DRG > Serral? thank you

Yeah that was…rough to watch…Rogue just turned him into minced meat

Drg was winning in all games… but made minor mistakes… if muta battle happen 10 seconds sooner… drg wins… etc…

What about all the people who quit the game? You speak nothing but nonsense…

If you think that was the only mistake he made, you have no idea how this game works

What about them? They quit. They’re non-entities as far as I’m concerned.

You speak the nonsense that everyone agrees with you. But they do not. Game is bad. Pro scene is bad. That is why so few play the game.

Drg made mistakes. So did rogue! But the game deciding mistakes were very minor. Drg needed two spores at his gold and a nydus to his main. Very small change and he is the winner. Rogue struggled in each victory except the proxy hatch. Drg is very near to rogues level. Which is very impressive. Since he hasn’t been playing for long.

More than 15 millions of 1v1 games every season are played, more than 1,2 Millions in prizes per year


Are you one of those people who are saying dead game unironically for the past 7 years?.

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More forum nonsense… and demonstrate lack of reading comprehension… game with more players and more games played is better than one with fewer. Is that hard to understand? Only for forum trolls…

Then sc2 is better than BW i guess?

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Does it have more players? Bigger pro scene. With fiercer fiercer competition?

Rogue literally didn’t struggle, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Rogue ran circles around DRG like DRG was in Diamond league.

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More people play the game now than during HotS. Tournaments literally have higher average viewership. Game is great and fun. If you hate it uninstall it and play something else. You clearly have no business being on these forums with a bunch of people who disagree with you.

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You do not understand game well. Which is why you are golds league. Rogue struggled to win every game. And each he won by skin of his teeth.

No more players, smaller pro scene, less competition.


You cannot lie to socrates…

Then you have the answer.

So its just the amount of following what makes something good instead of the raw quality of the subject?, if affirmative, go play LoL and do not waste your time on those underpopulated forums from a dead game.

I’m not gold league, and that’s verifiable because I don’t hide my account like a coward. Rogue didn’t struggle at all, it was pathetically onesided. - OldWhovian

I’m not lying. I’m just right. You’re no Socrates, you’re Diogenes at best. - OldWhovian