Forum - View profile on some forum members has incorrect URL

  1. Go to
  2. Click on View Profile on the right side. [ ]
  3. You’ll find yourself being redirected to - which is an invalid page.
  4. Reason: there’s a damn typo in the in the part of the URL - it should be staRcraft not, staCraft.

Archived snapshot of the incorrect data:

Profiles of some other users are also affected, some are not. Mine seems to be correct.

While this is not a game issue, but not sure where I should’ve posted that. I just know that CS guys read this forum section and are able to forward this to proper team.

There are also other issues in regards to the integration of the forum, but these are sc2 webAPI related (reported here: 504 Gateway Timeout errors for SC2 Community APIs - API Bug Report - Blizzard Forums ).
This one seems to be strictly related to this SC2’s instance of Discourse/Forum.

blizzard wont be fixing that anytime soon

Well it’s probably easier to fix than SC2 engine code lol.

probably, but the way things are going i wouldn’t bet on it getting done. seems every other day something else is broken around here and it just gets pushed to the back burner.

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