Counter to cannons behind mineral line in P vs P?

I just watched him play vs Hupsaiya and use exactly my build. Listen, the guy even sent a zealot to hupsaiya’s base. It would take the biggest idiot in the world to not realize this guy just straight up copies me. I mean, how dense do you have to be. Are you the densest of them all or what? Let me guess, the guy is either massing void rays with disruptors or doing some adept build.

The two blatant barcode hackers I just played are more legit than max is in regards to creating builds. As perceptive as you guys are, though, you’d think the players just had great game sense.

Everything in this game/scene is a flat out joke/sham/fraud. Jesus christ.

i asked you a question, you did not answer it

If he is, then yeah. If not, shut up. It’s not hard to not be stupid. Oh, my bad… I guess in your case it might be. Stop scamming people. Stop lying. It’s not hard.

This is what you clowns have helped SC 2 become. You think it’s really funny, huh?

Last two games. I want the geniuses who think it’s funny to act like SC 2 is anything but a big fraud and Playa is just talking non sense to look at these games, use your big brains, and to spout more of the same nonsense. Totally legit, yada, yada. You guys have less of a free mind in regards to regurgitation than a parrot does.

h ttps://

h ttps://

This is SC 2 now. Everyone blatantly lies and then we pretend they’re awesome and the person they’re scamming sucks. Anything I’ve been involved in… scam. And it’s not me scamming. I tell you that much. It’s pathetic. It’s really funny, though, huh?

Amount of hackers banned in a tournament? Zero. Amount of hackers given grief? Zero. Amount of builds Max has created? ZERO. Yet, I can’t go a day without being given grief, huh?

what are you even on about? you’re really seeming rather insane lately, i asked you a simple question, and you keep writing nonsense that has nothing to do with what i said.

Yeah, I’m just going to patronize someone and be sarcastic and then act like a clown when they read between the lines. Stop being annoying. You got your own mind. You a big boy. Make your own decisions, you clown.

Look at the replays. Here is your chance to call me Avilo. I just said the last two people I played hack. Here’s what you guys get off on. Here’s your big chance for the day. Look at them. Tell me how I’m wrong. I’m always wrong, right? You don’t even need to look. Just so obvious. :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

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and i’m the clown here, rofl.

Hey playa, I saw maxpax open zealot adept and beat harstem who was going 1 gate expand on the low ground… should I tell twitchchat theyre using playa builds?


Given I emailed Harstem a year ago and showed him a replay of exactly that and they’re friends, maybe so. All they do is scam, too, and just happen to be good at SC 2. Has anyone heard of stolen valor? This is even worse than that, because, at least then you can’t take away from the real ones. This is next level posing scamming.

I’m tired of hearing about these clowns.

Every tournament, you gotta see every hacker to ever grace the game, and you’re just supposed to act like it’s cool. Nah man, I don’t see anything. Oh man, Playa sure did choke… wonder why? Maybe cause I don’t care. Maybe cause nothing in this scene is worth caring about. Everything is a joke. If you put the time in to get good, someone is just going cheat a little harder. Scam a little more. This game sucks. This community sucks. It is what it is.

Everyone should look at the replays I just provided. It’s in your face. No need to try to hide anything. Just as blatant as possible. No one is going to ban anyone so why not, right? I mean, I still one won of the games and the other one I just tried to end as soon as I realized he was hacking… move on with life.

This is what you guys foster with your non stop love affair with b s. It’s funny cause they hacked vs me. As long as they’re scamming me… it doesn’t affect anyone else. That’s how it works, right? hahahaha

You gotta admire the next level mind games though… dude shares his games with harstem and then does the absolute counter to his build… are you secretly working with maxpax to sabotage Harstem??? I knew it, you sneaky devil.

