and here i thought you where so much ahead of all of us since you invented metagames lightyears ago [/sarcsm]
hm it would make sense to some extent that you atleast have a probe chasing the enemy probe and if necessary pull additional probes to counter a building cannon but since we are talking here wall’d in cannons it more like a allin, in worst case scenario u killed that cannon but probes are now traped between minerals and enemy structures, sure you could recall them easily but given you are aming for fastest lot possible ypu can’t chrono gate that way …
No need to be a d-bag about reality nor is there a reason to gloat about it. It merely is what it is. And, it’s not like I lose to this guy or people like him every game. The mere fact that they win any games is simply too many times.
We’re talking about the highest win rate build in the history of LotV here, which is merely a cannon rush in P vs P. It’s that because it’s broken.
These cannon rushers are 50% or sub that vs Terran and Zerg and always at least 60% vs Toss. The strat should be nerfed until it wins about the same rate vs Toss as it does the other races. Seems obvious enough to me.
Btw, did come up with meta in p vs p, and solved 1 form of the cannon rush vs it. More than others can say…
Edit: The game I played after making this post was exactly vs the cannon rush “I have solved.” I’ve won my last many, many games vs this form: h ttps://
This is actually the most common form for me to face, too, so… if I’m losing to cannon rushing… everyone is getting annihilated by cannon rushing on ladder. And, ofc… my opponent had won over 65% of his games vs Toss, cause… he cannon rushes every game.
That was Harstem during a TvP. It’s really funny to do against Terran because it’s pretty viable to just float your CC if they’re not using your natural to stage their cannon rush.
That is something I’ve been wondering about. I hate the idea of changing something for every point in the game, when it’s just a problem at a specific point. Like… in my world… I’d love for the build time of cannons to be increased for any cannon that comes before a minute 30 into the game.
That would help nerf cannon rushing in P vs P, without having any real impact anywhere else. Which is what’s needed.
This is something that has aggravated so many people, that it wouldn’t even matter if I completely solved cannon rushing. Like… it’s still going to irk everyone and make far more people hate the game than it causes people to enjoy it.
It’s crazy to me to think they’ve never attempted a single nerf, to my knowledge, to this strat… even when they were thinking of everything else to nerf about Toss. We’ve had air upgrade research times increased. Assimilator HP nerfs. The freaking tempest has been nerfed a lot.
Literally every Toss thing besides cannon rushing has been either directly nerfed or indirectly nerfed at some point. The anguish of being cannon rushed really needs to be the one constant? They really isolated the greatest thing about the game… Totally the fairest thing, too. It just makes no sense.
When I played on EU a couple years ago, I was like wait a second a second… every one of my losses is basically versus a cannon rush. I then tallied up just how many times I had been cannon rushed. 25% of my games. Not a percent less or more was vs cannon rushing in P vs P. 1 out of 4 games facing the most aggravating strategy in SC 2 history? Is that really the frequency we want of cannon rushing? This is in GM, mind you. Do we really need/want what’s supposed to be our best players/strategists just doing basic cannon rushes 25% of the time?
That’s a load of crap. A protoss player that ignores his race’s defense interests is a shame to the race. Add to this that this crapper has patented all existing builds of the Protoss. Terran and Zerg race…
The solution of CNR to PvP and PvX is simple:
Goba 5 sec rule:
Building (Including Pylons, Cannons, Bunkers. Turrets, Spines, Spores) outside of 14 Range of main structures (Nexi, CC, Hatch) builds with 5 sec delay.
If inside 14 Range those structures build 5 sec faster.
A CNR’er this way will have a 10 sec disadvantage in placing Cannons in Playa’s Base…
Stop with the random hate/face palms. I’m pretty sure what you quoted took away the context of “this will only apply to cannon rushing.” There is no scenario where you make a defensive cannon before it’s possible to have done so, if you went gateway before forge…
There are no forge, gateway, defensive builds. No one wants to play against cannon rushing every other game. All it does is give people free GM, further increasing the GM numbers for Toss, and further increasing HATRED for our race. For what gain? Zero.
I remember who cannon rushes and blind counter them LOL. The idiots can’t do anything else. Trust me, I don’t need help with cannon rushers and defensive cannons aren’t really that good anyway.
My proposal increases the defender’s advantage for all 3 races and as a side-bonus nerffs the Cannon-Rush significantly.
Now, maybe CNR is not defeated with Cannons but building your own counter-cannons (you are the defender) stalls the aggressive Cannons and give precious time to prepare the response.
Many Cannon-Rushs are lost/won just by one shot of cannon coming 0.1 sec earlier or latter. My proposal fixes that by…10 seconds.
If you are Cannon-Rushed defensive Cannons are an important part of the anti-CNR strategy. You should find a way to stop Cannons from advancing.
PrintF is an amateur compared with the real expert in CNR - KingCobra, see some of his CNR and analyse the failed CNR …
I’m actually the guy that asked Pig to do the daily with Printf, because I had noticed Printf had won his last 40 P vs P games… and it was time for people to either become educated as to how to beat it or admit they have no idea and maybe something needs to be done.
But, here we are… still pretending, as even Printf can’t beat cannon rushing.
OK, then whine and yapp like the usual whineterrans of this forum. CannonRushing is here to stay.
Deal with it.
As about the yapper that liked your post it is funny that he has not come with a CNR and Anti-CNR “build” during those 22 Years, he has invented the wheel and the fire when we were sleeping…
That’s the thing. You can still have something be here to stay, yet make it more fair. Like they change units every time with nerfs or buffs, but they still remain. But when it comes to cannon rushing, there is this weird idea/perception of “it must be broken or not exist.” No, you know… just treat it like everything else in the world.
It’s like people have no idea how to use their brain when it comes to a structure. Like guys… big brain idea here… imagine if a cannon were a unit. How would you balance it? It’s like surreal…
Gotta spill the beans dear Playa… Terran players love 1 trick pony cannon rushers. If Protoss is doing well on the ladder (of course… it’s imba protoss…) cannon rushers are up at their peak MMR which means any time I get to queue up against them it’s free MMR to the highest degree. This is probably the reason Goba is against it, he announced months ago that he switched to Terran and needs all the help he can get.
Yea, actually i am both Master 1 in Protoss and Terran.
As Protoss i have 4700MMR and as Terran (not my main race) i have …5100MMR.
See for yourself.
This is proof that T is OP.
Another thing: in P i have 200APM, in T i have 240APM.
The truth will set you free. I hope you feel better now. A real role model for the rest to follow. I used to feel the same way about Toss. They’d get these easy wins via all-ins and then you’d just beat them in 5 minutes like they were a plat player.
Cannon rushers are the worst. It’s so stupid how they let these idiots dominate P vs P, season after season. I still see them trying to wall a cannon behind a mineral line vs Terran, even after it was figured out you just load SCVs in a CC and then drop them ontop of the cannon and then collect your win. Even before that, you could just float the CC elsewhere.
Season after season, they just get dunked on in P vs T but keep with the cannons cause… never learned how to do anything else, because the design of this game keeps feeding them MMR via P vs P… They think they’re doing something… just stick with it for 20 years and eventually they will win every game vs Terran…
Pretty cute and effective. There was some reddit clip a few years ago where some Terran beat Parting like this, on his stream, and he lost his mind. 9000 IQ Terran or something to that effect he said.