Do you happen to know which episode this one was? I haven’t watched since incontrol died. It’s just a bunch of no-name’s on it every week now.
An extremely negative effect that the show has had has been carrying on the weird “streamer=pro” thing in SC2. It’s just sad to think that I should have to sit and listen to some scrub act like he’s a genius of the game just because said scrub is a streamer.
Glad to not watch it anymore. But I would like to see if that episode you are referencing is on youtube or something.
It was when Incontrol was still alive. I didn’t watch it live. I just had people telling me that I was Parting… Like Jason played me and thought I was Parting. I even played against Livibee and made a joke about the honor of playing against Parting, because Vibe was going around saying I was Parting…
I ended up watching where they were talking about it back in the day, just looking for that part. I think Incontrol, for some reason, asked who Pointsthief was and then for “some reason” Rotti and Vibe were like that’s Parting. Like zero hesitation, that’s Parting. I think Incontrol brought it up because he was wondering who was using “Rotti’s build.” You see, that build Rotti does… I was doing that when I started LotV. He didn’t innovate anything…
So, instead of fessing up to the truth, this is what people do… they compound the lies. One lie after another. Now, I have to hear people saying Rotti was hating on me and calling something in my build pointless? The irony never ceases to amaze. It just gets more and more comical, the less ignorant one is about the reality of what is going on. Yet, I just play dumb, too… just to avoid the never ending drama brought on by lying psychopaths.
I have absolutely no idea why Vibe was into calling me Parting… Absolutely stupid. Like I literally might have the worst micro in GM. Like I absolutely don’t care about micro. Strategy interests me. Optimizing macro… bout it. Micro? Peasant stuff. I hate how much micro is supposed to influence who wins or loses in this game. To me, it’s akin to like chess where if it wouldn’t be about who made the smartest/best moves but “who moved their pieces the most precise.” Like… who moved their pieces to the direct center of the square. It’s just so over weighted in importance to me.
On the same note/topic, kinda. When I play Nathanias, he says “oh hey, it’s Adonis, the guy who copies Rotti.” It’s so weird.
Oh ok good I don’t mind searching thru the ones with Incontrol in them. You know what the worst part of playing Livibee is? It’s never just her, it’s always Vibe’s presence hovering over there too. Either watching on stream, in her chat, or even right next to her in the chair.
It’s a little too creepy for me. Are they married or what? The first time I started watching Livibee she lived in Denver. Afaik her and Vibe lived together in Colorado. And Vibe has lived in australia. Not sure if vibe is down there or not, he probably is. It seems like he just rides on her coattails.
Ya basically if Incontrol says something, it’s taken as cannon. It’s regarded as the Bible. So that’s just bad luck that he had those two morons on the episode that day.
Between the way you describe berrycrunch, and taking into account puck as well, wow the SC2 scene just fell off hard into a straight up clown college type atmosphere.
I dunno. I never watched a female stream, really, before the past year. Even then, by happenstance, nothing intentional. All I can tell you about Vibe is that he’s a clown. You know that P vs P build that Max copied from me? When I used it against Vibe a year ago, he called it the worst build ever. Called it/me brain dead, and used every other insult and went on about “hope you hear this. You’re a d bag, etc, etc.”
I told him it was a meta worthy build. A couple months later… exactly what happened. Later that same day, Vibe was going on and on about how genius he was for going void ray, disruptor vs Zerg and how meta breaking it was. You can’t make this stuff up. So, I’m like okay, this is ridiculous. I’m thinking the guy is trying to mock me or something, but he’s serious. The same style/build I’ve used against him for years straight… he thought he just created it…
I’m like look, look at any replay of any game I’ve played vs you in the past 3 years and tell me if you see a single difference with what you’re doing now… Guess what… now he refuses to use that style, despite loving it, just so he doesn’t have to give me any credit. SAD. Gotta say it in caps or else it’s truly an understatement. That embodies this scene, though.
You gotta ask yourself… what type of people end up being friends with people like this? Unfortunately, similar people probably… the whole “birds of a feather” thing.
What gets me about Incontrol is… I never had any issue with the guy. I thought he was talented. Here’s the honest to god truth. I gg’d vs the guy every game in SC 2. Nearly half the time, I gave him compliments, be it for his casting his BW results/skill or w/e. It’s the closest I’ve come to looking like a fan in SC 2. I was just paying respects. Giving dues, right?