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I don’t know what you’re talking about or didn’t watch. The only “counter” to that build is being able to get up a ton of shield batteries outside the low ground wall to offset the defenders shield batteries. That’s the only thing I know of that is even supposed to work some of the time. It’s part of why Max is doing so well now on ladder. He simply copied that build and uses it every game. He’s just copying the best builds, like most people…

One day, this community is going to go down in history as one of the worst. Yet people think it’s good. It’s amazing.

This thread is starting to kill my buzz. Wow.

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There’s another one where he straight up wins from the adept-zealot pressure but I can’t find it. Coincidently I found it from a Russian content creator… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Did you see my screenshot of Harstem’s response? He straight up told me the zealot was pointless and wasn’t viable. What do we call this? Funny. Yet, still gotta worship Max for the idea. Harstem is a clown. I don’t know which one is a bigger clown him or Max.

You guys could have asked me years ago, and I could have told you that you can win around 50% of games in P vs P via the zealot and adept, alone. Vs a certain MMR, you will literally win every game from the first zealot, alone. I’m not even joking. Heck, even vs Puck… I’ve killed like 4 probes and then made him lose tons of mining time with a single zealot.

This scene has a huge fraud/pretending problem. They think the trump card to everything is “who has more MMR.” If you said you wrote the lord of the rings, they’d say… but what’s your MMR bro. What kind of level of thinking is this scene at. It’s absurd.

Let me watch Florencio and copy all his builds, so I can have created “all of his builds.” It’s just so frustrating dealing with people in this scene, at large. It’s just like absolutely mental.

Who wrote this memo that said Playa isn’t allowed to get credit for anything and needs to quit remastered for being “too good?” You guys need zero reason to hate on people and zero reasons to praise people. Just pulling names out of a hat. It’s amazing.

Please link. Rotti also said the zealot was pointless too, said you were stuck in hots.

h ttps://

I’ll even add the random replay I sent him then: h ttps://

In any walk of life, some amount of people are going to be scammers and what not, yet… not a single person in SC 2 is called out as one… not a single person is banned from anything, besides maybe Avilo… It’s just like my god… Aren’t we perceptive and honorable…

If you’re getting attacked in this game… you must be awesome. Cause god knows you can do anything else and it’s cool.

I beat Rotti every single game because he’s using a windows 95 version of my build. I stopped using that style so long ago. It’s not even like I’m better than him or amazing, it’s just his build sucks in comparison. He’s not supposed to win, thus he rarely, rarely ever does. I commend him for sticking with that overall pointless build.

It’s not a joke. He’s using windows 95 and thinks it’s awesome.

In what world is killing multiple probes, delaying mining time AND getting scouting in P VS P pointless? It’s like how stupid are these guys? They have to be pretending, but why would anyone pretend to be that dumb?

Yes, vs competent people who aren’t playing mindlessly (no one), there is something one could do to counter the zealot, but no one does. But, you could say that for anything, especially in a mirror matchup.

It also makes you far safer vs any type of cheese. Proxy gates, cannon rush… I have a rep of beating Rotti with this same build Max just used from over 2 years ago. He’s been getting beat with it for that long. He still loses probes vs the zealot, even with his gateways right next to his nexus for crying out loud.

SC2 1v1 scene is basically a bunch of giant clowns, clowning on each other all day. Stay in team game ladder, less douches there.

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It’s the SC2 streamers that are the biggest clowns. Their streaming platform just gives them that chance to really be the biggest clown that they can possibly be.

These guys have literally copied everything, yet they still hate. They even emulated my pointsthief name. These guys went on the pylon show talking about how my account was Parting’s, just so they they could gloat about how “Parting” was using “their build.” This is the level of lying they do, just to make themselves look good. Like, really… me and Parting are so similar of a player… and it’s totally “their build” and not them copying me, lmao.

Then, Scarlett and Special used names like mine cause they thought the name was cute. Like they became “MMRthief” and what not. I’m not hating, I’m just saying the extent. Guess who started being named after crypto coins and what not? Surprise me. Now, everyone wants their own coin and to name themselves after a coin and act like it’s the newest genius idea.

