Co-Op Mutation #230: Of One Mind

With limited supplies, you and your ally must share the available supply on the field, as well as control of the boom bot defusion device. Being on the same page as your ally is no longer enough; you need to be on the same letter.

Boom Bots - Uncaring automatons carry a nuclear payload toward your base. One player must discern the disarming sequence and the other player must enter it.
Polarity - Each enemy unit is immune to either your units or your ally’s units.
Sharing is Caring - Supply is shared between you and your partner, and units from both armies contribute to your combined supply cap.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1                                   Player 2
[CtG Solarite Celestial] [Spohky Emperor of the Dominion]
[CtG Infiltration Specialist] [Spohky Scourge Queen]
[CtG Evolution Master] Spohky Dark Prelate
[CtG Hierarch of the Daelaam] Galle Renegade Commander

Boom Bot spawn timings

Time Qty
2:28 1
3:58 1
5:28 1
6:58 1
8:28 1
9:58 1
11:28 1
12:58 2
14:08 2
15:18 2
16:28 2
17:38 2
18:48 2
19:38 2
20:28 2
21:18 2
22:08 2
22:58 2
23:48 2
24:38 2
25:28 2
26:18 2

[Reddit Post Link]

Other Notes:

  • Boom bots are untargetable units that walk toward the players, and detonate a nuke upon contact. They will survive the blast and keep walking until they are defused.
  • Each boom bot has a [4-digit code] that only one player can see. However, it is only the other player who can enter this code [through the command card or by using number keys], to defuse the boom bot.
  • The boom bots are [visible from the minimap], and spawn from enemy structures.
  • Boom bots aggro to your buildings. They “see” your initial buildings, so if you destroy your initial buildings and don’t let them see any more of your buildings, it will not move toward your base.
  • Half of every single attack wave and every base is immune to you or your ally. This means you cannot split between separate attack waves; both need to attack the same location simultaneously.
  • Enemies with the red shield are immune to your attacks. Another way to figure out which units are yours before engaging is to mouse over the enemy unit:
  •     [Yellow circle] is ally’s target
  •     [Red circle] is your target
  • Immobilization Wave, Time Stop, and other movement/attack restricting spells still work on enemy units immune to you, but they deal 0 damage.
  • You can manually target the enemy units immune to you, but it will do 0 damage.
  • The actual supply of both commanders are added. However, the supply limit is still individual for each commander. This means each player keeps the original supply cap, but must now accommodate both their supply and their ally’s.
  • Commanders with 100 supply cap retain the 100 supply cap. They will NOT be able to produce any supply-consuming units if their ally goes above 100 supply, for as long as the ally is over 100 supply.
  • Commanders with instant max supply perks like Artanis and Dehaka retain their perks.

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Boom Bots AND Polarity? Count me out. That’s some extra level of Brutation degeneracy.


with the alli…
1st clear Alarak P3+Abathur P3.

#230 Mutation (Of One Mind) play list.

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Oof this one just doesn’t seem fun in the slightest


easy with a regular ally especially if you are both competent, and use voice com (pausing game also works), GLHF if you pub.

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The difficulty of mutations these days are soaring to the realm of BS-ery?

Yeah, which is good since the prestiges upped a lot of power levels/added cheese


No, upping their game mean they are improving and making it both fun and hard.
This is just degeneracy at best.
They just don’t want to think about how to design a combination of fun and hard mutation.


I meant their degree of difficulty. Previously some mutations were easier going but in recent time they just got harder.

You gonna have to re-define the difficulty because this is not a difficulty.
This is either “Impossible to beat” or “Extremely easy to beat”, there is no in between.
This is how it is to all mutation that require communication between two allies.
If they wanted Co-op to be more “Co-op”, they should have done it by making each commander synergies with each other in the first place. Put a shackle on both player and force them to “Co-op” with each other through mutation is degeneracy at best.


I am very confused about sharing is caring.
Let me get this straight, the mutation is about sharing supplies.

So if I play with 2 commanders with 200 supplies, does that make a commander can use 400 supplies?

if your ally has 0 supply than you can have 400.

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Reading is hard.


I agree, this is not fun. Sure it can be done with cheese, but why are devs pushing cheesing strategies on us? Or fishing for right enemy comp.

These days you can’t just queue random and play, have to cheese and fish or speed run, anything but a normal play, how is this “increased difficulty”


This mutation is all about difficulty without a doubt, it is possible to beat but this mutation have lots of obstacles that makes it highly unlikely to beat but not totally impossible.

Polarity and Boombots are extremely difficult but yet hence it really ups the difficulty of the co-op.
Even though these mutations aren’t fun, they are nevertheless a difficulty, so I am not entirely wrong.
I just want to say that the diffculty was indeed raised but not in a good way.

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My bad I was just extremely confused. I played Dehaka you see and apparently my Stukov partner couldn’t make lot of Bunkers and complained that I had no way of making my own supplies because I am Dehaka.

I only made 10 Creeper hosts for my army and yet he still said I was making too much.

No, you can only have maximum 200 (if you have enough ovs/pylons/depots), but units your ally makes count towards your supply limit as well, so for example each commander can have 100 supply (and they both hit their 200 supply limit at that point)


I just read an article and it says that the Sharing is caring mutation had a bug that do not combine maximum amount of supply from two commanders and only limit 100 or 200 supplies.

If this bug is still persisting that would explain why my stukov partner made so little bunkers.
It makes sense since Co-op is still full of bugs.

Can you guys verify?

If playing with a non-random ally, this can probably be cheesed with mengsk p1 + zagara p1. The zagara limit of 150 supply would be a tad annoying but it should be ok.

Mengsk can rush the upgrade that allows troopers to be placed at the location of the rally and then start building earthsplitters at the location that hits every void shard. He would only be able to kill half of the void shards because of polarity but Zagara can fly scourge in to kill every void shard that mengsk can’t kill.

So you don’t have to kill any enemies except for attack waves. It is probably good to at least clear the enemies at the first void shard though so you have space to fight the attack waves in the middle of the map. Mengsk can save his imperial mandate and use Dogs of War on all of the attack waves while Zagara uses banelings/scourge to help.

Mengsk could have one or two earthsplitter ordinances in a different control group than the rest of the earthsplitter ordinances in order to provide vision for the kill bots. Or even better, they can kill their own main bases so that kill bots don’t move towards anyone’s base.

edit: another option would be to have mengsk+swann and let the swann laser drill down void shards while mengsk has one or two earthsplitters in a different control group that provide vision for the laser drill.

Haven’t tried it yet, but talked to my regular mutation partner about it, we thought some hero-only Dehaka plus some Tychus should make this pretty easy. Stett p2 might also work.

While I don’t like Polarity at all, I don’t really see this as a difficult mutation (not that many attack waves, and they all come from the point anyway; no green hybrids on the map), and boom bots are quite easy to handle, unlike kill bots which require units to kill.