If you’re aware of the cannon rushers in GM, just gotta look at their stats to realize… no one knows what to do. I’m sure it’s gotten better for the defenders, somewhat, cause god knows it couldn’t have gotten any worse, and it’s only been 10+ years of practice at defending it… You’d like to think sooner or later people can figure out how to stop an “all-in” if it’s not broken.
They can but people just poop the bed sometimes. I mean just look at Gaulzi, pros throw to that guy all the time despite him doing some of the funniest, dumbest, least efficient crap out there.
Who is that guy? I feel like I heard that name a lot when I first started. I think at one point I knew who it was. Does the guy still play? The way you’re talking, he has to. I feel like you took a time machine or something or haven’t played in years.
It’s really annoying watching pros lose to random players doing cannon rushes, game after game, and making an excuse each time. Oh man, he did that cannon rush so bad. I just messed up. Man, can’t believe I lost to that. I was watching TV. Chat distracted me. No one just owns up to bruh… listen, I lose to this strat every game, for 10 years in a row now. Don’t judge me, judge the cannon rush balance.
Just own it. Your dog didn’t eat your homework every time you got cannon rushed. The excuses are more silly than the cannon rushing.
Cannons rushers usually die to Probius rush easier than all the others. It’s so funny to see their reaction after that.
I personally have probably a 90% win rate vs cannon rush right now. I basically just drop a defensive forge, cancel the second gateway and build a proxy pylon as soon as I see it’s a cannon rush. The aim is to build a stargate on his side of the map and kill him with one void ray. The defensive forge stops you from taking real damage and almost always I can kill them with one void ray, sometimes you need two void rays tops. You’ll lose the forge and the cyber but it doesn’t matter cause whatever cannons you put down will stop the advance and your void will kill him.
If cannons get behind your mineral line that’s a you problem. I always put a probe on any enemy probe that arrives in my base before 1 min. I’m not a GM but simply a masters player but nonetheless I feel zero fear from cannon rushers for the most part. One void ray over their base and they’re dead. At the very least you can convert over to a proxy void shield battery attack and take a nexus on the other side of the map. I’m happy to post a replay if people are interested.
@Playa is still worth it to get into the dogecoins?
My win rate isn’t terrible vs cannon rushing, but when nearly every loss you have is vs cannon rushing, it tends to kinda stick out like sore thumb and aggravate you even more.
That’s kinda been the theme/recipe I’ve found to be successful. But, recently, at least with how I’ve played… I’ve learned it’s actually far better to not proxy the stargate. Just make it in your base, rally out an oracle to their base and then go void rays for defense.
Here’s kind of a problem I see. You’re supposed to make your buildings on the low ground. It allows for 1 gate builds. And 1 gate is just flat out better than 2 gate builds. But, you then lose the ability to completely wall off with a forge, if that’s your jam/needed.
So, it’s a bit of a conundrum. I wouldn’t mind seeing replays vs in base cannons or especially vs behind the mineral line ones. But, again, it sounds like maybe you’re just completely walling them out. As of now, when I beat it… it’s just kinda random. Luck, really.
Like I don’t cannon rush myself and I’m not like studying maps and trying to figure out all of the 24 different spots a kid can 3 pylon wall. It’s just not what I wanted to sign up for, you know? Appreciate the response.
The dream of doge coin fan boys is to make it a dollar. It’s at 38 cents now. It has the 6th highest market cap of all cryptos. This is what I was trying to tell these dense sheep. They just don’t listen. I hate everyone, you know? Alright, few exceptions. I swear this is hell, though.
Does the potential of a 2.5 x or w/e excite you? Personally… me? No. It’s already too high for a meme, despite what I was saying/preaching. Nothing in this world makes sense, so if it doesn’t make sense, then that’s probably your best bet.
But, ideally… in this noobs estimation… you want to invest in coins that will not only appreciate in value, but also have staking either now or in the future. Passive income + valuation increase. If you’re not doing that, may as well just invest in bitcoin or eth…
People believe bitcoin could literally become “priceless,” while doge coin memers just want to hit a dollar and then buy lambos and who knows what they will care about after then.
Counter to cannons behind mineral line in P vs P
- Have a brain.
- Put a probe on top of his probe.
- Save a chrono for the zealot.
- Pull 4 probes per cannon/pylon.
- Drop a cyber core and chrono a stalker.
- Have a brain.
- 12 pylon.
- 14 gateway.
