Future of SC storyline?

They already made a schism, just a good one. In lore. Niadra is independent of Zagara, while maintaining “classic” Zerg traits.

Good thing Sleeping Beauty had an entertaining villain to make the experience watchable.

Then Disney saw Sc2’s treatment of Kerrigan and ripped it off to make a sh!tty remake of Sleeping Beauty. I’m now expecting Angelina Jolie to become a holy angel in the sequel :smiley:

At least they tried something new.

Beauty and the Beast or Lion King didn’t bring anything new.

Wow, it’s live action. Soooo fu^king impressive. You got Beyoncé. Dope, but where’s my Jeremy Irons.

Also, I’m still waiting for a metal song in Disney fairy tale. Or some rap.

The Aladdin remake ends with a rap song. Courtesy of DJ Khaleed (“Another one !”)

BotB tried to answer the nitpicky guys on the Internet screaming about “STOCKHOLM SYNDROME” and “THIS FAIRY TALE IS NOT LOGICAL”. And add some forced feminism. The result is what you’d expect from trying to “fix” a fairy tale with logic : you take away the magic.

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Best live action remake so far was Jungle Book IMO.

I’d suggest a live action Emperors New Groove, but let’s be real, it doesn’t get any better than the original. “Why do we even have that lever?”

*inhales and looks smug *
*pauses and looks confused *
How did we get here first?

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Whether it be Black Cauldron, Atlantis: the Lost Empire, Treasure Planet, or Brother Bear, THOSE are the films that deserved remakes because they were flawed films that Disney could have potentially made a lot better with a live action remake. The only reason they haven’t is because they were box office duds.

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I’ll be honest. I only read a couple of her work for StarCraft. And while I like Evolution. The writer clear don’t know who the pre-established characters are. Honor is suddenly an idiot. Artanis is no longer a clam and open minded leader. At very least Blizzard should force all its writer to play all major campaign. They could do it in very easy mode with someone to guide them or with a couple of cheat code. And if the writers refused, then don’t hire them.

I thought we already disputed that. The Zerg with their request for evolution is neither good nor evil. They just strive to better. Yes, they ate other race, but you don’t go around calling steak’s lover a murderer now, do you? And don’t get me started on invasive species.

So far we only see them drive toward the destruction. I would like to see them evolve for some other goal.

It depends on hotness of the chick.

Please, please remake that. I love that one despite its flaw. You can clearly feel that it’s a product of love.

As deeply flawed as that movie was I also loved it. I don’t know what it was about the art style but it was really awe-inspiring. I’d almost be worried they couldn’t recapture that weird magic if they did remake it.

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While I do think Horner was a little too wary of Valerian given how long its been, I think he nailed Artanis pretty well. Artanis is open minded, sure, but unlike in LoV he doesn’t have the threat of imminent destruction forcing him to play nice with the Swarm. Worse, he cant be sure that the Swarm itself isn’t the threat this time. It only makes sense he would be significantly more wary of them.

Somehow thought I would have read about it already.

@Emperor Probius, the ruler of Probe

Yes, I agree with you on that. This first impression and how he react in regarding to Xel’Naga’s essence is very understandable. However, thing went south from there. If Zagara wanted to start the war, then there is no way he could leave peacefully.

Valerian decided to stay and he just left? That’s just not in character. He might think about leaving, but upon seeing Valerian stay and he should change his mind and stay, too. He should be on high alert the whole time, but leaving and left Valerian alone is just not how he should behave. Especially since he has a recall ability while Valerian don’t.

Niadra is a meat puppet blindly following her last orders. She has zero aspirations beyond that, much less anything grand and heroic like the pre-retcon Overmind’s zerg deciding to conquer the universe for the good of all.

Destruction is in the eye of the beholder. I thought the pre-retcon Overmind was a heroic figure, heroically conquering the universe because it believed everyone would be happier as a zerg monster. Humans and protoss think that is evil, but they are stupid and wrong. The all-consuming unstoppable zerg were actually the good guys all along.

But I digress…

Regardless of my personal belief that the canon is a dumpster fire, I highly doubt that Blizzard will follow through on their promise of the zerg becoming peaceful space hippies. They said the exact same thing about the orcs, and then Warlords of Draenor (among others) showed that the orcs were basically baddies all along. Zerg have even less lore support for being nice guys because their entire lore is composed of evolving into better killing machines and copious amounts of body horror.

We already have the mecha zerg and cerberus zerg for all your nice guy zerg needs. The regular zerg currently have nothing that makes them stand out from the robot slaves and cyborg slaves. They are meat puppets behaving according to the fiat of incompetent hacks writing schlock for children.

And unlike World of Warcraft, Starcraft isn’t an MMO with factions, quest-givers, and a world map. It’s extremely vaguely sketched out schlock space opera, so the writers have tons of leeway in rewriting the cast and setting to do whatever they want at the moment. Change the writing team, the setting changes with them.

Her first canonical appearance is that she’s just a freaking spacehugger larva and she proceeds to kill every single Protoss on the ship.

Talk about putting down the lil’ lass.

Gets angry at Alliance in Kaldorei

The Overmind makes it pretty clear his goals are entirely selfish. He is chasing perfection of the Swarm for its own sake, not out of altruism. He only incorporates species that benefit the Swarm, and destroys the rest. There are no high minded goals for unifying the universe or anything like that, he simply wants to consume it all.


Says you. The zerg characters were created as throwaway and never cared about by Blizzard according to interviews. They were just accessories to Kerry’s story discarded at the drop of a hat because Blizzard never liked them. (Screw you too Blizzard. Filthy zerg-haters.) We got a couple paragraphs of dialogue at most, with half taken up by terran and protoss dialogue. Hardly enough to do character analysis that isn’t projecting headcanon.

If Blizzard actually cared about the Overmind and cerebrates as characters rather than throwaway gags, then we might have seen them going into more detail on zerg philosophy and morality. They’d probably have pulled a Burning Legion and made the zerg good guys all along and the terrans and protoss were the real villains for not letting themselves get eaten.

In any case, the canon is a dumpster fire unworthy of praise or analysis. The overwhelming majority of Starcraft fans don’t give a damn about this lore because it’s so transparently bad. Every non-Starcraft fan I talked to also agrees that it is bad.

< citation needed >

Seriously, im pretty sure youre making that up. Kerrigan was a late addition to the original StarCraft story, and she existed entirely to act as a bridge between the Overmind/cerebrates and the player.

As ever, you clearly don’t understand what youre talking about. Please go actually play the games before you talk about then. Your ignorance shows through every single time you try and comment.


The SC1 Zerg campaign comes to its climax with the Overmind pontificating to the player on Aiur about the culmination of its grand designs while Kerrigan is left playing janitor on Char. It’s pretty difficult to suggest that he wasn’t the most important character in his campaign.


I’ll be direct. It’s not difficult, it’s just dumb.