DRG > Serral? thank you

:zipper_mouth_face: shhhhhh… you will ruin our secret… :handshake:

Did Serral even play SC1? He wasn’t pro in SC1. I believe DRG was a pro in SC1.

SC1 was harder than SC2 so by this alone, DRG could potentially be > Serral.

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The only secret between us is that you know you’re being intellectually dishonest with your statistical application and refuse to admit it.

I straight up did not know that DRG played BW. Interesting.

And yeah, BW is much harder because units are completely frittata. They don’t listen to basic commands

Mathematics is dishonest to forum poster… proof that I am socrates of bnet…

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Rain was most powerful protoss in sc2. He dominate at top for long time. Then retired… players are terrible in pro scene now… all b team players who could not win in hots…

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Sc1 is different, like comparing MTB cycling with road cycling. A lot of good BW players didn’t reach the status as best of the race or even getting a single big tournament.Flash was supposed to be a literal god in BW and at sc2 he was a good player and had a nice short period of being really good, but in the end he only won 1 title (not a GSL), and that was before the region lock when most tournaments were kr favoured. And he was the best what BW could bring to sc2,other top BW players had to stay around as just good players. There was that classic TL thread about how good BW pros were and how hard their game was that they would ravage sc2 scene at the moment they would start playing sc2, funny thread considering that the most succesful players in sc2 were not the biggest BW and mostly low tier players.

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Well said.

(add type characters to meet the ridiculous forum moderation rules of some random limit of character entries…like omg like omg like omg forum mods get a grip)

Quote where I verbatim said Mathematics are dishonest. I’ll wait.

“There are different pros now, they are by default worse because they weren’t competing during HotS”

Sorry not how logic works. People get better the longer they play; unless you believe that every single HotS pro that is no longer competing just unanimously decided to change careers at the advent of LotV as the only explanation of new pros, but Occam’s Razor is pretty applicable there.

Serral first pro game in 2011… pls check fact before posting… I am not your nanny…

And he has since improved. I didn’t even mention Serral, please learn how to present and retort an argument.

DRG lost hard to Rogue, he is as in shape as Mvp or ForGG when they returned from service. Ok maybe better but I still dont get how he won vs Innovation… #Zerg things. So the burst of assumptions how DRG who hasnt been top since WoL suddenly better than Serral or whoerver… can be put to rest

Old Dumbian

Easy to understand, he played well, Innovation played really bad.

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Innovation is best kr terran… show how bad sc2 pro player is right now… he make tanks as drg make mutas… gold league mistake…

You can play tank against mutas. If you play really well and don’t lose tank to muta it’s really strong.


You cannot go tank against muta… cyclone is garbage too. But innovation did it anyway… noregret get code s… competitive scene is dead…

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Did forgg take out last season code s champion, and make round of 4 code s? Of course not…more forum nonsense…

These terran players need to be put in a slammer until they remember bio mine beats lbm, and mine got buffed from hots to lotv with 25% less build time.

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Rip thread. Rip DRG.

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