Counter to cannons behind mineral line in P vs P?

Probescout is the one who’s gonna be losing his mind this time. :^)

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I heard Goba doesn’t use rapid fire for warp ins because Playa will eventually get it removed. PS don’t let emoci see that…

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Actually i use R-fire only for Zealots, all other units i warp individually. Who wants to accidently warp 16 Sentries when really he needs 8 Archons?
Now i am in the road of achieving GM with Terran…
I guess i can beat Plays as Terran, he sucks with Protoss when even BatZ is able to defeat him (BatZ being a sh…ty player but a good snake-oil salesman).

This slanderous scoundrel. This is why I just came back. Gotta solve that P vs T business and put Goba or w/e his name is out of the hypothetical business. He’s peddling a little too much optimism for my liking.

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Playa about to lose to UpatreeZelda… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Ooof takes the +40 and Upatree runs back to unranked… Never mind rematch time!

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imagine all tat workers u can halluc :open_mouth:

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Unfortunately i have not the video (2-3 years ago) when KingCobra managed to scare to death a terran with 18 Colossi. He built a big number of Sentries and did just that.
The game is hilarious.
The terran wrote: OMG OMG OMG
I have posted that video in the old forum a couple of years ago.

Can you get the link for this video>?

I will search but i don’t believe i cand find it. There are hundred of videos dating from 2015. If one can search in the old forum…

It’s a work in progress. Gotta figure out all the permutations and what not. Just remember you saw it here first before MaxFraud does it. That Yaga guy is like rainman but instead of knowing everything about everything, he only knows everything about KingCobra. When the gods let you choose what knowledge to possess, choose wisely kids.

So you’ve already given up going stargate? why robo???

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You know, I’m not sure if I’ve actually ever tried proxying a stargate at their expand. But, in my estimation I think robo is far superior because you’re able to take a nexus really quickly, thus there’s far less pressure on you to contain them for very long. Whereas if you go stargate, I think you have to make a void ray before expanding.

It’s been a little bit since I’ve done the stargate version. I could try it again, but… what do you think? And when you go stargate first, you really have to follow up the void rays with phoenix, which is kinda lame. Phoenix are just so hard to get value with early on.

If you go robo and you have immortals and a fast robo bay, like you’re safe vs everything, where as with a stargate, it’s a lot more wonky and there’s far more pressure to get the essential robo units out. It’s just so much easier to “get all your pieces” and get the value you need when you open robo.

It’s really freaking nice to have an observer instantly in Terran’s base. So much comfort comes with that, and you’re able to pick off depots with not much to worry about. I feel like this is the only way to actually get value out of an observer.

If you make a normal robo… by the time an obs gets to Terran’s base… who knows what’s going on. Your build is already decided and he could be dropping you then and there or cloak banshee shows up and you gotta recall.

I feel like it’s harder for them to just bust out with marines and scvs or w/e. I’m trying to make the minimum amount of stuff possible and have it be as macro centric as possible, and I feel like “sturdy robo units” accomplishes that a lot better (don’t need mass shield batteries for instance). Once you have phoenixes… you simply have a flimsy comp and so much can go wrong.

This build works out really nicely. Like the timings and the money… everything just fits like a glove, more or less. A big thing is, it’s also harder for Terran to do counter attacks. When you open stargate, it’s a lot easier for them to weasel out early with a drop to make you recall, where as immortals are a lot more threatening.

To add, I’ve had numerous games, so far, where Terran hasn’t been able to take their natural until after 8 mins in. By that time, I’ve had a fully saturated third. Like, it’s so insane, that I feel like you HAVE to make a bunker ASAP at the pylon or else I need to mess up.

Maybe in PvZ and partly in PvT when terran is heavy on marines, but in PvP? Phoenix value is partially to lift and kill units, in early-game when your opponent has few units a couple of lifted Immortals is what seals his demise.
The ability of Phoenix to remove from the fight an important unit early on is not to be undervaluated.
Also those pesky 2-3 Adepts that penetrate in the mineral-lines are an easy-prey to the Phoenixes.

Can a man simply talk about his P vs T? Phoenix are my least favorite unit vs Zerg. Okay, nothing is worse than having a tempest, but please never have more than like 1 or 2 phoenixes at most against a player who doesn’t have mutas (I admit I make some vs swarm hosts, not that it helps me). You never want to be Rotti, unless he’s emulating someone else.

Well, okay… if you’re going to mass phoenixes obviously P vs P. I don’t ever look to set out on massing phoenixes vs Toss, but… if the other guy goes phoenix and you have a stargate… now you’re going phoenix, too, which says something I guess.

But, the subject at hand… I’ve always made around 5 phoenixes vs Terran, but I’m really realizing the importance of “how to get to your 5’ish phoenixes.” Like if you just open phoenix, it kinda sucks vs everything besides maybe cyclones. But even then, they fall off hard. You feel like you’re having to cower in the corner and you’re begging daddy to not waltz across the map and show you what’s up.

Not the way you want to live or play. Are you about to take a third base and making a void ray would delay it more than you’d want? Okay, make a phoenix. Good. You want to get to 5’ish, anyways. It’s such a “flow unit.” Like when the economy/game dictates it, cause else… you’re to be guarding against a drop, as its only utility, while a guy just beats your brains in, head on.

In short, a lot more goes into making phoenix than just spamming them like Rotti and hoping for the best. Don’t do that. Anything but that.

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Now, i agree in PvZ that Phoenix has not much use (unless muta) but both PvT and PvP they are very handy.
They kill drops and Libs, also in a fight they help the golden armada unlocking the full Range of Tempests. Very good in killing WM and picking the odd Maine send for scouting.
It’s about the play-style, some are dog-people some cat-people (Rotti).
Both are good people.

My standard P vs P is 4 void ray, 2 phoenix push. Every time, unless facing phoenix. A few phoenix are good. Then, they become absolutely necessary if the other guy goes disruptors.

Just opening mass phoenix is brain dead, for P vs P, though. Phoenix vs phoenix simply allows you to beat anyone or lose to anyone. One, maybe your build gets countered vs some all-in. Two, even if it’s not countered, you’re taking the game out of your hands. One of my best records vs anyone is vs Rotti, cause he just uses my ancient style that sucks so bad in contrast. And it’s even worse cause he makes 2 gates instead of 1. I give him props for even being able to win with something that bad. I’m not being sarcastic.

I’ve written before that you need phoenix vs Terran. You have to add some risk to the equation of drops. And, you have to be able to shut down some angles of attack or a Terran can just scan, sit back, and figure out where your weak points are and just attack at will. Eliminating some of your weak points involves having phoenix.

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Hey protoss guys

What do you think about nerfing cannon rush by canceling buildings under construction when pylon is destroyed ? Makes sense. Protoss buildings shouldn’t be able to continue warping in without psionic matrix.

That’s a pretty reasonable nerf, won’t really change much though. Not for cannon rushing. Will hurt nat stealing with a gateway or forge though.

Personally, I cannon rush all my PvPs…because a well executed cannon rush is just dumb in the MU - and at diamond 3/4 of the players still don’t know how to beat it (seriously 4 probes per pylon, chase the building probe and make sure it’s not a double pronged cannon rush/if they plop down a pylon behind your mineral line, you need to go full panic mode).

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