I try to wall them out but its not always possible. You just need 2 cannons to that stop the advance of his cannon. Most games I lose the forge and the gateway and the cyber but it doesn’t matter because the only units you will make are void rays. I play masters league on my main account. I put a couple of replays here which are my two most recent defenses. Both of them I didn’t even play optimally at all (this is a smurf account and do not try hard for the most part) and pretty much was never threatened. In both they actually tried to transition as well pretty quickly which is not what people normally do but are still behind. Hope it helps. BTW I got this from beastyqt. He had a series where he was doing skill batteries to GM and this was his preferred response to a few cannon rushers in a few of his games.
h ttps://lotv.spawningtool.com/68268/
h ttps://lotv.spawningtool.com/68269/
All your advices how to defend cannon rushes are pointless because you are referring to “average” cannon rusher who makes mistakes himself. People who specialize in cannon rushing (Florencio, Maxpax, PrintF etc.) will never let you get defensive forge or other BS, they will wall you with pylons and cannons in such way that you won’t be able to do s**t. And they are aware of counter-strategies like builind ninja nexus to recall all your probes - they will send a proble to check all expansions and then it’s gg.
Frustratingly true. I used to rely on the ninja base ways. It was so depressing, for so many reasons. Given what a good cannon rush looks like/how strong it is, there was this sense that your default play had to be to not even try to fight the cannon rush. Just instantly expand, cause… if they know what they’re doing… you’d have to do this. It’s so unbecoming and ridiculous. Guy making a forge shouldn’t = gotta give you my only base…
Then, the hide n go seek game. Did you pick your ninja expansion well? Did you win the guessing game? If you rally a zealot to where you expand, and if it’s near by… you might be able to stop them from cannon rushing it. Might be able to. But, even then… they’re probably going to take your gases. Like there’s so many ways to lose and so much that has to go right for you (luck).
Then, even if you get your base up, where’s your “natural.” Like, you’re all over the place. You’re in no man’s land. You don’t even know what to use for camera hotkeys. Any base starts to look just as good as the other for a future expansion. The game is just a complete random fest at best.
If someone wants to tell me this is balanced, well… at least let me argue that SC 2 needs to hire an “annoying team.” More aptly named “the anti annoying team.” Cause this is one of the more annoying things in the game, and if they could make it a tad less annoying, they’d, surprise, make the game less and annoying and thus more enjoyment for all, except for those who needed a timeout…
A cannon rush cannot build cannons right next to your nexus. They always start either on the low ground or on the ramp. You can always get cannons up that will stop the advance of his cannons and stop them from hitting your nexus. 100% of the time. The exception is maybe a map like submarine or death aura which had very tiny main bases but they are out of the pool right now. From there you can do whatever you want. Theres a video on youtube by printf and harstem on cannon rush defense and printf recommended defensive forge and cannons and getting into a void ray battle. I think he’s right on the defensive forge (of course he is. He’s the best cannon rusher) but wrong on getting into a void ray battle. You want your stargate proxied because you can hit him and he can’t really hit you and will always be behind in the void ray count as well.
Any time I’ve tried to make a defensive forge, I always just get out cannoned. As soon as you’ve pulled any workers or have taken a gas… they have more minerals to work with, thus make more cannons. Truly a feels bad man.
You can deflect canon rush even without defence forge pull a few probe for patrol in spot where canon can be placed
Check out the replays i posted.
You don’t pull workers. Keep mining. Build cannons to zone (this is best but you don’t even have to do this) . You’ll mine enough for a new nexus and the proxy stuff even if the cannons are not effective in slowing the assault but often just 2 cannons are enough to prevent your nexus or assimilators from taking damage.
You can also check out this beastyqt vid that show a similar idea.
h ttps://youtu.be/ZESbOe3h7WQ?list=PL2VswB1ebSNDCT5wYm9560DDfmZfcibXE&t=332
Just proxy something on the other side of the map and kill him. proxy void is best because probes can’t fight it. All you need is 1 or 2 void rays to win generally.
You mean a-moving all your probes on his main? They usually have nothing there, but it’s more than enough time to put down one cannon that will build by the time your probes get to his main. He probably will see your probes leaving too.
Not really. Too long to explain, so here’s replay
LUL this bird. Have not done. The 13 gate?
hi playa, i’m watching maxpax right now vs drg, should i mention in chat that he is probably using a playa build ?
The exception to this is when it’s proxy gateway+cannons. Then things get obnoxiously complex and you’re locked into a micro battle, praying they don’t get shield batteries.