Yet, about 30 games or so later… I simply questioned one thing he did in a game, because it made no sense then and it’s made zero sense since then. He just kept sending probes to my base to make random pylons in HotS. A probe would die. He would send another. He wasn’t cannon rushing. He wasn’t 4 gating. Like what kinda idiot wouldn’t be curious?
Yet, this set the guy off so much, that he went on one of the most epic rants ever, where he called me everything in the world. Started insulting random things, with no knowledge of. Said I had the worst car. Was the worst player in BW, etc etc. It never ended. He said I never would GG vs him. He then said I would talk to him after the game, telling him how he should play. It was just absolutely absurd.
Again… this is what I have to deal with when I had no issue with the guy and did jack for them to have an issue with me. It’s ridiculous. One of my favorite stories if not my favorite was Incontrol simply talking about how a rich prince in Saudi Arabia or w/e paid him 10k to just come chill with them and teach his friend how to play SC 2.
I was never a hater. But these guys with their untouchable persona/egos who can’t handle anything but worship… try to bully you into being the most ardent fan ever, to the point where you’re not allowed to ponder they might not be perfect. It’s like… buddy… we play nearly every other day… cause we’re peers at worst. I don’t care that you’ve been on TV and its pumped your ego. At the end of the day, it is that.
I gotta be honest with you. I really have no idea what you’re on about in regards to Puck. Don’t get it twisted. I’m not saying you’re wrong. I’m just saying, I’m not informed about whatever it is you may be informed about.
I think Puck wanted to become trans for a long time, but he simply said his dad was going to disown him if he did, so… he just stuck to “being puck” for a while due to that conflict. Very understandable. To me… if you like guys… and you’re a guy… you tend to be more feminine, usually. It’s only kinda natural to “want to be a girl.”
Where Puck loses me, though, is when he/she tries to claim that it’s ignorant to not treat trans women as actual women. It seems like Puck doesn’t want to believe there’s any difference. To me, that just confirms there’s something “wrong” going on, mentally. My opinion, though. I don’t hate him or anything, even though he called my P vs P build stupid… despite losing to it game after game…
I don’t wanna create drama or be “edgy” for the sake of it or w/e. I don’t have any issues with Puck. I think that Puck is incredibly smart. Nina’s or w/e… her micro is unreal and her knowledge about units and how many hits it takes and the impact of upgrades and what not is uncanny/unmatched. I’m a fan. I just wasn’t raised in make believe land. I don’t think science or common sense backs anything they’re saying, and it’s merely just a fad of being PC to throw euphemisms on things. The age of euphemism science…
As for Berry… if there is anyone I never want to mention again… it’s him. I’m so sick of this guy. I’m so unbelievably sick of him. The only good thing you can say about the guy is he doesn’t appear to hack. It’s the most amazing thing to me in this game. Most inconsistent thing, because EVERYTHING else he does is a scam/fraud.
This is the type of guy who ends up in prison. This is the type of guy who ends up on shows for ruining others lives. He’s so deranged that who knows what he is doing to others… he could literally be holding other people hostage… yet… we have this culture where he can do anything and get away with anything, as long as another streamer vouches for him… cause “streamers are gods.” The danger of glorifying make believe and putting streamers on such a pedestal… that lives could literally be in danger and no one would ever be able to do anything about it cause “streamer pretends guy is nice, thus… untouchable.”
Stealing, robbing, scamming probably seems cool if you don’t have a conscience until you face ramifications. In SC 2… the ramifications have yet to happen. It’s creating a dangerous environment.
Since everyone is stealing from you, could I join in? I know Terran isn’t your main race but if you have any ideas on how to open or variations from the meta that’d be great.
You’ve mentioned this before. You know what it could have been? He might have had his Nexus rally point set there by mistake. I know it’s happened to me before. You might not realize until about 2 or 3 probes wind up there. He might have just made the pylon as a scout or mind game I guess.
That is a cool story. Apparently money flows like water over there. Because of the oil. Do you remember Lil Etsy? She always wanted to go to Saudi for some reason.
