Get rid of Cannon Rush

Maybe I should post the replay of beating you with mass queen.

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Are you his little brother or something? “This user’s public profile is hidden.” I actually like thebatz, because he’s the only fraud that doesn’t come off as a con man. You know, most of them are like Lowko. Just smile and be friendly enough that no one can hate you/call you on it. Thebatz takes the opposite approach.

I don’t understand it, but it’s refreshing. The guy was a 1 time GM (when LotV came out, yet still playing HotS…). Absolute gift job. Like being a WoL GM now, if WoL had GM.

Since then, I’m sure he’s been around 5500 MMR or what not on NA. Now the guy’s gimmick/fraud is acting like he’s w/e MMR as someone he’s beaten. It’s like he is brain dead or just assumes everyone else is. After years of being in GM, who hasn’t beaten everyone in GM and vice versa? No one has a 0% win chance, unless playing a hacker at the top of the ladder.

This guy takes extrapolation to a new planet. Pretty sure I beat thebatz last time we played. And… I couldn’t care less. Don’t care if I lost to his cheese. Don’t care if I beat him. Only one who cares is him. All one needs to know.

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He literally posted multiple videos of himself playing again other players in GM on the other forum before the move… Do you have selective memory or something?

I’ve literally streamed at top GM on NA and have been posting my games on EU GM, yet thebatz, who you seem to be a fan of, likes to throw around “boosting accusations.” Do you have a memory? You sure know how to pick em.

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The big bad batz can smash 6k mmr players with troll builds. Playa is so boosted he made it to 5.8k while not being able to figure out how to beat a cannon rush.

“Troll builds.” Yeah, everyone, imagine thebatz not trying to troll people. What would his MMR be? 8k?

I like how you spend your time critiquing everyone else’s builds, while calling your only builds troll builds. Biggest clown ever. Like you know jack about anything.

I have a 70% win rate in P vs Z on NA and EU this season. I usually lose to players like Sortof who are massing 40 infestors or… lose to some “troll build.” I’m pretty sure players would rather win 7 out of 10 times than have to settle for bragging about winning one out of ten games with a “troll build.”

No one cares.


I do wonder what my MMR would be if the SJW mob hadn’t eviscerated Idra’s career over a forum argument (that’s the moment I realized going pro would be a tremendous mistake). I play the game casually now, don’t study or practice it at all, no watching replays or keeping track of the meta, and do the most ridiculous troll builds imaginable, and am still top 200 worldwide. Now we have Protoss in GM who can’t defend a cannon rush. If I had gone pro, I’d be a GOD.

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Lol. Since you’re talking to someone who knows your history… I’ll assume you’re talking to others, so won’t bother responding to this baloney.

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Really? You know my history? How many times have I made Grandmaster with Protoss?

Zero. As much as you got GM with Zerg before LotV.


Did you know that when you were facing me, you started leaving the game anytime you saw it was me? I’d forgotten about that but here I am looking at the replays. Lmao.

Leaving anytime I faced a barcode? Around half of my games on NA are insta leaves. Don’t feel special, clown.

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I wasn’t a barcode sweetie. I rekt you so hard you just started leaving the game. No joke. Lmao.

The last time I heard someone say that… it was upatreezelda, lol. Is that guy even 5k MMR? Crack is bad.

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“u really do have to play like this”
“i can’t get over”

as you died to mass queen nydus. LOL.

I’m glad you have this memory, that I assume is real… in case the internet ever goes down, you will always have something to pleasure yourself to. If only anyone else cared even 1% as much as you do.

I wonder if anyone else has brag memories of beating someone with liberators before they were nerfed 20 times. What a feat.


5.8k gm doesn’t know how to finish his wall and loses to standard ling pressure. 99 out of 100 masters 1 protoss wouldn’t die to this.

You can’t be serious. This is by far the dumbest s I’ve ever seen. You won a game because you got lings in a split second before a probe could reach the wall to make a pylon. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooow. Totally never seen Neeb lose a game like this.

I keep a probe at my wall more times than not before zealot is out now, just so I don’t donate points to monkeys like you. Hate making you clowns feel good about yourselves.


You are right. This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen, too. A 5.8k GM has no clue how to navigate the early game PvZ when it’s one of the absolute simplest parts of the game. The same player also whines about how “OP” cannon rushes are. 99 out of 100 masters 1 protoss wouldn’t die to this.

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130-51 in P vs Z this season, for 72%, with GM MMR on both servers. I dunno man. Wonder how stupid/bad you are compared to the standards you have for others.

Kinda sounds like you’re reliant on people taking breaks for years and then sneaking lings in their base. You know… it’s almost like you kinda suck even worse than those you hate on. Interesting.

“Eh, playa… I just do troll builds, cause… one time, Idra was kicked from a team and stuff. And yeah, you know. It all adds up.”

Anyone on the forum have a higher win rate in p vs z this season, with over 100 games played? Maybe thebatz does. Cannon rush so easy to hold. “I’ve never lost to a cheese before cause… ugh… I always cheese them first. Hahaha.” Shut up man.