes are used way too frequently to justify keeping them the way they are. Anyone with half a brain ( besides a cannon rushers ) would understand that.

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Are people really having such issues with canon rushes now days? If you are you would have loved the days of the MSC + Pylons.


MSC and offensive Pylons were way easier to hold because we had units and infrastructure out already. Cannons we only have workers.

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That was never the claim. But it is a easy strategy to apply and extremely difficult to hold that can make people with diamond mechanics reach GM.


SeizonGod speaking the truth as usual.

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That would be correct if it weren’t completely wrong. It takes a lot more skill to do a cannon rush than to beat it.

Where is ur “Kappa” bro?


Nope. Cannon rushes have been figured out since 2010. If you lose to cannon rushes, you are equivalent to a diamond league player from HotS.

Then why are progamers constantly loosing to them? you’re full of bs.


I have to agree. Cannon rushing is stupid by design and only became worse with the economic changes to LotV. It’s about as bad as the Cyclone rework some time back when TvT was plagued by Cyclone A-move rushes every game.

Honestly, I feel like Cannon rushing stayed in because it was a meme from Brood War.

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