No. I’m not aware of who you’re talking about. But yeah… all those guys are rich off oil. They say that they’re actually the richest people in the world and their money is so beyond comprehension that people like even Bill Gates would be poor in comparison. It’s supposed to be like something they try to keep secret for w/e reason. Like they don’t want people to realize “they’re leading the money ladder.”
On this subject, while I have been beating this strat more times than not… for anyone acting like I was a noob or it’s “so easy to beat,” Showtime was talking about this very strategy a couple days ago, on stream, and talking about he has no idea what you can do to beat it, and how he lost 50 points to it the other day.
When you get proof to how stupid your condescension is and get proven wrong, you don’t admit to being wrong or give any credit… you just resort back to more stupidity. It’s pathetic. Grow up. I can type 150 WPM. Typing is nothing to me. It’s kinda weird to only spend a minute typing. If I have something on my mind, it’s nothing for me to type it, thus I do. You never have anything on your mind worth saying… you just have pointless 1 liners. I’ll do me, you… maybe not do you.
dood, all i said was “should i inform chat that he’s using a playa build?” the answer is yes or no, you keep writing pages of god knows what for no reason… you could answer the question, or you could keep writing things that don’t matter.
I’ve told you so many times that I don’t want you to talk to me or vice versa, yet… you didn’t accept that answer… so forgive me if I don’t care to answer your stupid questions.
you do realize the only reason you’re posting in this thread again is because of MY POST, WHICH YOU READ, you know there’s ignore features if you REALLY don’t want to engage with me, but you obviously do since you reply to everything i post… you are seriously lost my dood.
Be quiet. I don’t like you. Stop trying to “play coy.” Hey guys… I’m going to patronize and annoy this dude to no end and then I’m going to act like an idiot and be like bruh it was just an honest question. Be quiet. That’s as fair as I can say it. Just be quiet.
Did you see that Max is copying me. Want to talk about it? You got eyeballs right? You got a brain? Why you giving me grief. Just trying to see how stupid you can look? But guys… don’t you get it… he typed a lot of words man. Who cares if they were all accurately and on point. Guys don’t you get it… he hurt my feelings one day, so now I gotta keep harassing him endlessly. You get it don’t you guys? I get it. It’s stupid. Stop.
i actually have NO idea if he was using your build or not (i don’t actually know what your builds are because i don’t care about that one bit) , you’re right, i’m trolling you, and you’ve taken the bait, hook line and sinker, look at you go ! ROFL. but again yes. I’M THE IDIOT HERE. ROFL.
Hahha. A grown up who trolls isn’t an idiot but the person who took the bait is. Sounds like a really smart guy, right? hahhaa. Got us all good. He totally fooled me didn’t he. Hahahahahaahahah. Hahahahhahahaha.
Anyways, ignoring mr irrelevant whose greatest contribution to SC 2 is non stop trolling… I’ve been going fast zealot since early on in HotS. While everyone else was complaining non stop about how P vs P was merely a coin flip and there was nothing you could do… guess what… I simply scouted with a zealot and molded my build to counter what I saw.
But, oh that’s right… it’s pointless, huh? People have to stop being mindless, like Habits. It’s okay to realize there is a problem and try to think of ways to address it without waiting on a “genius copier” to copy the one guy who didn’t turn off his brain. Like it’s ridiculous. It’s not rocket science that you can make a unit to scout… It’s not a hard concept to understand that scouting has value… and it’s easily worth 100 minerals.
block me then you… i have no intention to ever stop trolling the child. i’m not the one telling you to be quiet. sure your posts are long winded and have nothing to them, you just repeat yourself over and over… so there’s nothing new to read ever… so maybe you ignore me, since i only read like 20% of your post and then just write like 6 words and watch you write another book, like how long can you sit here doing this everyday? you’re hilarious.
Have you ever looked in the mirror and asked “why am I like this?” Look at how you act, and you’re trying to get one over on others. What level could be lower than what you’re at? It doesn’t exist. So… maybe try to not be you. Everyone would appreciate it.
i’m trying to get you to look into the mirror with all of this, when are you going to tell yourself whining at a bunch of people that don’t care about a topic that doesn’t matter… like you’re crying about starcraft builds, something most people in the real world don’t even know exist. what you are crying about is so non important it’s just funny to me that YOU’RE STILL ON ABOUT IT. for like years… GROW UP ALREADY. do something more with your life, god damn. why does this need to be said to you?