I’ll post this every week just to remind Blizzard that Cannon Rush is an embarassment for the game.
Then you’ll be getting my upvote every week until it’s gone.
Unless he will ask for a Nydus or Infestor nerff next whine…
You got me, I’ll only support nerfs for things that I think need to be nerfed. Such a hypocrite.
Cannon rush threads are surpassing team matchmaking complain threads
I might consider drinking to that
Sure, like WP, Carrier, Tank and BC…
OP units are always found in the opposing races.
So much for hypocrisy.
Zerg doesn’t usually have things that are OP for very long lol. But if you really want to see me say something zerg is too strong you can go to the old forum and find when the nydus changes were first announced, I made it pretty clear that I thought it was broken.
Guys, anybody with a lil bit of reason knows Cannon Rush, specially LotV, became far too strong due to economy changes. Not to mention it is the only strat where we lose before even having our first unit out in the field. That is pure cancer.
The main problem for C rush is in team games.
You can safely Crush every game and get two fully saturated bases with no way to be countered attacked. It’s an economic opener funny in team games.
I’ve actually started experimenting with forge after gateway in P vs T. So far, it seems like with just 1 cannon you can kill a guy’s supply depots and/or force him to 1 base or at least make a late CC.
I feel like no one really realizes the potential of cannons, because the “cannon pioneers” have always been Platinum noobs who have needed to all-in to win a game. These guys already dominate P vs P without having any ability to win even’ish games.
Who knows what the ceiling is in the hands of someone not trying to emulate a Plat player.
Well, first of pvp will be everygame cannon rush, because it is coinflippy garbage. Also because economy protoss is op and 40% gm, if you are protoss you will play everygame pvp, so you get annoyed. If they fixed protoss in the first place, it would indirectly fix that and yes it is idiotic, it not easy to do, because there is 200 ms delay and you worker may die if you bad luck, but once you learn how to do it is it easy compared to normal play and strong. You can lose to total idiot if yo uare unlucky and there is even some gm player.
I would revert worker start to 6, game would be less coinflipp and cannon rush would be worse and because now you need to scout but you can’t atm and you have more resources than normally and you have to invest them for scouting. In hots tvt was best matchup, better player would win in 90% of cases. But in lotv even tvt is coinflippy trash. You will probably win more games, by doing random all ins than normally. Since game promototes all ining and suiciding units without control, because less minerals per patches and defneder will stuck on less bases and they will dry out… I would prefer hots on 100%. Lotv is pure garbage!!!
If there is a single strategy that does not belong in the game it is cannon rushing. I do not know if it is OP or not but it is extremely unfun to play against.
Gateway before forge is such a nobrainer, it would improve the game without causing any problems.
A terran going 1 base because of 1 cannon is a terran who should be in bronze league. You can kill 1 cannon by pulling 3 SCVs.
That’s the thing, though. By simply pulling scvs, you’re already delaying your CC. And any monkey who really wants to make a cannon can do so. Only about 500 ways and places to wall a cannon to limit the surface area of killing one.
Thus, who can really blame someone for just trying to get a tank out, when 100% of people who make a cannon are relying on winning via an all-in.
Who cares when the protoss has already wasted money on a forge, pylon and cannon? An SCV mines ~40 minerals minute. Do the math and figure out how long your 1 cannon needs to delay him before you outweigh the cost of a forge, pylon and cannon.
I want a fast forge in my build, which is why I started doing this in the first place. Losing a pylon is inconsequential. Ie., I always pylon block in P vs P, since it’s a + EV play. And expo timing is overrated. The only thing that matters is relative economies. Thus, no downside there, either.
And you can always cancel a cannon before it’s killed by scvs, thus no way to lose that exchange either. No risk, only something to gain, which is why this strategy needs to be nerfed more than anything else in the game.
So that you can do a failed cannon rush and fall behind a terran who pulls 3 SCVs off the mineral line? How does that even work in your head? You have a collision between “cannon rushes suck, because I am a god and couldn’t lose otherwise” and “cannon rushes are op, because they beat me, a god, who couldn’t lose otherwise”.
It’s exactly the same logic as the “maxpax” build I created in HotS… When I proxied a gateway by Terran’s base, it always ended up being destroyed + the pylon, but my relative eco always ended up being vastly superior, thus… I had a 70% win rate most seasons, thereafter.
This is just a better version of that playa build… since all I’m losing is a pylon. The only real downside is your tech is a tad later than usual. Without a mothership core still being in the game, you’d want the ability to make cannons early on, when attempting anything like this.
I started making cannons before taking a third, before doing this build, so doesn’t change much for me.
Except the Protoss can cancel his buildings anytime and get most of his resources back and you will end up behind either way. That is the issue with CR.

Except the Protoss can cancel his buildings anytime and get most of his resources back and you will end up behind either way. That is the issue with CR.
The only building he can cancel in this scenario is the cannon, but he is already committed to a pylon and a forge, and there is no way pulling 3 SCVs is more expensive than that. Playa is just trolling. Either that or he is boosted. There is no way he had a 70% PvT winrate from a 1 cannon rush like he claims. Odds are he is exaggerating because he wants to feel justified in thinking cannon rushes are OP, because he loses to them and rather than admitting to himself that he sucks and needs to improve he has to come up with elaborate schemas of imbalance because that’s the only way the MIGHTY “playa” can lose. Lmao.
A terran doesn’t even need to pull 3 scvs vs a 1 cannon rush as he can just place his CC on the highground and then lift it to his third. The stuff Playa says is plain insane.