If you’re able to win games before the 2 minute mark, something is probably broken/beyond abusive. Especially when you don’t even need to make an army unit and the opponent hasn’t even expanded and even knows what you’re doing, in advance. In BW ladder, you were actually able to leave games before 2 minutes and have it count as a draw.
Either way, w/e this abomination is… it’s so stupid that it’s not fun to think about it. It makes you feel like an idiot for even thinking about it. It makes you feel like an idiot for even playing a game where this is a thing. It’s honestly depressing. I can’t give it much thought due to the above.
So, could one of you guys just tell me what the correct response/counter is to a guy whose purpose in life is making a cannon by your mineral line, in what could be 10 different spots for all you know?
Am I just supposed to take 99% of probes off mining to attack his probes before he has even made a building, and then just rely on winning from there cause… you know… the opponent is so distraught over not getting a free win before the 2 minute mark, that he’s going to be too busy crying to capitalize on the adv he got for… having his wish stopped…
Serious thread. I don’t know. Please help me. Do the dumb thinking for me. Thanks.