DRG > Serral? thank you

I’m glad I don’t pay your salary, if I did I’d fire you (assuming you’re a math teacher) because that link proves you are wrong about your claims all together XD pls just give up now and stop embarrassing yourself

You seem to be sounding more and more like tehbatz. Just putting it out there… Is tehbatz in turkey?

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It’s like a frittata TehBatz. At least TehBatz correctly used statistics in his math.

The plebeian reject socrates… socratres speak truth… which plebeian call witchcraft…

I’m glad I don’t pay your salary, if I did I’d fire you (assuming you’re a math teacher) because that link proves you are wrong about your claims all together XD pls just give up now and stop embarrassing yourself

You remind me of my son. Who is 10. When he does not want to do math work. Do not worry! It will come to you in time…

I mean, I already took Calc I-III, Statistics, Statistical Programming, Linear Algebra, and Discrete Mathematics to get my degree. I actually know quite a bit about math. You’re literally just wrong and I see no point in trying to educate you when you’re just a pathetic lying troll.

I do not believe you ^^

But do not worry! It will be our secret :slight_smile:

It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe me, you already proved you don’t even understand that statistical concept you’re trying to leverage (Order Statistic). The issue is, you’re cherry picking part of the concept and ignoring the rest of it that makes it non-applicable to your end goal. Please, just give up. You’re literally wrong.

It was me who was able to name the proper concept. Remember? You cannot trick socrates!

Being able to name a concept and being able to appropriately use it are two entirely different things. If you understood statistics at any real life level you would know that. Instead you’re leaning on the idea of “BUT LOOK, I KNEW A TERM” but completely ignoring that you have literally no idea how it applies to real world scenarios.

What type of distribution is the nth order statistic of the normal distribution? Very simple question…

It’s the maximum.

Now which inferential statistical method is applicable to your hypothesis surrounding the idea that HotS statistically required higher skill than LotV?


I will keep our secret safe!

Ah, so you can’t answer the question, well GGNORE. You did your best, but I guess your best wasn’t good enough. Didn’t expect more from a lying troll “GM”* barcode.

  • Player was unable to prove they’re GM, but went ahead and claimed that they were better than Serral

Now, let’s just say for the sake of argument that you, liar, were able to actually make an argument for using nonparametric statistical analysis to determine peak player skill for each rendition of SC2, the most you would have is a mathematical inference; which isn’t proof. It’s a suggestion about what the data models. However, that doesn’t mean skill peaks aren’t higher now than they were.

More so, there’s no active commentator, player, or streamer than believes that HotS was the peak of SC2 skill because it doesn’t logically pan out. As time progresses and players play more, they develop a finer tuned skill for what they’re doing. That’s the basis of practice for all of human history.

But hey, you were scared off by the fact I called your bluff, it’s okay kid. I know it’s hard once you actually go up against someone who is your better.

You say you are expert in statistic. But cannot answer simple question about statistic…

is it binomial distribution? please tell me Mr tehbarcode.

I actually never said I was an expert in Statistics. I said you weren’t. Also, I did answer the question. The nth order statistic (largest order statistic) is the maximum.

You seem to believe you’re an expert in statistics but you can’t answer a question about the methodologies you used to determine the HotS era was peak skill. You’re the one making a statistical claim, not me. The burden of proof is on you.

And, again, statistical inference isn’t proof about actual skill peaks anyways; only that the possibility exists.

It is the GEV distribution…

h ttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%E2%80%93Tippett%E2%80%93Gnedenko_theorem

Yeah still waiting on that proof of yours.