Yet… I still don’t have a single build named after myself, despite telling people what build max would use… and then him doing that to a tee. Doing it years before anyone else. And casters and what not know this. This is the level of censorship and racism and what not in this scene. People can come up with any reason to blackball someone, but at the end of the day… SC 2 makes the 1800’s look fair. It is what it is. It’s a disgrace to humanity what this scene is.

And these guys hide behind “being good guys” and I’m the bad guy. You know, the other week, I was pondering coming up with an alias/disguise to try playing Remastered. That’s how absurd this level of discriminating has gotten.

If I play in a tournament, they literally say their game crashed, after they lost every unit… and demand a rematch and get it… or they INSTANTLY say I won’t respond, despite instantly messaging them and them never messaging me. Do they have to wait 15 minutes to get a walkover? No… they get it instantly. Within a minute.

That’s the level of scamming in Starcraft. They’re all awesome people, though. I’m the problem. When they can’t think of any possible excuse… they just say “the dog ate the homework” and that’s sufficient enough. It’s unbelievable.

There’s people playing in tournaments now who not only blatantly hack but will even message you laughing about it. Like it’s a joke to them, lol. They can literally admit to it, no sarcasm, and just find it funny, yet… you’re expected to just play them and you’re a noob if you lose…

Does anyone realize how hard it is to play someone when you know they are a hacker? One, you know it shouldn’t happen in the first place. Two, how does it not damage you mentally? Like it completely malfunctions your brain. Like… “wonder how well this harass will fare. Let me take a minute thinking of surprise tactics.” The entire game your brain is just calling you an idiot and reminding you how futile it is, meanwhile the other guy is just watching every move and laughing at everything. Then you gotta GG to really make them roll over laughing.

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Right, why don’t you ever post with PointsThief anymore? I remember that account.

That’s what they do bro. Honestly, I know you only watch Hupsaiya but if it’s getting you this angry, probably stop watching him too. I completely agree, all the streamers are psychopathic greedy people.

One theory I have is that these group of NA streamers are so psychotic, that that weird puck kid was actually jealous of scarlett. All you would ever see in twitch chat, back when I watched, was that Scarlett was actually a man. It’s obvious puck saw this. Puck also lost to Scarlett multiple times.

I believe these people are that desperate for attention, that Puck actually did whatever he did, because he wanted to be like Scarlett. As far as the coin thing goes. Ya first I’ve heard of it was here when some one said Livibee does it.

More do it now. Also at least one of the hot tub streamers has their own coin now, so that will only be followed by more.


You know, people gave me a lot of grief for that, and were acting like I was trying to smurf and fool everyone and what not. Like I was too ashamed or something to post on Playa. Truth: I was just automatically switched to Pointsthief and I had no clue how to post on Playa (tried), then one day… it just switched back to Playa. I never once tried to post on that account or even knew I could. That is just my SEA integrated account…

I don’t know how to post on it… even if I wanted to.

I tried to get her to promote crypto, in a fashion she does now, over a year ago. Yet, she’s part of scamming me, too. It’s really sad. I’m going to call it what it is. Pains me to say it. Who is she playing with right now? A scammer. A scam artist. A guy who viewbots. Bought followers on twitter. Listen… the guy has a BOYFRIEND. Repeat, he has a literal boyfriend, yet he keeps posting on twitter and what not about how all he wants in life is a real life double D anime cat girl to come how to that will cook him dinner.

One second he is making virtual love to his boyfriend, then the next second he is posting on twitter about needing to update his tinder account and how much he loves women. Not a single thing about the guy is legit/real… yet… she listens to him? Let’s him controls her life… and I’m the bad guy, too.

Wonder who is scamming who? Really hard to figure out. We gotta be the dumbest scene to ever grace the internet or the most psychotic, at least. It’s absolutely out of this world crazy.

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