Fix terran or make sc3

Maru only??? LOL

Innovation went to military, Byun was gone for a while and so was Gumiho…ahh I forget his name but there’s another young terran player dominating right now. And if Flash didnt retire or go on to other games he would still be at the very top where he was in SC2.

Maybe. Just maybe its because beginners Pick terran the Most.

Overall good Arguments but this one is really weak.

A nice idea, one that is claimed constantly and without any sort of corroborating evidence. Is it possible? Sure, but after 12 years of this pattern consistently? How likely are we that all the Terran players are “just new?” or “just not as good?” ludicrous.

I play both Protoss and Terran and I will tell you that I have a FAR easier time playing as Terran.

SOOOO many items and units at my disposal. Throw in my mineral cheat code (mule spam) and I just have endless possibilities.

Against Zerg it’s a fair game, against Protoss…it’s just seriously stupid and COMPLETELY imbalanced against them.

Widow mine drops, stimmed MMM with siege tanks, early Thors with SCV’s repairing will stop ANY and ALL proxy stargates I don’t care what anyone says cause I can prove you wrong with replays.

Protoss are weak as f*&^ and need help.

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You can Check nephest. It has Always be claimed because its true. Terran is the Most played Race with 37% of Overall Players.

They lead Bronze with 37%, silver with 46% gold with 41% Plat with 35% Diamond with 33%. They barely dont lead Masters and yeah they dont lead Grandmasters.

Its a massive selection bias because terran has Always been the campaign Race and also the Race that has the Most similar mechanics to Other rts. No Wonder that new Players or Players that arent really competitive chose terran. And Boy are there many Players that are Not competitive :smiley: i know someone with over 5k 1v1 Matches from 12 years of StarCraft and Hes still at 2k mmr raging how Hes playing vs terran like 80% of the Time.

Edit: okok i did the numbers and out of 228 matches this season he played 120 times vs terran meaning 53% terrans.
overall in lotv he played 1591 matches and 767 were vs terran meaning 48%. He has a 37% winrate vs terran since hes only rushing and terrans have a very strong defense naturally.

Most played, but "most played by newer players"was the claim.

There is the answer.
Bronze to gold is 50% of the players and terran is dominating that. To be below average you have to be either new or fairly uncompetitive. That they have such a massive lead in lower mmr just skews terrans average mmr so freaking hard.

But i think you will only believe what you wanna believe or do you have an explanation why in korea 51% in bronze are terran?

Man, its not really hard to believe or to deduce that terran is the starting race. It doesnt even have anything to say about its ultimately being easy or hard to play. But like i said it massively skews the statistics.

Yeah thats true. Right now im not really playing much and without that practise my terran is by far my best offrace. couple days ago i easily beat a 4k terran player in macro tvt :smiley:
The race just feels so solid and scales so much with mechanics its incredible. I dont have a bo, i just build workers and standard units and its incredibly strong.

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The funny thing is that I don’t even play TvT games, I just leave them all and I’m STILL 3.5k MMR.

People are just stupid and don’t get how bad Protoss have it compared to Terran and Zerg.


Want me to show you the videos of people getting from bronze to GM with nothing but marines on A move?

Or would you like to rescind your poorly thought out comment now? Protoss micro more than terran, zerg macro more, and terran sit on their butts and do nothing, waiting for mines or tanks to get them a free win. That’s how the game is played.

Game is 12 years old, but you’re still under the impression we’re getting a TON of new players and they’re all Terran lol.

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I did Not say that. I said you have to be either new or uncompetitive. Like i said. You believe what you want to believe because you are a whiny terran like Most terrans.

You have the fact right there that the average mmr is lower for terran because its the beginners race. The Race that Casual Players Play the Most. And Like i said it is neither good nor Bad that people Pick terran as the Starting race. Its Just selection bias.

Terran is leading Diamond and in some cases Masters and Grandmasters. So everything is as expected because its the Race thats played the Most.

You didnt answer any of my questions. Why do you think Korea has 50% terran in Bronze ?

Also who are the people in Bronze ? Are that highly competitive tryhard Guys that Just fail to advance? Or are they Something Else …?

You’re assuming you have ANY idea why someone else chooses something. But you literally showed zero evidence for that, other than the MMR. Ergo, “Terran has the lowest average MMR, because it’s the easiest.” It’s the stupidest argument, but for some reason, I’M the whiner, lol.

I have no idea. I don’t try to assume why an entire population of people with their own subjective motivations are doing anything.

I have NEVER said that. I actually stated multiple times that it DOESNT mean terran is the easiest just because most beginners pick the race. What are you smoking that you twist my words that hard and why do you refuse to acknowledge simple facts about the game? What is wrong with you?

