Co-Op Mutation #230: Of One Mind

Mengsk probably won’t be my go to for this mutation anyway.

The purpose of a zagara being paired with mengsk is that she can snipe all void slivers without having to kill a single enemy (outside of attack waves) just like mengsk can. Pairing mengsk with artanis or dehaka defeats the purpose of having a mengsk.

Polarity isn’t fun. Remove it.


playing with randoms on mutation is more like brutal 5+ x2, win ratio is 1 win 10 loss.

Eminent Domain can kill a stetellite for good, IIRC, but it requires that the stetellite be killed multiple times over.

I always had the impression that a disabled stetellite has reduced vision for some reason. Regardless, I hadn’t considered the fact that just having lots of stetellites reasonably spaced apart can slow the boom bot enough to make them a non-issue, which would make Signal Savant Stetmann the worst of the Stetmann prestiges for this mutation.

It’s harder to do this week with the supply constraints and all, but I would imagine that using fully-upgraded mecha zerglings to hold a boom bot in place is doable this mutation.

Blaze’s ultimate gear does make him take only 30 from eating a boom bot explosion, yes, so at least on paper a non-Lone Wolf Tychus can send him off to distract boom bots.

But if you are trying to hold a boom bot in place so you can disarm it, then you might get more mileage using fully-upgraded mecha zerglings (who can hold two boom bots indefinitely each, under constant green zone).

Green zone AND purple zone. Energy won’t just resupply themselves.

or just Pause the game if you really need to unless you have super high video game ethics or something.

I think they are pretty easy to handle without doing any kind of delay tactics. Just pay attention to the minimap.

I stand corrected. Still, I’ll go with the sentiment that there are better things to hold boom bots in place than mecha zerglings for this mutation.

stetmann P1 is very useful in this mutation

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stetmann p0 even more so, and stetmann p2 more useful still

No Spirit, play with me, I will carry you :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Zagara (P1 if you have) + sinatrA (P1 or 2 if you have) do work here.
It is sad to see that the devs’ response to an evident lack of cooperation in a supposedly cooperative game is to increase the chances partners get angry at eachother with such mutators.

10 Creeper Hosts is 50 supply, add in the workers (let’s say 25 supply for the main for each player - 19/21 on the minerals and 6 gas), which leaves only 100 supply for bunkers and that is presuming that both players are on one base. Given that Stukov would need lots of bunkers, and players would normally take their expansions, there is probably some basis to complain if you weren’t familiar with the mutator. Or at the very least, the Stukov player would curse at the fact that he has to constantly build overlords to not get supply blocked, let alone build bunkers, while Dehaka doesn’t.

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After experiencing Boom bots last time it became the second mutator along with Polarity I’m likely to just skip, simply too much of a pain when public queuing.


Did it with Dehaka prestige 2 and a regular Tychus partner

It was a close call though, I only had 1 building left lol

Much easier than the previous Boom Bot mutation.

I get it now thanks for the explanation.

What a frustrating mutation.

It took me 3 tries to beat it.

Tried P2 Kerringan -failed
Tried P3 Zagara - failed
Tried Artanis P0 with mass dragoons - Victory.

I guess the advantage of having a 200/200 population and Guardian Shell immediately really makes a difference here.

My ally is P3 Tychus.


oh boy, this with randoms it’s like brutal +12. My experiences so far

-Raynors lvl 3 P0
-people attacking shards ignoring if they are even damaging the shard
-people giving wrong codes or having 10 seconds to write one
-people capping the supply constantly, slowing one’s progress.

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Im planning on tackling this with P2 Stetman and Tychus, although I wonder if a level 1 P1 Tychus can handle it or not since I want my ally to be able to level off it.