Its a simple selection bias. Im not a major in psychology but its so freaking obvious that the race that will advertised the most will be the race that most beginners will pick. Terran is the campaign race. Its the race that the whole story revolves around. Its the race with the best music and the best quotes with badass marines destroying aliens :smiley:

So you dont find it funny that terran players are overwhelmingly in bronze to gold and you think its completly random? :smiley: my dear…why am i even talking to you? Its not even rocket science and that terran is the starting race and why is an acknowledged fact all around the sc2 community. Like you said in the first place:

You just choose to not see any evidence. The same way you twist my words:

so yes, you are a proven whiner. go back to the heromarine stream where you came from.

Okay, your “evidence” was a bunch of subjective B.S.

That’s not what “selection bias” is. Selection bias is when, for instance, when you choose to study millionaires and conclude out that people who over-leveraged themselves in real estate or securities became millionaires. When if you’d studied people who over-leveraged themselves in various trading derivatives, you’d find that 40% were disgustingly rich and 60% were completely destitute. Selection bias is an error in selecting who you choose to study.

Notice, THIS thread is a thread created to whine ABOUT TERRAN lol. You haven’t proven a thing. Though I know the concept of “proof” might be difficult concept for a Protoss player to grasp,

You have literally no idea what you are talking about. My god. Typical terran. Claims im wrong and gives a completly false explanation without any definition or proof :smiley: You played yourself.

Selection bias is the bias introduced by the selection of individuals, groups, or data for analysis in such a way that proper randomization is not achieved, thereby failing to ensure that the sample obtained is representative of the population intended to be analyzed. It is sometimes referred to as the selection effect. The phrase “selection bias” most often refers to the distortion of a statistical analysis, resulting from the method of collecting samples. If the selection bias is not taken into account, then some conclusions of the study may be false.” straight outta wiki.

Because race selection is not random its false to take the lower part of the playerbase into account to conclude that overall terran has on average less mmr meaning the race is too weak. Because thats what you do. You look at the data that includes massive amounts of biased people which leads to a selection bias because those people skew the stats. In other words you are saying: “heromarine is not winning every match because there are so many terrans in bronze to gold”. You are using bronze to gold to justify that terran should be stronger. I hope you are aware of that.

But hey…whatever. If a terran wants to whine he gonna whine. Im done with this twisting word bs.

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This is literally what I stated it was…

True, but you took it upon yourself to decide it was the lower skilled half of the population that Terran is popular with, and that’s what you haven’t proven.

Has anyone brought up about terran being the most honorable race yet?

Edit: BTW, I’m joking.


That was the answer to my question why 50% of korean terrans are bronze. 50% is no way near anything acceptible that it might be random. If 50% of terrans are in bronze you gotta ask yourself why because it cant be only subjective selection. There has to be something systematic. I asked you why. You STILL didnt give me an answer. You didnt answer me why the stats are skewed in this way. YOU havent said anything. All you did was saying i was wrong without any logical explanation. So…why is terran so popular in lower leagues? Whats your opinion? My opinion (without any concrete proof ONLY that its pretty logical and accepted within every bit of sc2 community) is that because terrans are humans and most similiar to any other rts and is the adverted main race the story revolves around and is the campaign race. Funny how most sci fi alien movies are from the humans point of view and seeing aliens often times as a threat and not about the point of view of an alien who is destroying the bad humans…something something we can relate to humans? This is the whole selling point to be begin with. Its just alien vs predator, its just warhammer 40k, its just humans kicking alien butt. and thats pretty badass. you know how advertising works? they wouldnt do it that way if it wouldnt work you know? it was one of the most successful rts of all time with the advert: be jim raynor to kick some alien butt. and people were like hell yeah i wanna do that.

Maybe just maybe the players in low leagues are either new or dont care about the competition. What a shocker, ay? So whats that saying about having many terrans in lower leagues?
Also, we can turn around the perspective. Why is zerg by far the least played race? Because mine and the sc2 communities explanation is exactly the same but other way around and perfectly fits. Same logic here. Whats your explanation then?
Zerg: Overall: 25% of the players, 24% in bronze, 17% in silver, 20% in gold. Why is that? Why is that despite zerg being the race that has the least obvious mechanics that you would learn in other rts? Why is zerg perceived as the hardest race for beginners? Maybe…just maybe because it is. And again: this doesnt have anything to do with a race being ultimately easy or hard.

Truly a joke. Terran. The race that never says gl hf nor gg. The race that has the most viewers when whining is allowed. One glimpse in heromarines chat is enough. A bunch of badmannered guys praising themselves and bashing all others.